Real constants and functions

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Real constants and functions
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Show how to use the following math constants and functions in your language (if not available, note it):

  • e (Euler's number)
  • pi
  • square root
  • logarithm (any base allowed)
  • exponential (ex)
  • absolute value (a.k.a. "magnitude")
  • floor (largest integer less than or equal to this number--not the same as truncate or int)
  • ceiling (smallest integer not less than this number--not the same as round up)
  • power (xy)

See also Trigonometric Functions


Most of the constants and functions used in this task are defined in the pre-defined Ada package Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions. <ada> Ada.Numerics.e -- Euler's number Ada.Numerics.pi -- pi sqrt(x) -- square root log(x, base) -- logarithm to any specified base exp(x) -- exponential abs(x) -- absolute value S'floor(x) -- Produces the floor of an instance of subtype S S'ceiling(x) -- Produces the ceiling of an instance of subtype S x**y -- x raised to the y power </ada>


Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5

<qbasic>abs(x) 'absolute value sqr(x) 'square root exp(x) 'exponential log(x) 'natural logarithm x ^ y 'power 'floor, ceiling, e, and pi not available</qbasic>


Most of the following functions take a double. <c>#include <math.h>

M_E; /* e - not standard but offered by most implementations */ M_PI; /* pi - not standard but offered by most implementations */ sqrt(x); /* square root--cube root also available in C99 (cbrt) */ log(x); /* natural logarithm--log base 10 also available (log10) */ exp(x); /* exponential */ abs(x); /* absolute value (for integers) */ fabs(x); /* absolute value (for doubles) */ floor(x); /* floor */ ceil(x); /* ceiling */ pow(x,y); /* power */</c>


? 1.0.exp()
# value: 2.7182818284590455

? 0.0.acos() * 2
# value: 3.141592653589793

? 2.0.sqrt()
# value: 1.4142135623730951

? 2.0.log()
# value: 0.6931471805599453

? 5.0.exp()
# value: 148.4131591025766

? (-5).abs()
# value: 5

? 1.2.floor()
# value: 1

? 1.2.ceil()
# value: 2

? 10 ** 6
# value: 1000000


1e fexp fconstant e
0e facos 2e f* fconstant pi  \ predefined in gforth
fsqrt ( f -- f )
fln ( f -- f )   \ flog for base 10
fexp ( f -- f )
fabs ( f -- f )
floor ( f -- f )  \ round towards -inf
: ceil ( f -- f ) fnegate floor fnegate ; \ not standard, though fround is available
f** ( f e -- f^e )


e          ! Not available. Can be calculated EXP(1)
pi         ! Not available. Can be calculated 4.0*ATAN(1.0)
SQRT(x)    ! square root
LOG(x)     ! natural logarithm
LOG10(x)   ! logarithm to base 10
EXP(x)     ! exponential
ABS(x)     ! absolute value
FLOOR(x)   ! floor - Fortran 90 or later only
CEILING(x) ! ceiling - Fortran 90 or later only
x**y       ! x raised to the y power


The operations are defined for the various numeric typeclasses, as defined in their type signature.

exp 1     -- Euler number
pi        -- pi
sqrt x    -- square root
log x     -- natural logarithm
exp x     -- exponential
abs x     -- absolute value
floor x   -- floor
ceiling x -- ceiling
x ** y    -- power (e.g. floating-point exponentiation)
x ^ y     -- power (e.g. integer exponentiation, positive y only)
x ^^ y    -- power (e.g. rational exponentiation, also negative y)


The examples below require arguments (x and y) to be numeric nouns.

e =. 1x1   NB. Euler's number, specified as a numeric literal.
e =. ^ 1   NB. Euler's number, computed by exponentiation.
pi=. 1p1   NB. pi, specified as a numeric literal.
pi=. o.1   NB. pi, computed trigonometrically.
magnitude_of_x   =. |x
floor_of_x       =. <.x
ceiling_of_x     =. >.x
natural_log_of_x =. ^.x
base_x_log_of_y  =. x^.y
x_squared        =. *:x     NB. special form
x_squared        =. x^2     NB. exponential form
square_root_of_x =. %:x     NB. special form
square_root_of_x =. x^0.5   NB. exponential form
x_to_the_y_power =. x^y


All of these functions are in Java's Math class which, does not require any imports: <java>Math.E; //e Math.PI; //pi Math.sqrt(x); //square root--cube root also available (cbrt) Math.log(x); //natural logarithm--log base 10 also available (log10) Math.exp(x); //exponential Math.abs(x); //absolute value Math.floor(x); //floor Math.ceil(x); //ceiling Math.pow(x,y); //power</java>




e       -- Euler's number
pi      -- pi
log x   -- natural logarithm
log10 x -- log base 10
exp x   -- exponantial
abs x   -- absolute value
floor x -- floor
ceil x  -- ceiling
pow x y -- power

Works with: UCB Logo
make "e exp 1
make "pi 2*(RADARCTAN 0 1)
sqrt :x
ln :x
exp :x
; there is no standard abs, floor, or ceiling; only INT and ROUND.
power :x :y


Unless otherwise noted, the following functions are for floats only: <ocaml>sqrt x;; (* square root *) log x;; (* natural logarithm--log base 10 also available (log10) *) exp x;; (* exponential *) abs_float x;; (* absolute value *) abs x;; (* absolute value (for integers) *) floor x;; (* floor *) ceil x;; (* ceiling *) x ** y; (* power *)</ocaml>


<perl>use POSIX;

exp(1); # e 4 * atan2(1, 1); # pi sqrt($x); # square root log($x); # natural logarithm exp($x); # exponential abs($x); # absolute value POSIX::floor($x); # floor POSIX::ceil($x); # ceiling $x**$y; # power</perl>


<php>M_E; //e M_PI; //pi sqrt(x); //square root log(x); //natural logarithm--log base 10 also available (log10) exp(x); //exponential abs(x); //absolute value floor(x); //floor ceil(x); //ceiling pow(x,y); //power</php>


pi        ;;; Number Pi
sqrt(x)   ;;; Square root
log(x)    ;;; Natural logarithm
exp(x)    ;;; Exponential function
abs(x)    ;;; Absolute value
x ** y    ;;; x to the power y

The number e is not provided directly, one has to compute 'exp(1)' instead. Also, floor and ceiling are not provided, one can define them using integer part:

define floor(x);
    if x < 0 then

define ceiling(x);


<python>import math

math.e #e math.pi #pi math.sqrt(x) #square root math.log(x) #natural logarithm--log base 10 also available (math.log10) math.exp(x) #exponential abs(x) #absolute value math.floor(x) #floor math.ceil(x) #ceiling x ** y #power</python>


<scheme>(sqrt x) ;square root (log x) ;natural logarithm (exp x) ;exponential (abs x) ;absolute value (floor x) ;floor (ceiling x) ;ceiling (expt x y) ;power</scheme>