Rare numbers: Difference between revisions

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Wherrera (talk | contribs)
Petelomax (talk | contribs)
Line 1,130: Line 1,130:
74: 8,200,756,128,308,135,597
74: 8,200,756,128,308,135,597
75: 8,320,411,466,598,809,138
75: 8,320,411,466,598,809,138

Ridiculously slow, 90s just for the first 3.
<lang Phix>function revn(atom n, integer nd)
atom r = 0
for i=1 to nd do
r = r*10+remainder(n,10)
n = floor(n/10)
end for
return r
end function

integer nd = 2, count = 0
atom lim = 99, n = 9, t0 = time()
while true do
n += 1
atom r = revn(n,nd)
if r<n then
atom s = n+r,
d = n-r
if s=power(floor(sqrt(s)),2)
and d=power(floor(sqrt(d)),2) then
count += 1
if count=3 then exit end if
end if
end if
if n=lim then
-- ?{"lim",lim,elapsed(time()-t0)}
lim = lim*10+9
nd += 1
end if
end while</lang>
{3,281089082,"1 minute and 29s"}
Quite slow: over 10 mins for first 25, vs 53 secs of Go... easily the worst such (ie Phix vs. Go) comparison I have yet seen.<br>
This task exposes some of the weaknesses of Phix, specifically subscripting speed (suprisingly not usually that much of an issue),
and the fact that functions are never inlined. The relatively innoculous-looking and dirt simple to_atom() routine is responsible
for over 30% of the run time. Improvements welcome: run p -d test, examine the list.asm produced from this source, and discuss or
make suggestions on [[User_talk:Petelomax|my talk page]].
<lang Phix>constant maxDigits = 15
enum COEFF, TDXA, TDXB -- struct term = {atom coeff, integer idxa, idxb}
-- (see allTerms below)
integer nd, -- number of digits
count -- of solutions found earlier, for some lower nd
sequence rares -- (cleared after sorting/printing for each nd)

function to_atom(sequence digits)
-- convert digits array to an atom value
atom r = 0
for i=1 to length(digits) do
r = r * 10 + digits[i]
end for
return r
end function
-- psq eliminates 52 out of 64 of numbers fairly cheaply, which translates
-- to approximately 66% of numbers, or around 10% off the overall time.
-- NB: only tested to 9,007,199,254,740,991, then again I found no more new
-- bit patterns after just 15^2.

constant psq = int_to_bits(#02030213,32)& -- #0202021202030213 --> bits,
int_to_bits(#02020212,32) -- in 32/64-bit compatible way.

function isSquare(atom n) -- determine if n is square or not
if psq[and_bits(n,63)+1] then
atom r = floor(sqrt(n))
return r * r = n
end if
return false
end function

procedure fnpr(integer level, atom nmr, sequence di, dis, candidates, indices, fml, dmd)
-- generate (n+r) candidates from (n-r) candidates
if level>length(dis) then
sequence digits = repeat(0,nd)
-- (the precise why of how this populates digits has eluded me...)
integer {a,b} = indices[1],
c = candidates[1]+1,
d = di[1]+1
digits[a] = fml[c][d][1]
digits[b] = fml[c][d][2]
integer le = length(di)
if remainder(nd,2) then
d = floor(nd/2)+1
digits[d] = di[le]
le -= 1
end if
for dx=2 to le do
{a,b} = indices[dx]
c = candidates[dx]+10
d = di[dx]+1
digits[a] = dmd[c][d][1]
digits[b] = dmd[c][d][2]
end for
atom npr = nmr + to_atom(reverse(digits))*2 -- (npr == 'n + r')
if isSquare(npr) then
rares &= to_atom(digits)
-- (note this gets overwritten by sorted set:)
printf(1,"working... %2d: %,d\r", {count+length(rares),rares[$]})
end if
for n=0 to dis[level] do
di[level] = n
fnpr(level+1, nmr, di, dis, candidates, indices, fml, dmd)
end for
end if
end procedure

integer lastnd = 0
procedure fnmr(sequence terms, list, candidates, indices, fml, dmd, integer level)
-- generate (n-r) candidates with a given number of digits.
if level>length(list) then
atom nmr = 0 -- (nmr == 'n - r')
for i=1 to length(terms) do
nmr += terms[i][COEFF] * candidates[i]
end for
if nmr>0 and isSquare(nmr) then
integer c = candidates[1]+1,
l = length(fml[c])-1
sequence dis = {l}
for i=2 to length(candidates) do
c = candidates[i]+10
l = length(dmd[c])-1
dis = append(dis,l)
end for
if remainder(nd,2) then dis = append(dis,9) end if
-- (above generates dis of eg {1,4,7,9} for nd=7, which as far
-- as I (lightly) understand it scans for far fewer candidate
-- pairs than a {9,9,9,9} would, or something like that.)
sequence di = repeat(0,length(dis))
-- (di is the current "dis-scan", eg {0,0,0,0} to {1,4,7,9})
fnpr(1, nmr, di, dis, candidates, indices, fml, dmd)
end if
for n=1 to length(list[level]) do
candidates[level] = list[level][n]
fnmr(terms, list, candidates, indices, fml, dmd, level+1)
end for
end if
end procedure
constant dl = tagset(9,-9), -- all differences (-9..+9 by 1)
zl = tagset(0, 0), -- zero difference (0 only)
el = tagset(8,-8, 2), -- even differences (-8 to +8 by 2)
ol = tagset(9,-9, 2), -- odd differences (-9..+9 by 2)
il = tagset(9, 0) -- all integers (0..9 by 1)
procedure main()
atom start = time()

-- terms of (n-r) expression for number of digits from 2 to maxdigits
sequence allTerms = {}
atom pow = 1
for r=2 to maxDigits do
sequence terms = {}
pow *= 10
atom p1 = pow, p2 = 1
integer tdxa = 0, tdxb = r-1
while tdxa < tdxb do
terms = append(terms,{p1-p2, tdxa, tdxb}) -- {COEFF,TDXA,TDXB}
p1 /= 10
p2 *= 10
tdxa += 1
tdxb -= 1
end while
allTerms = append(allTerms,terms)
end for
--(This is what the above loop creates:)
{{999,0,3}, {90,1,2}},
{{9999,0,4}, {990,1,3}},
{{99999,0,5}, {9990,1,4}, {900,2,3}},
{{999999,0,6}, {99990,1,5}, {9900,2,4}},
{{9999999,0,7}, {999990,1,6}, {99900,2,5}, {9000,3,4}},
{{99999999,0,8}, {9999990,1,7}, {999900,2,6}, {99000,3,5}},
{{999999999,0,9}, {99999990,1,8}, {9999900,2,7}, {999000,3,6}, {90000,4,5}},
{{9999999999,0,10}, {999999990,1,9}, {99999900,2,8}, {9999000,3,7}, {990000,4,6}},
{{99999999999,0,11}, {9999999990,1,10}, {999999900,2,9}, {99999000,3,8}, {9990000,4,7}, {900000,5,6}},
{{999999999999,0,12}, {99999999990,1,11}, {9999999900,2,10}, {999999000,3,9}, {99990000,4,8}, {9900000,5,7}},
{{9999999999999,0,13}, {999999999990,1,12}, {99999999900,2,11}, {9999999000,3,10}, {999990000,4,9}, {99900000,5,8}, {9000000,6,7}},
{{99999999999999,0,14}, {9999999999990,1,13}, {999999999900,2,12}, {99999999000,3,11}, {9999990000,4,10}, {999900000,5,9}, {99000000,6,8}}}

-- map of first minus last digits for 'n' to pairs giving this value
sequence fml = repeat({},10) -- (aka 0..9)
-- (fml == 'first minus last')
fml[1] = {{2, 2}, {8, 8}}
fml[2] = {{6, 5}, {8, 7}}
fml[5] = {{4, 0}}
-- fml[6] = {{8, 3}} -- (um? - needs longer lists, & that append(lists[4],dl) below)
fml[7] = {{6, 0}, {8, 2}}
-- sequence lists = {{{0}},{{1}},{{4}},{{5}},{{6}}}
sequence lists = {{{0}},{{1}},{{4}},{{6}}}
-- map of other digit differences for 'n' to pairs giving this value
sequence dmd = repeat({},19) -- (aka -9..+9, so add 10 when indexing dmd)
-- (dmd == 'digit minus digit')
for tens=0 to 9 do
integer d = tens+10
for ones=0 to 9 do
dmd[d] = append(dmd[d], {tens,ones})
d -= 1
end for
end for
--(This is what the above loop creates:)
{{0,8}, {1,9}},
{{0,7}, {1,8}, {2,9}},
{{0,6}, {1,7}, {2,8}, {3,9}},
{{0,5}, {1,6}, {2,7}, {3,8}, {4,9}},
{{0,4}, {1,5}, {2,6}, {3,7}, {4,8}, {5,9}},
{{0,3}, {1,4}, {2,5}, {3,6}, {4,7}, {5,8}, {6,9}},
{{0,2}, {1,3}, {2,4}, {3,5}, {4,6}, {5,7}, {6,8}, {7,9}},
{{0,1}, {1,2}, {2,3}, {3,4}, {4,5}, {5,6}, {6,7}, {7,8}, {8,9}},
{{0,0}, {1,1}, {2,2}, {3,3}, {4,4}, {5,5}, {6,6}, {7,7}, {8,8}, {9,9}},
{{1,0}, {2,1}, {3,2}, {4,3}, {5,4}, {6,5}, {7,6}, {8,7}, {9,8}},
{{2,0}, {3,1}, {4,2}, {5,3}, {6,4}, {7,5}, {8,6}, {9,7}},
{{3,0}, {4,1}, {5,2}, {6,3}, {7,4}, {8,5}, {9,6}},
{{4,0}, {5,1}, {6,2}, {7,3}, {8,4}, {9,5}},
{{5,0}, {6,1}, {7,2}, {8,3}, {9,4}},
{{6,0}, {7,1}, {8,2}, {9,3}},
{{7,0}, {8,1}, {9,2}},
{{8,0}, {9,1}},
count = 0
printf(1,"digits time nth rare numbers:\n")
nd = 2
while nd <= maxDigits do
rares = {}
sequence terms = allTerms[nd-1]
if nd=4 then
lists[1] = append(lists[1],zl)
lists[2] = append(lists[2],ol)
lists[3] = append(lists[3],el)
-- lists[4] = append(lists[4],dl) -- if fml[6] = {{8, 3}}
-- lists[5] = append(lists[5],ol) -- ""
lists[4] = append(lists[4],ol) -- else
elsif length(terms)>length(lists[1]) then
for i=1 to length(lists) do
lists[i] = append(lists[i],dl)
end for
end if
sequence indices = {}
for t=1 to length(terms) do
sequence term = terms[t]
-- (we may as well make this 1-based while here)
indices = append(indices,{term[TDXA]+1,term[TDXB]+1})
end for
for i=1 to length(lists) do
sequence list = lists[i],
candidates = repeat(0,length(list))
fnmr(terms, list, candidates, indices, fml, dmd, 1)
end for
-- (re-)output partial results for this nd-set in sorted order:
rares = sort(rares)
for i=1 to length(rares) do
count += 1
printf(1,"%12s %2d: %,19d \n", {"",count,rares[i]})
end for
printf(1," %2d %5s\n", {nd, elapsed_short(time()-start)})
nd += 1
end while
end procedure
digits time nth rare numbers:
1: 65
2 0s
3 0s
4 0s
5 0s
2: 621,770
6 0s
7 0s
8 0s
3: 281,089,082
9 0s
4: 2,022,652,202
5: 2,042,832,002
10 0s
11 1s
6: 868,591,084,757
7: 872,546,974,178
8: 872,568,754,178
12 15s
9: 6,979,302,951,885
13 29s
10: 20,313,693,904,202
11: 20,313,839,704,202
12: 20,331,657,922,202
13: 20,331,875,722,202
14: 20,333,875,702,202
15: 40,313,893,704,200
16: 40,351,893,720,200
14 6:07
17: 200,142,385,731,002
18: 204,238,494,066,002
19: 221,462,345,754,122
20: 244,062,891,224,042
21: 245,518,996,076,442
22: 248,359,494,187,442
23: 403,058,392,434,500
24: 441,054,594,034,340
25: 816,984,566,129,618
15 10:42