Roots of unity: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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(added ocaml)
(→‎{{header|Ada}}: Remove a variable "J" from the calculation of Factor, since it seems to be wrong.)
Line 21: Line 21:
Put(" ");
Put(" ");
for K in 1..Root/2 loop
for K in 1..Root/2 loop
Factor := Exp(Real(K) * 2.0 * J * Ada.Numerics.Pi / Real(Root));
Factor := Exp(Real(K) * 2.0 * Ada.Numerics.Pi / Real(Root));
Complex_Io.Put(Item => Factor, Fore => 2, Aft => 4, Exp => 0);
Complex_Io.Put(Item => Factor, Fore => 2, Aft => 4, Exp => 0);
end loop;
end loop;

Revision as of 00:34, 10 June 2008

Roots of unity
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The purpose of this task is to explore working with complex numbers. Given n, find the n-th roots of unity.


with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types;
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions;
with Ada.Text_Io.Complex_Io;

procedure Roots_Of_Unity is
   type Real is digits 10;
   package Complex_Type is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types(Real);
   use Complex_Type;
   package Complex_Functions is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions(Complex_Type);
   use Complex_Functions;
   package Complex_Io is new Ada.Text_Io.Complex_Io(Complex_Type);
   Factor : Complex;
   for Root in 2..10 loop
      Put(Item => Root, Width => 4);
      Put(" ");
      for K in 1..Root/2 loop
         Factor := Exp(Real(K) * 2.0 * Ada.Numerics.Pi / Real(Root));
         Complex_Io.Put(Item => Factor, Fore => 2, Aft  => 4, Exp  => 0);
      end loop;
   end loop;
end Roots_Of_Unity;


  2 (-1.0000, 0.0000)
  3 (-0.5000, 0.8660)
  4 ( 0.0000, 1.0000)(-1.0000, 0.0000)
  5 ( 0.3090, 0.9511)(-0.8090, 0.5878)
  6 ( 0.5000, 0.8660)(-0.5000, 0.8660)(-1.0000, 0.0000)
  7 ( 0.6235, 0.7818)(-0.2225, 0.9749)(-0.9010, 0.4339)
  8 ( 0.7071, 0.7071)( 0.0000, 1.0000)(-0.7071, 0.7071)(-1.0000, 0.0000)
  9 ( 0.7660, 0.6428)( 0.1736, 0.9848)(-0.5000, 0.8660)(-0.9397, 0.3420)
 10 ( 0.8090, 0.5878)( 0.3090, 0.9511)(-0.3090, 0.9511)(-0.8090, 0.5878)(-1.0000, 0.0000)


FORMAT complex fmt=$g(-6,4)"⊥"g(-6,4)$;
FOR root FROM 2 TO 10 DO
  FOR n TO root OVER 2 DO
    printf(($xf(complex fmt)$,complex exp( 0 I 2*pi*n/root)))


 +2 -1.000⊥0.0000
 +3 -.5000⊥0.8660
 +4 0.0000⊥1.0000 -1.000⊥0.0000
 +5 0.3090⊥0.9511 -.8090⊥0.5878
 +6 0.5000⊥0.8660 -.5000⊥0.8660 -1.000⊥0.0000
 +7 0.6235⊥0.7818 -.2225⊥0.9749 -.9010⊥0.4339
 +8 0.7071⊥0.7071 0.0000⊥1.0000 -.7071⊥0.7071 -1.000⊥0.0000
 +9 0.7660⊥0.6428 0.1736⊥0.9848 -.5000⊥0.8660 -.9397⊥0.3420
+10 0.8090⊥0.5878 0.3090⊥0.9511 -.3090⊥0.9511 -.8090⊥0.5878 -1.000⊥0.0000


Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
Translation of: Java

For high n's, this may repeat the root of 1 + 0*i.

PI = 3.1415926#
n = 5 'this can be changed for any desired n
angle = 0 'start at angle 0
	real = COS(angle) 'real axis is the x axis
	IF (ABS(real) < 10 ^ -5) THEN real = 0 'get rid of annoying sci notation
	imag = SIN(angle) 'imaginary axis is the y axis
	IF (ABS(imag) < 10 ^ -5) THEN imag = 0 'get rid of annoying sci notation
	PRINT real; "+"; imag; "i" 'answer on every line
	angle = angle + (2 * PI) / n
'all the way around the circle at even intervals
LOOP WHILE angle < 2 * PI


<cpp>#include <complex>

  1. include <cmath>
  2. include <iostream>

double const pi = 4 * std::atan(1);

int main() {

 for (int n = 2; n <= 10; ++n)
   std::cout << n << ": ";
   for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
     std::cout << std::polar(1, 2*pi*k/n) << " ";
   std::cout << std::endl;



Complex numbers are not a native type in Forth, so we calculate the roots by hand.

: f0. ( f -- )
  fdup 0e 0.001e f~ if fdrop 0e then f. ;
: .roots ( n -- )
  dup 1 do
    pi i 2* 0 d>f f* dup 0 d>f f/          ( F: radians )
    fsincos cr ." real " f0. ." imag " f0.
  loop drop ;

3 set-precision
5 .roots


import Data.Complex

rootsOfUnity n = [mkPolar 1.0 (2*pi*k/n) | k <- [1..n]]


*Main> rootsOfUnity 3
[(-0.4999999999999998) :+ 0.8660254037844387,
 (-0.5000000000000004) :+ (-0.8660254037844384),
 1.0 :+ (-2.4492127076447545e-16)]


For some example n:

 n = 5
 print,  exp( dcomplex( 0, 2*!pi/n) ) ^ ( 1 + indgen(n) )


 ( 0.30901696, 0.95105653)( -0.80901704, 0.58778520)( -0.80901693, -0.58778534)( 0.30901713, -0.95105647)( 1.0000000, 1.7484556e-007)


   rou=: [: ^ i. * (o. 0j2) % ]

   rou 4
1 0j1 _1 0j_1

   rou 5
1 0.309017j0.951057 _0.809017j0.587785 _0.809017j_0.587785 0.309017j_0.951057

The computation can also be written as a loop, shown here for comparison only.

rou1=: 3 : 0
 z=. 0 $ r=. ^ o. 0j2 % y [ e=. 1
 for. i.y do.
  z=. z,e
  e=. e*r


Java doesn't have a nice way of dealing with complex numbers, so the real and imaginary parts are calculated separately based on the angle and printed together. There are also checks in this implementation to get rid of extremely small values (< 1.0E-3 where scientific notation sets in for Doubles). Instead, they are simply represented as 0. To remove those checks (for very high n's), remove both if statements. <java>public static void unity(int n){ //all the way around the circle at even intervals for(double angle = 0;angle < 2 * Math.PI;angle += (2 * Math.PI) / n){ double real = Math.cos(angle); //real axis is the x axis if(Math.abs(real) < 1.0E-3) real = 0.0; //get rid of annoying sci notation double imag = Math.sin(angle); //imaginary axis is the y axis if(Math.abs(imag) < 1.0E-3) imag = 0.0; //get rid of annoying sci notation System.out.print(real + " + " + imag + "i\t"); //tab-separated answers } }</java>


<ocaml>open Complex

let pi = 4. *. atan 1.

let () =

 for n = 1 to 10 do
   Printf.printf "%2d " n;
   for k = 1 to n do
     let ret = polar 1. (2. *. pi *. float_of_int k /. float_of_int n) in
       Printf.printf "(%f + %f i)"
   print_newline ()


Works with: Perl version 5.8.8

<perl>use Math::Complex;

foreach $n (1 .. 10) {

 printf "%2d ", $n;
 foreach $k (1 .. $n) {
   $ret = cplxe(1, 2 * pi * $k / $n);
   $ret->display_format('style' => 'cartesian', 'format' => '%.3f');
   print "($ret)";
 print "\n";



 1 (1.000-0.000i)
 2 (-1.000+0.000i)(1.000-0.000i)
 3 (-0.500+0.866i)(-0.500-0.866i)(1.000-0.000i)
 4 (0.000+1.000i)(-1.000+0.000i)(-0.000-1.000i)(1.000-0.000i)
 5 (0.309+0.951i)(-0.809+0.588i)(-0.809-0.588i)(0.309-0.951i)(1.000-0.000i)
 6 (0.500+0.866i)(-0.500+0.866i)(-1.000+0.000i)(-0.500-0.866i)(0.500-0.866i)(1.000-0.000i)
 7 (0.623+0.782i)(-0.223+0.975i)(-0.901+0.434i)(-0.901-0.434i)(-0.223-0.975i)(0.623-0.782i)(1.000-0.000i)
 8 (0.707+0.707i)(0.000+1.000i)(-0.707+0.707i)(-1.000+0.000i)(-0.707-0.707i)(-0.000-1.000i)(0.707-0.707i)(1.000-0.000i)
 9 (0.766+0.643i)(0.174+0.985i)(-0.500+0.866i)(-0.940+0.342i)(-0.940-0.342i)(-0.500-0.866i)(0.174-0.985i)(0.766-0.643i)(1.000-0.000i)
10 (0.809+0.588i)(0.309+0.951i)(-0.309+0.951i)(-0.809+0.588i)(-1.000+0.000i)(-0.809-0.588i)(-0.309-0.951i)(0.309-0.951i)(0.809-0.588i)(1.000-0.000i)


Works with: Python version 2.5

Function nthroots() returns all n-th roots of unity. <python>from cmath import exp, pi def nthroots(n):

   return [exp(k * 2j * pi / n) for k in range(1, n + 1)]</python>


>>> f = nthroots
>>> for n in range(1, 4):
...    print map(lambda c: ("%.3f " + ("+" if c.imag > 0 else "-") + " %.3gj") % (c.real, abs(c.imag)), f(n))
['1.000 - 2.45e-016j']
['-1.000 + 1.22e-016j', '1.000 - 2.45e-016j']
['-0.500 + 0.866j', '-0.500 - 0.866j', '1.000 - 2.45e-016j']


$ include "seed7_05.s7i";
  include "float.s7i";
  include "complex.s7i";

const proc: main is func
    var integer: n is 0;
    var integer: k is 0;
    for n range 2 to 10 do
      write(n lpad 2 <& ": ");
      for k range 0 to pred(n) do
        write(polar(1.0, 2.0 * PI * flt(k) / flt(n)) digits 4 lpad 15 <& " ");
      end for;
    end for;
  end func;


 2:  1.0000+0.0000i -1.0000+0.0000i
 3:  1.0000+0.0000i -0.5000+0.8660i -0.5000-0.8660i
 4:  1.0000+0.0000i  0.0000+1.0000i -1.0000+0.0000i  0.0000-1.0000i
 5:  1.0000+0.0000i  0.3090+0.9511i -0.8090+0.5878i -0.8090-0.5878i  0.3090-0.9511i
 6:  1.0000+0.0000i  0.5000+0.8660i -0.5000+0.8660i -1.0000+0.0000i -0.5000-0.8660i  0.5000-0.8660i
 7:  1.0000+0.0000i  0.6235+0.7818i -0.2225+0.9749i -0.9010+0.4339i -0.9010-0.4339i -0.2225-0.9749i  0.6235-0.7818i
 8:  1.0000+0.0000i  0.7071+0.7071i  0.0000+1.0000i -0.7071+0.7071i -1.0000+0.0000i -0.7071-0.7071i  0.0000-1.0000i  0.7071-0.7071i
 9:  1.0000+0.0000i  0.7660+0.6428i  0.1736+0.9848i -0.5000+0.8660i -0.9397+0.3420i -0.9397-0.3420i -0.5000-0.8660i  0.1736-0.9848i  0.7660-0.6428i
10:  1.0000+0.0000i  0.8090+0.5878i  0.3090+0.9511i -0.3090+0.9511i -0.8090+0.5878i -1.0000+0.0000i -0.8090-0.5878i -0.3090-0.9511i  0.3090-0.9511i  0.8090-0.5878i