Rare numbers: Difference between revisions

(Added Algol 68)
(12 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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which is
(naive version)
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">
PROC revn = ( LONG INT na, nda )LONG INT:
Line 1,212 ⟶ 1,213:
39: 8,650,327,689,541,457
40: 8,650,349,867,341,457</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang=easylang>
fastfunc next n .
while 1 = 1
n += 1
h = n
nrev = 0
while h > 0
nrev = nrev * 10 + h mod 10
h = h div 10
if sqrt (n + nrev) mod 1 = 0
if n - nrev >= 1 and sqrt (n - nrev) mod 1 = 0
return n
for cnt to 5
n = next n
print n
Line 1,302 ⟶ 1,329:
Elapsed Time: 11275839 ms for length 17
Line 3,812 ⟶ 3,838:
39: 8,650,327,689,541,457
40: 8,650,349,867,341,457</pre>
Just coding the definition of a rare number without any optimization.
<syntaxhighlight lang="Scheme">
{def lt_israre
{lambda {:n}
{let { {:n :n}
{:r {W.reverse :n}}
} {if {and {> :n :r}
{isInt {sqrt {+ :n :r}}}
{isInt {sqrt {- :n :r}}}}
then :n
-> lt_israre
{S.map lt_israre {S.serie 1 700000}}
-> 65 621770 // computed in 7650ms
{S.map lt_israre {S.serie 1 280000000}}
-> ... crushes Firefox working in my small iPad Pro.
And so I ask javascript some help:
LAMBDATALK.DICT["js_israres"] = function() {
var args = arguments[0].trim().split(" "),
i0 = Number( args[0] ),
i1 = Number( args[1] ),
a = [];
var israre = function(n) {
var r = Number( n.toString().split("").reverse().join("") );
return (n > r) && (Number.isInteger(Math.sqrt(n+r)))
&& (Number.isInteger(Math.sqrt(n-r)))
for (var i=i0; i < i1; i++)
if (israre(i)) a.push(i);
return a
{js_israres 1 2050000000}
-> [65,621770,281089082,2022652202,2042832002]]
// computed in 784307ms ~ 13 minutes
Too slow to try to go further.
=== not optimized ===
It could look something like the following (ignoring whatever optimizations the other examples are using), if it was fast enough. I did not have the time/processor to test finding the first 5. The .israre() function appears to return the right answer, tested with individual numbers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">
{{works with|langur|0.8.11}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">val .perfectsquare = ffn isIntegern: .(n ^/ 2) div 1
val .israre = ffn(.n) {
val .r = reverse(.n)
if .n == .r: return false
val .sum = .n + .r
val .diff = .n - .r
.diff > 0 and .perfectsquare(.sum) and .perfectsquare(.diff)
val .findfirst = ffn(.maxmx) {
for[=[]] .i = 0; len(_for) < mx; .i += 1 {
if .israre(.i) {
_for ~= [.i]
if len(_for) == .max: break}
val findandprint = impure fn(mx) {
for[cnt=0] i = 0; cnt < mx ; i += 1 {
if israre(i) {
writeln "\n rare ", i, " "
cnt += 1
Line 3,839 ⟶ 3,925:
# if you have the time...
writeln "the first 5 rare numbers: ", .findfirst(5)</syntaxhighlight>
With 0.8.11, the built-in reverse() function will flip the digits of a number. Without this, you could write your own function to do so as follows (if not passed any negative numbers).
{{Trans|Phix|niave version, via FreeBASIC and Algol 68}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
do -- find the first five rare numbers
local function revn ( na )
<syntaxhighlight lang="langur">val .reverse = f toNumber join reverse split .n</syntaxhighlight>
local n, r = na, 0
while n > 0 do
r = r * 10 r = r + ( n % 10 )
n = math.floor( n / 10 )
return r
end -- revn
local nd, count, lim, n = 2, 0, 90, 20
local oddNd = nd % 2 == 1
while true do
n = n + 1
local r = revn( n )
if r < n then
local s, d = n + r, n - r
local tryThis = false
if oddNd
then tryThis = d % 1089 == 0
else tryThis = s % 121 == 0
if tryThis then
local rootS = math.sqrt( s )
if rootS == math.floor(rootS )
local rootD = math.sqrt( d )
if rootD == math.floor( rootD )
count = count + 1
io.write( count, ": ", n, "\n" )
if count >= 5 then os.exit() end
if n == lim
lim = lim * 10
nd = nd + 1
oddNd = not oddNd
n = math.floor( lim / 9 ) * 2
1: 65
2: 621770
3: 281089082
4: 2022652202
5: 2042832002
=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==
Line 4,622 ⟶ 4,764:
===hodgepodge optimized===
A mess of code that can return the first 5 rare numbers in 5m5s1m19s on a i7-7700k using pypy3.9.
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">
Line 4,693 ⟶ 4,835:
{{incorrect|Quackery|The task' rather pathetic requirement is to find the first 5 rare numbers, can only manage 3 in a week, give me a break}}
Naive version.
Line 4,743 ⟶ 4,885:
<syntaxhighlight lang="racket" line>; 20231024 Racket programming naive solution
#lang racket
(require control)
(require text-block/text)
(define (is-palindrome n)
(define (digit-list n)
(if (zero? n)
(cons (remainder n 10) (digit-list (quotient n 10)))))
(define (reverse-list lst)
(if (null? lst)
(append (reverse-list (cdr lst)) (list (car lst)))))
(define digits (digit-list n))
(equal? digits (reverse-list digits)))
(define (perfect-square? n)
(if (rational? (sqrt n))
(= n (expt (floor (sqrt n)) 2))
(define (reverse-number n)
(string->number (string-reverse (number->string n))))
(define (find-rare-numbers count)
(define rare-numbers '())
(define i 1)
(define (is-rare? n)
(and (not (is-palindrome n))
(let* ((r (reverse-number n))
(sum (+ n r))
(diff (- n r)))
(and (perfect-square? sum)
(perfect-square? diff)))))
(define start-time (current-inexact-milliseconds))
(while (< (length rare-numbers) count)
(cond [(is-rare? i)
(displayln (format "Number: ~a | Elapsed time: ~a ms" i (round (- (current-inexact-milliseconds) start-time))))
(set! rare-numbers (cons i rare-numbers))])
(set! i (+ i 1)))
(reverse rare-numbers))
(displayln "The first 5 rare numbers are:")
(for-each (λ (x) (display x) (display "\n")) (find-rare-numbers 5))
Line 6,320 ⟶ 6,517:
About 9.5 minutes to find the first 25 rare numbers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./sort" for Sort
import "./fmt" for Fmt
class Term {
Line 6,594 ⟶ 6,791:
Ruffles the feathers a little with a time 5 times quicker than the 'traditional' version.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./sort" for Sort
import "./fmt" for Fmt
import "./date" for Date
class Z2 {
