Rock-paper-scissors: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: improved and modified the code to work with the latest version of Sidef)
Line 3,114: Line 3,114:
Lizard eats Paper: You win! - (W:3 L:2 T:0)
Lizard eats Paper: You win! - (W:3 L:2 T:0)

<lang Phix>--standard game
constant rule3 = {"rock blunts scissors",
"paper wraps rock",
"scissors cut paper"}
--extended version
constant rule5 = {"rock blunts scissors",
"rock crushes lizard",
"paper wraps rock",
"paper disproves spock",
"scissors cut paper",
"scissors decapitate lizard",
"lizard eats paper",
"lizard poisons spock",
"spock smashes scissors",
"spock vaporizes rock"}

constant rules = iff(rand(2)=1?rule3:rule5)

sequence what = {}
sequence beats = {}
string wkeys = ""
string question = "What is your move "
integer choices, hsum
sequence history, cplays, pplays

object x, verb, y

for i=1 to length(rules) do
{x} = split(rules[i])
if not find(x,what) then
what = append(what,x)
if find(x[1],wkeys) then
wkeys = append(wkeys,x[$])
question &= x[1..-2]&"("&x[$]&"), "
wkeys = append(wkeys,x[1])
question &= "("&x[1]&")"&x[2..$]&", "
end if
end if
end for
choices = length(wkeys)
history = repeat(1,choices)
hsum = 3
cplays = repeat(0,choices)
pplays = repeat(0,choices)
beats = repeat(repeat(0,choices),choices)
question[-2] = '?'
for i=1 to length(rules) do
{x,verb,y} = split(rules[i])
beats[find(x,what)][find(y,what)] = verb
end for

integer cmove, pmove, draws = 0, pwins = 0, cwins = 0
while 1 do
cmove = rand(hsum)
for i=1 to choices do
cmove -= history[i]
if cmove<=0 then
-- predicted user choice of i, find whatever beats it
for j=1 to choices do
if string(beats[j][i]) then
cmove = j
end if
end for
end if
end for
while 1 do
pmove = lower(wait_key())
if pmove='q' then exit end if
pmove = find(pmove,wkeys)
if pmove!=0 then exit end if
end while
if pmove='q' then exit end if

printf(1,"you: %s, me: %s, ",{what[pmove],what[cmove]})
cplays[cmove] += 1
pplays[pmove] += 1
if cmove=pmove then
printf(1,"a draw.\n")
draws += 1
if string(beats[cmove][pmove]) then
printf(1,"%s %s %s. I win.\n",{what[cmove],beats[cmove][pmove],what[pmove]})
cwins += 1
elsif string(beats[pmove][cmove]) then
printf(1,"%s %s %s. You win.\n",{what[pmove],beats[pmove][cmove],what[cmove]})
pwins += 1
?9/0 -- sanity check
end if
end if
history[pmove] += 1
hsum += 1
end while
printf(1,"\n\nYour wins:%d, My wins:%d, Draws:%d\n",{pwins,cwins,draws})
printf(1,"\n\nYour wins:%d, My wins:%d, Draws:%d\n",{pwins,cwins,draws})
printf(1," ") for i=1 to choices do printf(1,"%9s",what[i]) end for
printf(1,"\nyou: ") for i=1 to choices do printf(1,"%9d",pplays[i]) end for
printf(1,"\n me: ") for i=1 to choices do printf(1,"%9d",cplays[i]) end for</lang>
<pre style="font-size: 8px">
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: scissors, rock blunts scissors. You win.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: rock, a draw.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: paper, paper wraps rock. I win.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: rock, a draw.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: paper, paper wraps rock. I win.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: paper, paper wraps rock. I win.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: paper, paper wraps rock. I win.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: paper, paper wraps rock. I win.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: paper, paper wraps rock. I win.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors? you: rock, me: paper, paper wraps rock. I win.
What is your move (r)ock, (p)aper, (s)cissors?

Your wins:1, My wins:7, Draws:2
rock paper scissors
you: 10 0 0
me: 2 7 1
