Ray-casting algorithm: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Tcl}}: marked since it suffers the same bug the now fixed pseudocode and C code suffered)
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{{incorrect|Tcl|If you try with {-5 5} {3 0 7 0 10 5 7 10 3 10 0 5 } (exagon), you notice a bug (now fixed in the given pseudocode by moving slightly the point): it says the point is inside.}}
<lang Tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

Revision as of 10:54, 24 May 2009

Ray-casting algorithm
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Point_in_polygon. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

Given a point and a polygon, check if the point is inside or outside the polygon using the ray-casting algorithm.

A pseudocode can be simply:

 count ← 0
 foreach side in polygon:
   if ray_intersects_segment(P,side) then
     count ← count + 1
 if is_odd(count) then
   return inside
   return outside

Where the function ray_intersects_segment return true if the horizontal ray starting from the point P intersects the side (segment), false otherwise.

An intuitive explanation of why it works is that every time we cross a border, we change "country" (inside-outside, or outside-inside), but the last "country" we land on is surely outside (since the inside of the polygon is finite, while the ray continues towards infinity). So, if we crossed an odd number of borders we was surely inside, otherwise we was outside; we can follow the ray backward to see it better: starting from outside, only an odd number of crossing can give an inside: outside-inside, outside-inside-outside-inside, and so on (the - represents the crossing of a border).

So the main part of the algorithm is how we determine if a ray intersects a segment. The following text explain one of the possible ways.

Looking at the image on the right, we can easily be convinced of the fact that rays starting from points in the hatched area (like P1 and P2) surely do not intersect the segment AB. We also can easily see that rays starting from points in the greenish area surely intersect the segment AB (like point P3).

So the problematic points are those inside the white area (the box delimited by the points A and B), like P4.

Let us take into account a segment AB (the point A having y coordinate always smaller than B's y coordinate, i.e. point A is always below point B) and a point P. Let us use the cumbersome notation PAX to denote the angle between segment AP and AX, where X is always a point on the horizontal line passing by A with x coordinate bigger than the maximum between the x coordinate of A and the x coordinate of B. As explained graphically by the figures on the right, if PAX is greater than the angle BAX, then the ray starting from P intersects the segment AB. (In the images, the ray starting from PA does not intersect the segment, while the ray starting from PB in the second picture, intersects the segment).

Points on the boundary or "on" a vertex are someway special and through this approach we do not obtain coherent results. They could be treated apart, but it is not necessary to do so.

An algorithm for the previous speech could be (if P is a point, Px is its x coordinate):

    P : the point from which the ray starts
    A : the end-point of the segment with the smallest y coordinate
        (A must be "below" B)
    B : the end-point of the segment with the greatest y coordinate
        (B must be "above" A)
 if Py = Ay or Py = By then
   Py ← Py + ε
 end if
 if Py > Ay or Py < By then 
   return false
 else if Px > max(Ax, Bx) then 
   return false
   if Px < min(Ax, Bx) then
     return true
     if Ax ≠ Bx then
       m_red ← (By - Ay)/(Bx - Ax)
       m_red ← ∞
     end if
     if Ax ≠ Px then
       m_blue ← (Py - Ay)/(Px - Ax)
       m_blue ← ∞
     end if
     if m_blue ≥ m_red then
       return true
       return false
     end if
   end if
 end if

(To avoid the "ray on vertex" problem, the point is moved upward of a small quantity ε)


Required includes and definitions:

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdbool.h>
  3. include <math.h>

typedef struct {

 double x, y;

} point_t;

typedef struct {

 point_t *vertices;
 int edges[];

} polygon_t;</lang>

Polygons for testing:

<lang c>point_t square_v[] = {

 {0,0}, {10,0}, {10,10}, {0,10},
 {2.5,2.5}, {7.5,0.1}, {7.5,7.5}, {2.5,7.5}


point_t esa_v[] = {

 {3,0}, {7,0}, {10,5}, {7,10}, {3,10}, {0,5}


polygon_t esa = {

 { 0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5, 5,0, -1 }


polygon_t square = {

 { 0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,0, -1 } 


polygon_t squarehole = {

 { 0,1, 1,2, 2,3, 3,0, 
   4,5, 5,6, 6,7, 7,4, -1 }


polygon_t strange = {

 { 0,4, 4,3, 3,7, 7,6, 6,2, 2,1, 1,5, 5,0, -1 }


Check for intersection code:

<lang c>#define MAX(A,B) (((A)>(B))?(A):(B))

  1. define MIN(A,B) (((A)>(B))?(B):(A))
  2. define minP(A,B,C) ( (((A)->C) > ((B)->C)) ? (B) : (A) )
  3. define coeff_ang(PA,PB) ( ((PB)->y - (PA)->y) / ((PB)->x - (PA)->x) )
  4. define EPS 0.00001

inline bool hseg_intersect_seg(point_t *s, point_t *a, point_t *b) {

 double eps = 0.0;
 if ( s->y == MAX(a->y, b->y) ||
      s->y == MIN(a->y, b->y) ) eps = EPS;
 if (  (s->y + eps) > MAX(a->y, b->y) ||

(s->y + eps) < MIN(a->y, b->y) ||

        s->x > MAX(a->x, b->x) ) return false;
 if ( s->x <= MIN(a->x, b->x) ) return true;
 double ca = (a->x != b->x) ? coeff_ang(a,b) : 
 point_t *my = minP(a,b,y);
 double cp = (s->x - my->x) ? coeff_ang(my, s) :
 if ( cp >= ca ) return true;
 return false;


The ray-casting algorithm:

<lang c>bool point_is_inside(polygon_t *poly, point_t *pt) {

 int cross = 0, i;
 for(i=0; poly->edges[i] != -1 ; i+=2) {
   if ( hseg_intersect_seg(pt, 
      &poly->vertices[ poly->edges[i] ],
      &poly->vertices[ poly->edges[i+1] ]) ) 
 return !(cross%2 == 0);



<lang c>#define MAKE_TEST(S) do { \

   printf("point (%.5f,%.5f) is ", test_points[i].x, test_points[i].y); \
   if ( point_is_inside(&S, &test_points[i]) )                          \
     printf("INSIDE " #S "\n");                                         \
   else                                                                 \
     printf("OUTSIDE " #S "\n");                                        \
 } while(0);

int main() {

 point_t test_points[] = { {5,5}, {5,8}, {2,2},
      {0,0}, {10,10}, {2.5,2.5}, 
      {0.01,5}, {2.2,7.4}, {0,5}, {10,5}, {-4,10}};
 int i;
 for(i=0; i < sizeof(test_points)/sizeof(point_t); i++) {


The test's output reveals the meaning of coherent results: a point on the leftmost vertical side of the square (coordinate 0,5) is considered outside; while a point on the rightmost vertical side of the square (coordinate 10,5) is considered inside, but on the top-right vertex (coordinate 10,10), it is considered outside again.


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: If you try with {-5 5} {3 0 7 0 10 5 7 10 3 10 0 5 } (exagon), you notice a bug (now fixed in the given pseudocode by moving slightly the point): it says the point is inside.

<lang Tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

proc point_in_polygon {point polygon} {

   set count 0
   foreach side [sides $polygon] {
       if [ray_intersects_line $point $side] {
           incr count
   expr {$count % 2} ;#-- 1 = odd = true, 0 = even = false

} proc sides polygon {

   foreach {x0 y0} $polygon break
   foreach {x y} [lrange [lappend polygon $x0 $y0] 2 end] {
       lappend res [list $x0 $y0 $x $y]
       set x0 $x
       set y0 $y
   return $res

} proc ray_intersects_line {point line} {

   foreach {x y} $point break
   foreach {xa xb ya yb} $line break
   set xout [expr {max($xa,$xb) + 1}]
   lines_cross [list $x $y $xout $y] $line

} proc lines_cross {line1 line2} {

   foreach {xa ya xb yb} $line1 break
   foreach {xc yc xd yd} $line2 break
   set det [expr {($xb - $xa) * ($yd - $yc) - ($xd - $xc) * ($yb - $ya)}]
   if {$det == 0} {return 0} ;#-- parallel or collinear
   set nump [expr {($xd - $xc) * ($yb + $ya) - ($xb + $xa) * ($yd - $yc) + 2. * ($xc * $yd - $xd * $yc)}]
   if {abs($nump) > abs($det)} {return 0} ;#-- cross outside line1
   set numq [expr {($xd + $xc) * ($yb - $ya) - ($xb - $xa) * ($yd + $yc) + 2. * ($xb * $ya - $xa * $yb)}]
   if {abs($numq) > abs($det)} {return 0} ;#-- cross outside line2
   return 1


foreach {point poly} {

   {0 0}     {-1 -1  -1 1  1 1  1 -1}
   {2 2}     {-1 -1  -1 1  1 1  1 -1}
   {0 0}     {-2 -2  -2 2  2 2  2 -2   2 -1  1 1  -1 1  -1 -1  1 -1  2 -1}
   {1.5 1.5} {-2 -2  -2 2  2 2  2 -2   2 -1  1 1  -1 1  -1 -1  1 -1  2 -1}
   {5 5}     {0 0  2.5 2.5  0 10  2.5 7.5  7.5 7.5  10 10  10 0  7.5 0.1}
   {5 8}     {0 0  2.5 2.5  0 10  2.5 7.5  7.5 7.5  10 10  10 0  7.5 0.1}
   {2 2}     {0 0  2.5 2.5  0 10  2.5 7.5  7.5 7.5  10 10  10 0  7.5 0.1}
   {0 0}     {0 0  2.5 2.5  0 10  2.5 7.5  7.5 7.5  10 10  10 0  7.5 0.1}
   {10 10}   {0 0  2.5 2.5  0 10  2.5 7.5  7.5 7.5  10 10  10 0  7.5 0.1}
   {2.5 2.5} {0 0  2.5 2.5  0 10  2.5 7.5  7.5 7.5  10 10  10 0  7.5 0.1}

} {

   puts "$point in $poly = [point_in_polygon $point $poly]"
