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Rosetta Code:Syntax Highlight Color Picker

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 19:30, 3 July 2011 by rosettacode>Tyrok1 (Adding page for script)
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//<lang javascript> /*======================================== This comparison script was written by Tyrok1 and has been tested in Cr 12 and Fx 5. ========================================*/

//define the relationship between the CSS classes and what they do var highlightClasses = [ { cssBase: "co", description: "Comments" }, { cssBase: "nu", description: "Numbers" }, { cssBase: "kw", description: "Keywords" }, { cssBase: "sy", description: "Operators" }, { cssBase: "st", description: "Strings" }, { cssBase: "re", description: "Variables/Erlang Funs" }, { cssBase: "br", description: "Brackets/Parens" }, { cssBase: "co", description: "Comments/Compiler directives" }, { cssBase: "me", description: "Class methods" } ];

function AddHandler(el, handlerType, func) { //add an event handler in a more cross-browser way if(el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(handlerType, func, false); } else if(el.attachEvent) { el.attachEvent("on" + handlerType, func); } else { eval("el.on" + handlerType + " = func;"); } }

function HighlightCode(codeEl) { //find all instances of elements with the classes in a given //code block and update their colors var allSpans = codeEl.getElementsByTagName("span"); for(var s = 0; s < allSpans.length; ++s) { if(allSpans[s].className) { for(var c in highlightClasses) { var cssBase = allSpans[s].className .substring(0, highlightClasses[c].cssBase.length); if(cssBase == highlightClasses[c].cssBase) { var colorEl = document.getElementById( "HighlightColor" + c); var dropdownVal = colorEl.options[ colorEl.selectedIndex].value; allSpans[s].style.color = (dropdownVal == "auto" ? null : dropdownVal); } } } } }

function HighlightUpdate() { //look for language examples var allPres = document.getElementsByTagName("pre"); for(var p = 0; p < allPres.length; ++p) { if(allPres[p].className && allPres[p].className.indexOf("highlighted_source") >= 0) { HighlightCode(allPres[p]); } }

//save defaults to cookie var defaults = ""; for(var c in highlightClasses) { var colorEl = document.getElementById("HighlightColor" + c); defaults += (defaults == "" ? "" : ",") + highlightClasses[c].cssBase + "-" + colorEl.options[colorEl.selectedIndex].value; } document.cookie = ("highlightDefaults=" + defaults + "; expires=" + (new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365)).toGMTString() + "; path=/"); }

function HighlightAddToolbox() { //check the cookie for default colors from last time var cookies = document.cookie.split(";"); for(var c in cookies) { var nameVal = cookies[c].split("=", 2); if(nameVal[0].replace(/^ */, "") == "highlightDefaults") { var defaults = nameVal[1].split(","); for(var d in defaults) { var defaultNameVal = defaults[d].split("-", 2); for(var h in highlightClasses) { if(highlightClasses[h].cssBase == defaultNameVal[0]) { highlightClasses[h].defaultColor = defaultNameVal[1]; } } } } }

//add the toolbox var hexDigits = ["0", "3", "6", "9", "c", "f"]; var sideColumn = document.getElementById("column-one"); var portletEl = sideColumn.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); portletEl.className = "portlet"; portletEl.id = "HighlightToolbox"; portletEl.style.position = "relative"; portletEl.appendChild(document.createElement("h5")) .appendChild(document.createTextNode("Highlight Colors")); var pBodyEl = portletEl.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); pBodyEl.className = "pBody";

//add a definition list of color types var dlEl = pBodyEl.appendChild(document.createElement("dl")); for(var c in highlightClasses) { //add the text label var labelEl = dlEl.appendChild(document.createElement("dt")) .appendChild(document.createElement("label")); labelEl.setAttribute("for", "HighlightColor" + c); labelEl.appendChild( document.createTextNode(highlightClasses[c].description));

//add the dropdown var inputEl = document.createElement("select"); inputEl.id = "HighlightColor" + c; inputEl = dlEl.appendChild(document.createElement("dd")) .appendChild(inputEl); inputEl.onclick = HighlightUpdate; inputEl.onchange = HighlightUpdate; inputEl.onkeyup = HighlightUpdate;

//add an option for (Default) var optionEl = inputEl.appendChild( document.createElement("option")); optionEl.value = "auto"; optionEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode("(Default)"));

//add each of the color options var optionNum = 1; for(h1 in hexDigits) { for(h2 in hexDigits) { for(h3 in hexDigits) { var optionEl = inputEl.appendChild( document.createElement("option")); var color = "#" + hexDigits[h1] + hexDigits[h2] + hexDigits[h3]; optionEl.value = color; optionEl.style.color = color; optionEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(color)); if(highlightClasses[c].defaultColor && color.toLowerCase() == highlightClasses[c].defaultColor.toLowerCase()) { inputEl.selectedIndex = optionNum; } ++optionNum; } } } } }

function HighlightScroll(e) { //event handler for scrolling to stick the highlight color //toolbox to the top of the screen when scrolled down var toolboxEl = document.getElementById("HighlightToolbox"); if(!toolboxEl.originalTop) { toolboxEl.originalTop = toolboxEl.offsetTop; } var pageScroll = (document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset); var newTop = (pageScroll - toolboxEl.originalTop); toolboxEl.style.top = (newTop >= 0 ? newTop : 0) + "px"; }

function HighlightActivate() { //check to see if we're looking at a task page var catLinksEl = document.getElementById("catlinks"); var isTask = false; if(catLinksEl) { var aEls = catLinksEl.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var a = 0; a < aEls.length; ++a) { if(aEls[a].getAttribute("title") == "Category:Programming Tasks") { //it's a task isTask = true; break; } } } if(!isTask) { return; }

//add the toolbox HighlightAddToolbox();

//add the event handler for scrolling AddHandler(window, "scroll", HighlightScroll);

//update the syntax highlight colors to bring in settings //from the cookie HighlightUpdate(); }

//register the script with the window's load event AddHandler(window, "load", HighlightActivate);


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