Reduced row echelon form

Revision as of 18:16, 9 June 2009 by rosettacode>Glennj (→‎{{header|Ruby}}: use throw/catch to jump out of the nested loops)

Show how to compute the reduced row echelon form (a.k.a. row canonical form) of a matrix. The matrix can be stored in any datatype that is convenient (for most languages, this will probably be a two-dimensional array). Pseudocode found here may be used, or built-in functions may be used.

Reduced row echelon form
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

For testing purposes, the RREF of this matrix:

1   2   -1   -4
2   3   -1   -11
-2   0   -3   22


1   0   0   -8
0   1   0   1
0   0   1   -2


Translation of: python
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386

<lang algol>MODE FIELD = REAL; # FIELD can be REAL, LONG REAL etc, or COMPL, FRAC etc # MODE VEC = [0]FIELD; MODE MAT = [0,0]FIELD;

PROC to reduced row echelon form = (REF MAT m)VOID: (

   INT lead col := 2 LWB m;
   FOR this row FROM LWB m TO UPB m DO
       IF lead col > 2 UPB m THEN return FI;
       INT other row := this row;
       WHILE m[other row,lead col] = 0 DO
           other row +:= 1;
           IF other row > UPB m THEN
               other row := this row;
               lead col +:= 1;
               IF lead col > 2 UPB m THEN return FI
       IF this row /= other row THEN
           VEC swap = m[this row,lead col:];
           m[this row,lead col:] := m[other row,lead col:];
           m[other row,lead col:] := swap
       FIELD scale = 1/m[this row,lead col];
       IF scale /= 1 THEN
           m[this row,lead col] := 1;
           FOR col FROM lead col+1 TO 2 UPB m DO m[this row,col] *:= scale OD
       FOR other row FROM LWB m TO UPB m DO
           IF this row /= other row THEN
               REAL scale = m[other row,lead col];
               m[other row,lead col]:=0;
               FOR col FROM lead col+1 TO 2 UPB m DO m[other row,col] -:= scale*m[this row,col] OD
       lead col +:= 1
   return: EMPTY


[3,4]FIELD mat := (

  ( 1, 2, -1, -4),
  ( 2, 3, -1, -11),
  (-2, 0, -3, 22)


to reduced row echelon form( mat );


 real repr = $g(-7,4)$,
 vec repr = $"("n(2 UPB mat-1)(f(real repr)", ")f(real repr)")"$,
 mat repr = $"("n(1 UPB mat-1)(f(vec repr)", "lx)f(vec repr)")"$;

printf((mat repr, mat, $l$))</lang> Output:

(( 1.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000, -8.0000), 
 ( 0.0000,  1.0000,  0.0000,  1.0000), 
 ( 0.0000,  0.0000,  1.0000, -2.0000))


Note: This code is written in generic form. While it slightly complicates the code, it allows to use the same code for both built-in arrays and matrix classes. To use it with a matrix class, either program the matrix class to the specifications given in the matrix_traits comment, or specialize matrix_traits for the specific interface of your matrix class.

The test code uses a built-in array for the matrix.

Works with: g++ version 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21)

<lang cpp>

  1. include <algorithm> // for std::swap
  2. include <cstddef>
  3. include <cassert>

// Matrix traits: This describes how a matrix is accessed. By // externalizing this information into a traits class, the same code // can be used both with native arrays and matrix classes. To use the // dfault implementation of the traits class, a matrix type has to // provide the following definitions as members: // // * typedef ... index_type; // - The type used for indexing (e.g. size_t) // * typedef ... value_type; // - The element type of the matrix (e.g. double) // * index_type min_row() const; // - returns the minimal allowed row index // * index_type max_row() const; // - returns the maximal allowed row index // * index_type min_column() const; // - returns the minimal allowed column index // * index_type max_column() const; // - returns the maximal allowed column index // * value_type& operator()(index_type i, index_type k) // - returns a reference to the element i,k, where // min_row() <= i <= max_row() // min_column() <= k <= max_column() // * value_type operator()(index_type i, index_type k) const // - returns the value of element i,k // // Note that the functions are all inline and simple, so the compiler // should completely optimize them away. template<typename MatrixType> struct matrix_traits {

 typedef typename MatrixType::index_type index_type;
 typedef typename MatrixType::value_typ value_type;
 static index_type min_row(MatrixType const& A)
 { return A.min_row(); }
 static index_type max_row(MatrixType const& A)
 { return A.max_row(); }
 static index_type min_column(MatrixType const& A)
 { return A.min_column(); }
 static index_type max_column(MatrixType const& A)
 { return A.max_column(); }
 static value_type& element(MatrixType& A, index_type i, index_type k)
 { return A(i,k); }
 static value_type element(MatrixType const& A, index_type i, index_type k)
 { return A(i,k); }


// specialization of the matrix traits for built-in two-dimensional // arrays template<typename T, std::size_t rows, std::size_t columns>

struct matrix_traits<T[rows][columns]>


 typedef std::size_t index_type;
 typedef T value_type;
 static index_type min_row(T const (&)[rows][columns])
 { return 0; }
 static index_type max_row(T const (&)[rows][columns])
 { return rows-1; }
 static index_type min_column(T const (&)[rows][columns])
 { return 0; }
 static index_type max_column(T const (&)[rows][columns])
 { return columns-1; }
 static value_type& element(T (&A)[rows][columns],
                            index_type i, index_type k)
 { return A[i][k]; }
 static value_type element(T const (&A)[rows][columns],
                           index_type i, index_type k)
 { return A[i][k]; }


// Swap rows i and k of a matrix A // Note that due to the reference, both dimensions are preserved for // built-in arrays template<typename MatrixType>

void swap_rows(MatrixType& A,
                typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type i,
                typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type k)


 matrix_traits<MatrixType> mt;
 typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type index_type;
 // check indices
 assert(mt.min_row(A) <= i);
 assert(i <= mt.max_row(A));
 assert(mt.min_row(A) <= k);
 assert(k <= mt.max_row(A));
 for (index_type col = mt.min_column(A); col <= mt.max_column(A); ++col)
   std::swap(mt.element(A, i, col), mt.element(A, k, col));


// divide row i of matrix A by v template<typename MatrixType>

void divide_row(MatrixType& A,
                 typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type i,
                 typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::value_type v)


 matrix_traits<MatrixType> mt;
 typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type index_type;
 assert(mt.min_row(A) <= i);
 assert(i <= mt.max_row(A));
 assert(v != 0);
 for (index_type col = mt.min_column(A); col <= mt.max_column(A); ++col)
   mt.element(A, i, col) /= v;


// in matrix A, add v times row k to row i template<typename MatrixType>

void add_multiple_row(MatrixType& A,
                 typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type i,
                 typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type k,
                 typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::value_type v)


 matrix_traits<MatrixType> mt;
 typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type index_type;
 assert(mt.min_row(A) <= i);
 assert(i <= mt.max_row(A));
 assert(mt.min_row(A) <= k);
 assert(k <= mt.max_row(A));
 for (index_type col = mt.min_column(A); col <= mt.max_column(A); ++col)
   mt.element(A, i, col) += v * mt.element(A, k, col);


// convert A to reduced row echelon form template<typename MatrixType>

void to_reduced_row_echelon_form(MatrixType& A)


 matrix_traits<MatrixType> mt;
 typedef typename matrix_traits<MatrixType>::index_type index_type;
 index_type lead = mt.min_row(A);
 for (index_type row = mt.min_row(A); row <= mt.max_row(A); ++row)
   if (lead > mt.max_column(A))
   index_type i = row;
   while (mt.element(A, i, lead) == 0)
     if (i > mt.max_row(A))
       i = row;
       if (lead > mt.max_column(A))
   swap_rows(A, i, row);
   divide_row(A, row, mt.element(A, row, lead));
   for (i = mt.min_row(A); i <= mt.max_row(A); ++i)
     if (i != row)
       add_multiple_row(A, i, row, -mt.element(A, i, lead));


// test code

  1. include <iostream>

int main() {

 double M[3][4] = { {  1, 2, -1,  -4 },
                    {  2, 3, -1, -11 },
                    { -2, 0, -3,  22 } };
 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
   for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
     std::cout << M[i][j] << '\t';
   std::cout << "\n";

} </lang> Output:

1       0       0       -8
-0      1       0       1
-0      -0      1       -2


<lang fortran>module Rref

 implicit none


 subroutine to_rref(matrix)
   real, dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: matrix
   integer :: pivot, norow, nocolumn
   integer :: r, i
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: trow
   pivot = 1
   norow = size(matrix, 1)
   nocolumn = size(matrix, 2)
   do r = 1, norow
      if ( nocolumn <= pivot ) exit
      i = r
      do while ( matrix(i, pivot) == 0 )
         i = i + 1
         if ( norow == i ) then
            i = r
            pivot = pivot + 1
            if ( nocolumn == pivot ) return
         end if
      end do
      trow = matrix(i, :)
      matrix(i, :) = matrix(r, :)
      matrix(r, :) = trow
      matrix(r, :) = matrix(r, :) / matrix(r, pivot)
      do i = 1, norow
         if ( i /= r ) matrix(i, :) = matrix(i, :) - matrix(r, :) * matrix(i, pivot) 
      end do
      pivot = pivot + 1
   end do
 end subroutine to_rref

end module Rref</lang>

<lang fortran>program prg_test

 use rref
 implicit none
 real, dimension(3, 4) :: m = reshape( (/  1, 2, -1, -4,  &
                                           2, 3, -1, -11, &
                                          -2, 0, -3,  22 /), &
                                       (/ 3, 4 /), order = (/ 2, 1 /) )
 integer :: i
 print *, "Original matrix"
 do i = 1, size(m,1)
    print *, m(i, :)
 end do
 call to_rref(m)
 print *, "Reduced row echelon form"
 do i = 1, size(m,1)
    print *, m(i, :)
 end do

end program prg_test</lang>


This program was produced by translating from the Python and gradually refactoring the result into a more functional style.

<lang haskell>import Data.List (find)

rref :: Fractional a => a -> a rref m = f m 0 [0 .. rows - 1]

 where rows = length m
       cols = length $ head m
       f m _    []              = m
       f m lead (r : rs)
           | indices == Nothing = m
           | otherwise          = f m' (lead' + 1) rs
         where indices = find p l
               p (col, row) = m !! row !! col /= 0
               l = [(col, row) |
                   col <- [lead .. cols - 1],
                   row <- [r .. rows - 1]]
               Just (lead', i) = indices
               newRow = map (/ m !! i !! lead') $ m !! i
               m' = zipWith g [0..] $
                   replace r newRow $
                   replace i (m !! r) m
               g n row
                   | n == r    = row
                   | otherwise = zipWith h newRow row
                 where h = subtract . (* row !! lead')

replace :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a] {- Replaces the element at the given index. -} replace n e l = a ++ e : b

 where (a, _ : b) = splitAt n l</lang>


Translation of: Python

<lang java>public class RREF {

   public static void toRREF(double[][] M) {
       int rowCount = M.length;
       if (rowCount == 0)
       int columnCount = M[0].length;
       int lead = 0;
       for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++) {
           if (lead >= columnCount)
               int i = r;
               while (M[i][lead] == 0) {
                   if (i == rowCount) {
                       i = r;
                       if (lead == columnCount)
               double[] temp = M[r];
               M[r] = M[i];
               M[i] = temp;
               double lv = M[r][lead];
               for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                   M[r][j] /= lv;
           for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
               if (i != r) {
                   double lv = M[i][lead];
                   for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++)
                       M[i][j] -= lv * M[r][j];
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       double[][] mtx = {
           { 1, 2, -1, -4},
           { 2, 3, -1,-11},
           {-2, 0, -3, 22}};
       for (double [] row : mtx) {
           for (double x : row)
               System.out.print(x + ", ");



<lang octave>A = [ 1, 2, -1, -4; 2, 3, -1, -11; -2, 0, -3, 22]; refA = rref(A); disp(refA);</lang>


Translation of: Python

Note that the function defined here takes an array reference, not an array. <lang perl>sub rref

{our @m; local *m = shift;
 @m or return;
 my ($lead, $rows, $cols) = (0, scalar(@m), scalar(@{$m[0]}));
 foreach my $r (0 .. $rows - 1)
    {$lead < $cols or return;
     my $i = $r;
     until ($m[$i][$lead])
        {++$i == $rows or next;
         $i = $r;
         ++$lead == $cols and return;}
     @m[$i, $r] = @m[$r, $i];
     my $lv = $m[$r][$lead];
     $_ /= $lv foreach @{ $m[$r] };
     my @mr = @{ $m[$r] };
     foreach my $i (0 .. $rows - 1)
        {$i == $r and next;
         ($lv, my $n) = ($m[$i][$lead], -1);
         $_ -= $lv * $mr[++$n] foreach @{ $m[$i] };}


This closely follows the pseudocode given in the link. <lang python>def ToReducedRowEchelonForm( M):

   if not M: return
   lead = 0
   rowCount = len(M)
   columnCount = len(M[0])
   for r in range(rowCount):
       if lead >= columnCount:
       i = r
       while M[i][lead] == 0:
           i += 1
           if i == rowCount:
               i = r
               lead += 1
               if columnCount == lead:
       M[i],M[r] = M[r],M[i]
       lv = M[r][lead]
       M[r] = [ mrx / lv for mrx in M[r]]
       for i in range(rowCount):
           if i != r:
               lv = M[i][lead]
               M[i] = [ iv - lv*rv for rv,iv in zip(M[r],M[i])]
       lead += 1

mtx = [

  [ 1, 2, -1, -4],
  [ 2, 3, -1, -11],
  [-2, 0, -3, 22],]

ToReducedRowEchelonForm( mtx )

for rw in mtx:

 print ', '.join( (str(rv) for rv in rw) )



<lang ruby>require 'rational'

def reduced_row_echelon_form(ary)

 lead = 0
 rows = ary.size
 cols = ary[0].size
 rary = convert_to_rational(ary)  # use rational arithmetic
 catch :done  do
   rows.times do |r|
     throw :done  if cols <= lead
     i = r
     while rary[i][lead] == 0
       i += 1
       if rows == i
         i = r
         lead += 1
         throw :done  if cols == lead
     # swap rows i and r 
     rary[i], rary[r] = rary[r], rary[i]
     # normalize row r
     v = rary[r][lead]
     rary[r].collect! {|x| x /= v}
     # reduce other rows
     rows.times do |i|
       next if i == r
       v = rary[i][lead]
       rary[i].each_index {|j| rary[i][j] -= v * rary[r][j]}
     lead += 1


def convert_to_rational(ary)

 new = []
 ary.each_index do |row|
   new << ary[row].collect {|elem| Rational(elem)}


def convert_to_string(ary)

 new = []
 ary.each_index do |row|
   new << ary[row].collect {|elem| elem.to_s}


p mtx = [

 [ 1, 2, -1, -4],
 [ 2, 3, -1,-11],
 [-2, 0, -3, 22]

] p reduced_row_echelon_form(mtx)

p mtx = [

 [ 1, 2, 3, 7],
 [-4, 7,-2, 7],
 [ 3, 3, 0, 7]

] p reduced_row_echelon_form(mtx)</lang>

[[1, 2, -1, -4], [2, 3, -1, -11], [-2, 0, -3, 22]]
[["1", "0", "0", "-8"], ["0", "1", "0", "1"], ["0", "0", "1", "-2"]]
[[1, 2, 3, 7], [-4, 7, -2, 7], [3, 3, 0, 7]]
[["1", "0", "0", "2/3"], ["0", "1", "0", "5/3"], ["0", "0", "1", "1"]]


Using utility procs defined at Matrix Transpose#Tcl <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 namespace path {::tcl::mathop ::tcl::mathfunc}

proc toRREF {m} {

   set lead 0
   lassign [size $m] rows cols
   for {set r 0} {$r < $rows} {incr r} {
       if {$cols <= $lead} {
       set i $r
       while {[lindex $m $i $lead] == 0} {
           incr i
           if {$rows == $i} {
               set i $r
               incr lead
               if {$cols == $lead} {
                   # Tcl can't break out of nested loops
                   return $m
       # swap rows i and r
       foreach idx [list $i $r] row [list [lindex $m $r] [lindex $m $i]] {
           lset m $idx $row
       # divide row r by m(r,lead)
       set val [lindex $m $r $lead]
       for {set j 0} {$j < $cols} {incr j} {
           lset m $r $j [/ [double [lindex $m $r $j]] $val]
       for {set i 0} {$i < $rows} {incr i} {
           if {$i != $r} {
               # subtract m(i,lead) multiplied by row r from row i
               set val [lindex $m $i $lead]
               for {set j 0} {$j < $cols} {incr j} {
                   lset m $i $j [- [lindex $m $i $j] [* $val [lindex $m $r $j]]]
       incr lead
   return $m


set m {{1 2 -1 -4} {2 3 -1 -11} {-2 0 -3 22}} print_matrix $m print_matrix [toRREF $m]</lang> outputs

 1 2 -1  -4
 2 3 -1 -11
-2 0 -3  22
 1.0  0.0 0.0 -8.0 
-0.0  1.0 0.0  1.0 
-0.0 -0.0 1.0 -2.0