Rosetta Code/Run examples

Revision as of 22:15, 15 April 2018 by Thundergnat (talk | contribs) (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Add Perl6 example)

This task is based on an idea hatched from this C1R Implementation.

Rosetta Code/Run examples is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Write a program that will accept as input the name of a task from Rosetta Code and the name of a language. The program should then download the solution for the specified task in the specified language, present the source to the user and prompt the user to confirm running the example.

The program should verify that the tools needed to compile or run the solution are present before running it. If the solution can not be run, a graceful exit should happen. (i.e. the program should not crash)

Besides its own language, the program should support at least two other languages. (Ideally it would support most of the languages available, but that is too much to ask. Though some languages are simple, e.g. python, pike, perl, bash and several more only need the solution saved in a file and given to the language as argument to run, so it should be easy to support many languages like that).

If you know what is needed to support a particular language, please help to add support for that language to implementations in other languages.

Extra credit: add a function to get a list of all solutions of a given language and run them to create a report on which solutions failed to run.

More credit: also test if the output of a solution compares to a given result. The expected output should be loaded from a file with the name of the task. (This way all implementations can share the same set of files, and anyone can add more files. In the future the content of these files could be stored directly in a section of the task on Rosetta Code itself.)

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb> ' ******************************************************************** ' ** ** ' ** parseAndRun.bas v26b tenochtitlanuk November 2012 ** ' ** ** ' ** select a LB solution from RC site & run it locally ** ' ** ** ' ******************************************************************** 'retrieve proper temporary path and filename to save downloaded HTML: Source$ = GetTempFileName$("htm") 'nomainwin

' Download main RC LB page which has current tasks on it. Save as 'source.html' ' run "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" 'testing routine print " Fetching current RC page of completed Liberty BASIC RC solutions." 'result = DownloadToFile( "", "E:\source.html") result = DownloadToFile( "", Source$)

if result <>0 then print "Error downloading LB solved tasks.": end else print: print " Displaying solved tasks.": print

' Load source into a string. Go through and save in a 2D array all topic titles ' and the appropriate web addresses to find them. 'open "E:\source.html" for input as #f open Source$ for input as #f

   html$ = input$( #f, lof( #f))

close #f kill Source$ 'remove temp file

dim solutions$( 500, 2)

global count count =1 first =0 last =0 reading =0

' The first topic is the '100 doors' so skip all html jump ref's earlier than this. do

   r$ =getHtmlSection$( html$, first, last)
   if instr( r$, "/") then exit do '   We've read all LB solved tasks.
   if r$ ="wiki/100_doors" then reading =1
   if reading =1 then   '   we can start recording path & name
       solutions$( count, 1) ="" +r$ +"#Liberty_BASIC"
       special =instr( r$, "%2B"):    if special <>0 then r$ =left$( r$, special -1) +"+" +mid$( r$, special +3)
       special =instr( r$, "%27"):    if special <>0 then r$ =left$( r$, special -1) +"'" +mid$( r$, special +3)
       special =instr( r$, "%C3%A8"): if special <>0 then r$ =left$( r$, special -1) +chr$( 232) +mid$( r$, special +6)
       solutions$( count, 0) =mid$( r$, 6)  '   we want the bit beyond '/wiki/'
       if instr(  solutions$( count, 0), "/") then
           newName$ =""
           for ii =1 to len(  solutions$( count, 0) )
               n$ =mid$( solutions$( count, 0), ii, 1)
               if n$ ="/" then n$ ="_"
               newName$ =newName$ +n$
           next ii
           solutions$( count, 0) =newName$
       end if
       print count, solutions$( count, 0)'; tab( 60); solutions$( count, 1)
       count =count +1
   end if

loop until 0 print: print count -1; " tasks solved in LB."

'input " Choose task # "; R ' Choose a page to try. for R =1 to 283 print print " Choosing a task at random viz #"; R; " out of "; count -1; " completed in LB." print " Task is "; chr$( 34); solutions$( R, 0); chr$( 34) print

'********************run "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe " +solutions$( R, 1)

' Fetch the RC task page with all the sol'ns including LB one. print " Downloading the page for this task." result = DownloadToFile( solutions$( R, 1), "rx.html")

if result <>0 then print "Error downloading.": end

print " Now finding the LB section of the html code." ' Now finding the appropriate LB section on this topic.

open "rx.html" for input as #r

   L =lof( #r)
   print " Length of source html of this topic's page is "; L
   t$ =input$( #r, L)

close #r

preamble$ =">Liberty BASIC</a>" +chr$( 10)

lP =len( preamble$) print " Finding the preamble string at "; beg =instr( t$, preamble$)' +len( preamble$) print beg

lookFor$ ="source" +chr$( 34) +">" beg =instr( t$, lookFor$, beg) ' get to start of BASIC code. beg =beg +len( lookFor$)

print " Found LB section at "; beg;

fin =instr( t$, "", beg)

print " and ending at "; fin

print " Chopping off unwanted earlier & later sections of html source." t$ =mid$( t$, beg, fin -beg) ' discard earlier & later parts of html code.

open solutions$( R, 0) +".txt" for output as #LbText

   #LbText t$;

close #LbText

L =len( t$)

print " Relevant html code LB section being parsed for LB BASIC code."

' Read the rest of the LB code section to section ..

LB$ ="" j =1

print " Dropping html tags & translating html entities." print print " LB code follows." print


   nxtChr$  =mid$( t$, j, 1)
   select case '   _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
       case ( nxtChr$ =chr$( 10)) or ( nxtChr$ =chr$( 13))
           j =L
           print "End reached- CRLF"
       case nxtChr$ ="<"                                                           '   we've found a html tag. Omit.
           'print " Starting a tag with a <";
           item$ ="<"
           do                                                                      '   keep looking until find a '>' or finish...
               j =j +1
               nxtChr$  =mid$( t$, j, 1)
               item$ =item$ +nxtChr$
           loop until nxtChr$ =">"
           'print " Closing a tag with a >."

if item$ ="" then j =L ' end reached

           if item$ ="
" then LB$ =LB$ +chr$( 10) ' code for CRLF if item$ ="
" then LB$ =LB$ +chr$( 10) ' code for CRLF, now if j <>L then j =j +1
       case nxtChr$ ="&"                                                           '   we've found an html entity.
                                                                                   '   replace with plain-text equivalents.
           'print " html entity starting with & ";
           select case '   ..............................................................................
               case mid$( t$, j+1, 5) ="quot;"
                   LB$ =LB$ +chr$( 34): j =j +6                                    '   &guot;    "
               case mid$( t$, j+1, 3) ="gt;"
                   LB$ =LB$ +">": j =j +4                                          '   >      >
               case mid$( t$, j+1, 3) ="lt;"
                   LB$ =LB$ +"<": j =j +4                                          '   <      <
               case right$( mid$( t$, j, 5), 1) =";"
                   v =val( mid$( t$, j +2, 2)): j =j +5                            '   2-digit character-code
                   if v =39 then LB$ =LB$ +chr$( 39) else LB$ =LB$ +chr$( v)       '       eg '  ( 40,41)   '()
               case right$( mid$( t$, j, 6), 1) =";"                               '   3-digit character-code
                   v =val( mid$( t$, j +2, 3))
                   if v =160 then v =32    'print "Hard space!"                    '   convert   hard- to soft-space.
                   j =j +6: LB$ =LB$ +chr$( v)
           end select  '   ..............................................................................
           'print " and finishing with ;"
       case else  '   not an html entity nor a tag. Use as-is unless it's the final hard-space plus semi-colon..

if mid$( t$, j +1, 5) ="#160;" and mid$( t$, j +5, 6) ="" then j =L else LB$ =LB$ +nxtChr$: j =j +1

   end select  '   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

loop until j >= fin -beg -4

print: print LB$

open solutions$( R, 0) +".bas" for output as #LB

   #LB LB$;

close #LB

print print " Done"

timer 5000, [on2] wait [on2] timer 0

' Run with LB. ' *************************************run chr$( 34) +"C:\Program Files\Liberty BASIC v4.04\liberty.exe" +chr$( 34) +" -R E:\" +solutions$( R, 0) +".bas" next R end

   '   **************************************************************

Function DownloadToFile( urlfile$, localfile$)

   open "URLmon" for dll as #url
   calldll #url, "URLDownloadToFileA",_
   0 as long,_         'null
   urlfile$ as ptr,_   'url to download
   localfile$ as ptr,_ 'save file name
   0 as long,_         'reserved, must be 0
   0 as long,_         'callback address, can be 0
   DownloadToFile as ulong  '0=success
   close #url

end function end

function getHtmlSection$( string$, byref first, last)

   a                    =instr(  string$, "<a href=" +chr$( 34), first)
       if a =0 then getHtmlSection$ ="  Sorry! html link not found": exit function
   b                    =instr(  string$, chr$( 34), a +9)
   getHtmlSection$      =mid$(   string$, a +10, b -a -10)
   first                =b +1
           '   Reset value of "first" so that in the next call to
           '   getHtmlSection$( the next html link can be found

end function

function GetTempFileName$(prefix$)

   TempFile$ = space$(256)+chr$(0)
   calldll #kernel32, "GetTempFileNameA",_
   TempPath$ as ptr,_  'directory for temp file
   prefix$ as ptr,_    'desired prefix for temp filename
   0 as ulong,_        '0=file created,nonzero=you must create file
   TempFile$ as ptr,_  'string buffer to hold qualified path and filename
   result as ulong     'nonzero=success
   'TempFile$ holds complete path and filename info
   GetTempFileName$ = TempFile$
   end function

Function GetTempPath$()

   CallDLL #kernel32, "GetTempPathA",_
   0 as long,_
   _NULL as long,_
   length as long
   buf$ = space$(length)
   CallDLL #kernel32, "GetTempPathA",_
   length as long,_
   buf$ as ptr,_
   ret as long
   GetTempPath$ = buf$

End Function </lang>

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.03

This is a fairly comprehensive task code runner. It is set up to work for Perl 6 only at this point, but could be easily tweaked to work with other languages. There is so much variation to the task requirements and calling conventions that it would be problematic to make a general purpose, language agnostic code runner. (Heck, a single language one is hard enough.)

By default, this will download the Perl 6 section of any (every) task that has a Perl 6 example, extract the code blocks and attempt to run them. Many tasks require files or user interaction to proceed, others are not complete runnable code blocks (example code fragments), some tasks run forever. To try to deal with and compensate for this, this implementation can load a %resources hash that will: supply input files where necessary, skip unrunnable code fragments, limit long and/or infinite running blocks, supply user interaction code where possible, and skip blocks where user interaction is unavoidable.

The complete implementation is too large and cumbersome to post in it's entirety here, only the main task retrieval and execution code is included.

For the whole ball of wax see: This github repository.

Run with no parameters to run every implemented task on Rosetta Code. Feed it a task name to only download / run that task.

Note: This is set up to run under Linux. It could be adapted for Windows (or OSX I suppose) fairly easily but I don't have access to those OSs, nor do I care to seek it.

<lang perl6>use HTTP::UserAgent; use URI::Escape; use JSON::Fast; use Sort::Naturally; use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL;

my $client =; my $url = '';

my $lang = 'Perl_6'; # language my $exe = 'perl6'; # executable to run perl6 in a shell my $view = 'xdg-open'; #imager viewer, this will open default my %resource = load-resources(); my $download = True;

my @tasks;

run('clear'); note 'Retreiving tasks';

if @*ARGS {

   @tasks = |@*ARGS;
   $download = False;


if $download {

   @tasks = mediawiki-query(
   $url, 'pages',
   )»<title>.grep( * !~~ /^'Category:'/ );


for @tasks -> $title {

   # If you want to resume partially into automatic
   # downloads, adjust $skip to skip that many tasks
   my $skip = 0;
   next if $++ < $skip;
   note "Skipping first $skip tasks..." if $skip;
   next unless $title ~~ /\S/; # filter blank lines
   say $skip + ++$, " $title";
   my $page = $client.get("{ $url }/index.php?title={ uri-escape $title }&action=raw").content;
   say "Whoops, can't find page: $url/$title :check spelling." and next if $page.elems == 0;
   say "Getting code from:{ $title.subst(' ', '_', :g) }#Perl_6";
   my $perl6 = $page.comb(/'==Perl 6==' .+? [<?before \n'=='<-[={]>*'{{header'> || $] /).Str // whoops;
   if $perl6 ~~ /^^ 'See [[' (.+?) '/Perl_6' / {
       $perl6 = $client.get("{ $url }/index.php?title={ uri-escape $/[0].Str ~ '/Perl_6' }&action=raw").content;
   my $name = $title.subst(/<-[0..9A..Za..z]>/, '_', :g);
   my $dir = mkdir "./rc/$name";
   spurt( "./rc/$name/$name.txt", $perl6 );
# weird break in lang tag to placate terminally confused wiki formatter and syntax highlighter
   my @blocks = $perl6.comb(/<?after '<lang perl6>'> .*? <?before '</' 'lang>'> /);  
   for @blocks.kv -> $k, $v {
       my $n = $k > 0 ?? $k !! ;
       spurt( "./rc/$name/$name$n.p6", $v );
       say "Skipping $name$n: ", %resource{"$name$n"}<skip>, "\n"
         and next if %resource{"$name$n"}<skip>;
       say "\nTesting $name$n";
       run-it($name, "$name$n");
   say '=' x 79;


sub mediawiki-query ($site, $type, *%query) {

   my $url = "$site/api.php?" ~ uri-query-string(
       :action<query>, :format<json>, :formatversion<2>, |%query);
   my $continue = ;
   gather loop {
       my $response = $client.get("$url&$continue");
       my $data = from-json($response.content);
       take $_ for $data.<query>.{$type}.values;
       $continue = uri-query-string |($data.<query-continue>{*}».hash.hash or last);


sub run-it ($dir, $code) {

   my $current = $*CWD;
   chdir "./rc/$dir/";
   if %resource{$code}<file> -> $fn {
       copy "./../resources/{$fn}", "./{$fn}"
   my @cmd = %resource{$code}<cmd> ?? |%resource{$code}<cmd> !! "$exe $code.p6";
   for @cmd -> $cmd {
       say "Command line: $cmd\n";
       try EVAL(shell $cmd);
   chdir $current;
   say "\nDone $code";


sub uri-query-string (*%fields) {{ "{.key}={uri-escape .value}" }).join('&') }

sub clear { "\r" ~ ' ' x 100 ~ "\r" }

sub whoops { note "{'#' x 79}\n\nNo code found\nMay be bad markup\n\n{'#' x 79}"; }

sub load-resources { () } # load resources for finer control </lang>


<lang runbasic>bf$ = "" a$ = httpGet$("") ' get RB tasks from [RC] a1$ = word$(a$,2,"Pages in category ""Run BASIC")

a1$ = word$(a1$,1,"")

i = 2

b$ = word$(a1$,i,"

  • <a href=""/wiki/") ' ' Create a drop down window for selection of a task ' html bf$;"
    " html "" html "

    html "<select size=10 id='runProg' name='runProg'>" while b$ <> ""

     b$	= left$(b$,instr(b$,"""")-1)
     b$	= strRep$(b$,"%2B","+")
     b$	= strRep$(b$,"%27","'")
     html "<option>"+b$+"</option>"
     i 	= i + 1
    b$ = word$(a1$,i,"
  • <a href=""/wiki/") wend html "</select>
  • "

    ' BUTTON options to Run It or Exit

       button #run, "Run It", [runProg]
       button #ex, "Exit", [quit]
    html "
    " ' close the drop down table and wait


    [runProg] progName$ = #request get$("runProg") print progName$ a$ = httpGet$(""+progName$)

    i = instr(a$,"<a href=""#Run_BASIC"">")

    a$ = mid$(a$,i-6,6) a$ = word$(a$,2,"-") a$ = word$(a$,1,"""") cls ' clear screen 'print a$ ' this is the program number used in the [RC] editor

    a$ = httpGet$(""+progName$+"&action=edit&section="+a$)

    a$ = word$(a$,2,"{header|Run BASIC}") i = instr(a$,">") a$ = mid$(a$,i+1) i = instr(a$,"/lang>") a$ = left$(a$,i-5) a$ = strRep$(a$,"<","<") ' this is the good program code ' place the code in the rb$ file rb$ = DefaultDir$ + "\projects\a_project\rcCode.bas" ' RC program open rb$ for output as #f print #f,a$ close #f

    print "================== Run Basic Solution ===========================" run rb$,#handle ' point RunBasic to the file with the program render #handle ' render the runned code [quit] ' that's it folks end

    ' -------------------------------- ' string replace rep str with ' -------------------------------- FUNCTION strRep$(str$,rep$,with$) ln = len(rep$) ln1 = ln - 1 i = 1 while i <= len(str$)

       if mid$(str$,i,ln) = rep$ then
           strRep$ = strRep$ + with$
           i = i + ln1
           strRep$ = strRep$ + mid$(str$,i,1)
       end if

    i = i + 1 WEND END FUNCTION</lang>


    This code only includes support for running Tcl task solutions, but it can download any language's; it assumes that the first <lang…> is sufficient when it comes to task extraction (definitely not true universally, but mostly good enough).

    Library: Tcllib (Package: uri)

    <lang tcl># Code to download task contents from find-bare-lang-tags task package require Tcl 8.5 package require http package require uri

    proc getUrlWithRedirect {base args} {

       set url $base?[http::formatQuery {*}$args]
       while 1 {

    set t [http::geturl $url] if {[http::status $t] ne "ok"} { error "Oops: url=$url\nstatus=$s\nhttp code=[http::code $token]" } if {[string match 2?? [http::ncode $t]]} { return $t } # OK, but not 200? Must be a redirect... set url [uri::resolve $url [dict get [http::meta $t] Location]] http::cleanup $t


    } proc getTaskContent {task} {

       set token [getUrlWithRedirect \

    title $task action raw]

       set content [http::data $token]
       http::cleanup $token
       return $content


    1. Code to extract the first <lang> section for a language

    proc getTaskCodeForLanguage {task language} {

       set content [getTaskContent $task]
       set startRE {==\s*\{\{header\|@LANG@(?:\|[^{}]+)?\}\}\s*==}
       set startRE [string map [list @LANG@ $language] $startRE]
       if {![regexp -indices $startRE $content start]} {

    error "$language does not implement task \"$task\""

       if {![regexp -indices -start [lindex $start end] \

    "==\\s*\\\{\\\{header" $content end]} { set end {end end}

       set content [string range $content [lindex $start 1] [lindex $end 0]]
       # Extended format RE used to allow embedding within _this_ task's <lang>!
       if {![regexp {(?x)<lang .*?>(.*?)</ lang>} $content -> solution]} {

    error "$language solution of task \"$task\" has no useful code"

       return "$solution\n"


    1. How to download and run a Tcl task

    proc runTclTaskForLanguage {task} {

       puts "Fetching task solution..."
       set solution [getTaskCodeForLanguage $task Tcl]
       set filename rcsoln_[string map {/ _ " " _} $task].tcl
       set f [open $filename w]
       puts $f $solution
       close $f
       puts "Executing task solution with: tclsh $filename"
       exec [info nameofexecutable] $filename <@stdin >@stdout 2>@stderr

    } runTclTaskForLanguage {*}$argv</lang>

    UNIX Shell

    See C1R Implementation for an incomplete implementation. (only supports C)