Raster bars: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|Raku}}: Now with more swaying
(→‎{{header|Raku}}: Now with more swaying)
Line 348:
As there is no reference implementation, and rather sketchy task instructions, this may or may not fulfill the original task authors intent.
Not really sure what is meant by "swaying", perhaps this will suffice.
Generate random colored bars and display them. (They ended up looking more plastic than metallic; ah well.)
* Use Up / Down arrows to change the scroll speed.
* Use Left / Right arrows to adjust the gap between the raster bars.
* Use Pg Up / Pg Dn to adjust raster bar height.
* Use Left / Right to adjust the gap between the raster bars.
* Use Space bar to pause / resume scrolling.
* Use Left Ctrl to reverse scroll direction.
* Use Z / X to change the angle of the raster bars.
* Use Space bar to pause / resume scrolling.
* Use Left Ctrl to reversetoggle the scroll direction.
* Press R to toggle Randomize on / off.
* If Randomize is active, adjust the randomize delay with < / >
* Press S to toggle Swaying on / off.
* If Swaying is active, adjust the period with D / F
* Press Q to exit.
<lang perl6>useunit SDL2::Raw;sub MAIN (
Int :b(:$bar-height) is copy = 60; #= Height of the individual "Raster bars", minimum 32 (pixels)
Int :d(:$dir) is copy = -1; #= Scroll direction: -1 is "up" 1 is "down"
Int :s(:$step) is copy = 4; #= Scroll speed (pixels per step
Int :g(:$gap) is copy = $bar-height + 50; #= Gap between bars (pixels)
Int :a(:$angle) is copy = 0; #= Angle to orient bars off horizontal (-60 to 60 degrees)
Int :sw(:$sway) is copy = 0; #= Swaying on / off
Real :r(:$rnd) is copy = 0; #= Delay between randomize events
say q:to/END/;
Use Up / Down arrows to change the scroll speed.
Use Left / Right arrows to adjust the gap between the raster bars.
Use Pg Up / Pg Dn to adjust raster bar height.
Use Z / X to change the angle of the raster bars.
Use Space bar to pause / resume scrolling.
Use Left Ctrl to toggle the scroll direction.
Press R to toggle Randomize on / off.
If Randomize is active, adjust the randomize delay with < / >
Press S to toggle Swaying on / off.
If Swaying is active, adjust the period with D / F
Press Q to exit.
use SDL2::Raw;
use Cairo;
Line 377 ⟶ 406:
my $render = SDL_CreateRenderer($window, -1, ACCELERATED +| PRESENTVSYNC);
my @bars = (^256128).map: { gen-bar( rand xx 3 ) };
my $event = SDL_Event.new;
Line 393 ⟶ 422:
K_X => 27,
K_Q => 20,
K_R => 21,
K_S => 22,
K_D => 7,
K_F => 9,
K_LT => 54,
K_GT => 55,
my $dir = -1;
my $step = 5;
my $incr = 1;
my $gap = 100;
my $bh = 64;
$height += 32;
my $port = +@bars * $gap;
my $y = $dir > 0 ?? $height - $port !! $height ;
my $anglenow = 0now;
my $step period = 52;
main: loop {
handle-event($event) while SDL_PollEvent($event);
$yrandomize =if $steprnd and now *- $dirnow +> $yrnd;
if $dir > 0 {
$y = $height - $port if $y > 0 - ceiling $height / cos(π * $angle / 180).abs
} else {
$y = 0 - ceiling $height / cos(π * $angle / 180).abs if $y < $height - $port
$y = $step * $dir + $y;
$angle = (((now * $period) % τ).sin * 35).Int if $sway;
for ^@bars {
my $offset = $sway ?? $gap !! ceiling $gap / cos(π * $angle / 180).abs;
SDL_RenderCopyEx( $render, @bars[$_], Nil,
SDL_Rect.new( -($gapwidth*4), $y + $offset * $_, $width * 210, $bhbar-height),
$angle.Num, SDL_Point.new(:x(0(4.5*$width).Int),:y(0$y + $offset * $_)), 0
Line 427 ⟶ 462:
print fps;
put '';
sub gen-bar (@color) {
my $bar = Cairo::Image.create( Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 1, 32128 );
given Cairo::Context.new($bar) {
my Cairo::Pattern::Gradient::Linear $lpat .= create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 32128.0);
$lpat.add_color_stop_rgba( 1, |(@color »*» .3), 1);
$lpat.add_color_stop_rgba( .2, |(@color), 1);
$lpat.add_color_stop_rgba( .875, |(@color), 1);
$lpat.add_color_stop_rgba( 0, |(@color »+» .85), 1);
.rectangle(0, 0, 1, 32128);
Line 447 ⟶ 486:
my $bar_texture = SDL_CreateTexture(
$render, %PIXELFORMAT<ARGB8888>,
STATIC, 1, 32128
SDL_Rect.new(:x(0), :y(0), :w(1), :h(32128)),
$bar.data, $bar.stride // 1
Line 466 ⟶ 505:
if KEY_CODES(.scancode) -> $comm {
given $comm {
when 'K_UP' { $step += $incr1 }
when 'K_DOWN' { $step -= $incr1 if $step > $incr1 }
when 'K_LEFT' { $gap = $gap < 32 ?? $gap !! $gap - 1; $port = +@bars * $gap; }
when 'K_RIGHT' { $gap++; $port += +@bars; }
when 'K_PGUP' { $bhbar-height += 2 }
when 'K_PGDN' { $bhbar-height = $bhbar-height >= 34 ?? $bhbar-height - 2 !! $bhbar-height }
when 'K_SPACE' { $step = $step ?? 0 !! $incr1 }
when 'K_LCTRL' { $dir *= -1 }
when 'K_Z' { $angle = $angle > -45 ?? $angle - 15 !! $angle }
when 'K_X' { $angle = $angle < 45 ?? $angle + 15 !! $angle }
when 'K_R' { $rnd = $rnd ?? 0 !! 1 }
when 'K_S' { $sway xor= 1 }
when 'K_F' { $period += .1 }
when 'K_D' { $period = $period - .1 max .1; }
when 'K_GT' { $rnd += .2 }
when 'K_LT' { $rnd = $rnd > .2 ?? $rnd -.2 !! .2 }
when 'K_Q' { last main }
} #else { say .scancode, "\n" }
when *.type == WINDOWEVENT {
if .event == 5RESIZED {
$width = .data1;
$height = .data2 + 32$bar-height;
sub randomize {
my $dir = (-1,1).pick;
$step = (4..8).pick;
$bar-height = (32..200).pick;
$gap = $bar-height + (1..100).pick;
$angle = (-45, *+5 ... 45).pick;
$port = +@bars * $gap;
if $dir > 0 {
$y = $height - $port;
} else {
$y = 0 - ceiling ($height max $width) / cos(π * $angle / 180).abs;
$now = now;
sub fps {
state $fps-frames = 0;
state $fps-now = now;
state $fps = '';
if now - $fps-now >= 1 {
$fps = [~] "\b" x 40, ' ' x 20, "\b" x 20 ,
sprintf "FPS: %5.2f ", ($fps-frames / (now - $fps-now)).round(.01);
$fps-frames = 0;
$fps-now = now;
Screenshot still of typical run: [https://github.com/thundergnat/rc/blob/master/img/Raster-bars-Perl6.png (offsite .png image)]
(Small) Moving gif of swaying bars: [https://github.com/thundergnat/rc/blob/master/img/Raster-bars-swaying-Raku.gif (offsite .gif image)]
