Random number generator (device): Difference between revisions

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If your system has a means to generate random numbers involving not only a software algorithm (like the [[wp:/dev/random|/dev/random]] devices in Unix), show how to obtain a random 32-bit number from that mechanism.
<lang forth>variable rnd
: randoms ( n -- )
s" /dev/random" r/o open-file throw
swap 0 do
dup rnd 1 cells rot read-file throw drop
rnd @ .
close-file throw ;</lang>

Revision as of 23:10, 1 February 2011

Random number generator (device)
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

If your system has a means to generate random numbers involving not only a software algorithm (like the /dev/random devices in Unix), show how to obtain a random 32-bit number from that mechanism.


<lang forth>variable rnd

randoms ( n -- )
 s" /dev/random" r/o open-file throw
 swap 0 do
   dup rnd 1 cells rot read-file throw drop
   rnd @ .
 close-file throw ;</lang>


Untested: <lang j>256#.a.i.1!:11'/dev/urandom';0 4</lang>

Fallback: <lang j>256#.a.i.4{.host'dd if=/dev/urandom bs=4 count=1'</lang>

Note: this assumes that J is running on linux.


<lang PicoLisp>: (in "/dev/urandom" (rd 4)) -> 2917110327</lang>


PureBasic has the source for the random data is the "/dev/urandom" device on Linux or Mac OSX and the "Microsoft Cryptography API" on Windows. <lang PureBasic>If OpenCryptRandom()

 MyRandom = CryptRandom(#MAXLONG)



<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Allow override of device name

proc systemRandomInteger Template:Device "/dev/random" {

   set f [open $device "rb"]
   binary scan [read $f 4] "I" x
   close $f
   return $x

}</lang> Usage: <lang tcl>% puts [systemRandomInteger] 636131349</lang>