Rosetta Code:Village Pump/Suggest a programming task

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 05:28, 7 December 2007 by MikeMol (talk | contribs) (Pruned, reorganized page.)

So you want to see a problem solved? If you're not comfortable creating the task page yourself, feel free to edit this page, and describe the problem below. (To edit this page, click the "edit" tab at the top.)

When making a request, please place it in the Unsorted section.

When reviewing requests, please help sort them into the categories farther down, based on the category descriptions.



  • Create a COM client (with early binding) (particularly with GCC/MinGW) (if possible under Winelib in linux is also interesting)
  • Provide a SOAP server function
  • Win interface... C++ calls to Fortran F90/95 Source Code ... and back...
  • Monte-carlo simulations

Task level

  • Retrieve bookmarks from (Or anything else that demonstrates a HTTPS request with authentication)
Should be divided between HTTP-standard authentication and certificate-authenticated SSL. --Short Circuit 22:28, 6 December 2007 (MST)
  • Simple DB connection and queries.
  • Root finding
  • Numerical Integration (rectangle, trapezium, newton-cotes, runge-kutta, etc)
Is the formula hard coded or do we have to interpolate for integration and root finding? --Mwn3d
I'll throw together an algorithm for rectangle and trapezium. I'm not particularly familiar with newton-cotes, runge-kutta or any root-finding algorithm. --Short Circuit 22:28, 6 December 2007 (MST)
  • Create a new thread and execute it
  • Iterating over elements in a collection
See: Loop Structures... I know at least the Java category has a Collections example --mwn3d 23:36, 9 November 2007 (EST)
Variable-length Collection-type-specific examples (Java collections, C++/STL container classes, functional lists, etc.) would be worthwhile. --Short Circuit 22:28, 6 December 2007 (MST)
  • SAX. As well as DOM and XPath it would probably be useful to demonstrate parsing a simple XML document with SAX.
  • Sleep/pause the main thread
  • Closures
  • Monads
  • Merge sort
  • [hard] arbitrary precision integer and floating point math routines (these can be very instructive to new programmers)
Demonstrate use of math libraries like bignum for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, sqrt. I realize the submitter was asking for an implementation, but they can check the library source for that.--Short Circuit 22:28, 6 December 2007 (MST)

Project level

  • Super Simple p2p network
Could be done with FIFOs for streams, and a constant number of clients. Needs to be more specific regarding what it does. --Short Circuit 22:28, 6 December 2007 (MST)
  • Writing a parser to parse structured text into appropriate native types. (A good demonstration format to parse might be JSON, though it should be about creating a parser rather handling JSON.)
  • [non-trivial] implement a table-based native code (macro?) assembler in various HLLs

Recently Completed

If a task has been completed, move the request to this category. Add a link to the task page, and sign (add --~~~~) to the request. Completed tasks more than a week old should be removed from the list.

On hold

Sounds Like Homework

These tasks may be interesting, but seem likely to be someone's homework. They should be put off until January. (Or the end of the next regular semester).

  • doubly-linked list algorithms, both cursor- and pointer-based implementations

Poor description

These may be too specific, or not specific enough.

  • Reading the file word by word using expect script