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Rosetta Code:Village Pump/EditAndExternalLinks

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Revision as of 12:08, 15 October 2017 by rosettacode>Hindsight2000 (Created page with "{{Vptopic |topic=Edit with external links ? |summary=When I try to edit I get a message that my text would include external links }} (Newbie) When I try to edit a page to add...")
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This is a particular discussion thread among many which consider Rosetta Code.


When I try to edit I get a message that my text would include external links


(Newbie) When I try to edit a page to add code for one more language, I get an error message that my edit would include new external links, and I should fill google's captcha. I prefer to get the external links out, I do not intend to put any there, and I do not have any external links, but I get this message even when I do not insert any text at all. Apparently more text is added than I see in my edit window. Where can I find these links ? Cheers

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