RCRPG/Raku is part of RCRPG. You may find other members of RCRPG at Category:RCRPG.
Language Idioms
This version of RCRPG demonstrates the following idioms in Raku.
- A simple input loop
- Subroutines (Functions)
- Nested, lexically scoped Subroutines.
- Nested data structures using list and hash references
- Function references
- Range constructors
- Whatever codes
- Infinite lazy lists
- Meta Operators
- User output
- Linked lists
As with the Perl version.
As with the Perl version.
my %commands;
my %rooms;
my $room = [0,0,0];
my $stuff = [];
my $equipped = '';
my $WHITE = "\e[0m";
my $GREEN = "\e[32m";
my $BLUE = "\e[34m";
my @random_items = < sledge ladder gold >;
my %dir_str =
up => 'in the ceiling',
down => 'in the floor',
(map { ($_ => "to the $_") }, <north south east west>).Slip;
my %dir_vec =
up => [ 0, 0, 1],
down => [ 0, 0,-1],
north => [ 0, 1, 0],
south => [ 0,-1, 0],
east => [ 1, 0, 0],
west => [-1, 0, 0];
my %dir_rev = map { ($^a => $^b, $^b => $^a).Slip },
< north south east west up down >;
my class Room {
has $.stuff = (my $roll = 1.rand) > .85 ?? [@random_items.roll(2)] !!
$roll > .25 ?? [@random_items.roll] !! [];
has $.name = "The Unnamed Room";
has $.links = [];
method greet() {
say "You are in room ($room), $.name";
if !$.links {
say "There are no exits from this room. Perhaps you need to make one?";
} elsif $.links == 1 {
say "There is an exit %dir_str{$.links[0]}.";
} else {
say "There are exits: {@$.links.join(', ')\
.subst(/','(<-[,]>+)$/, -> $/ {" and$0"})}.";
if $.stuff {
say "There is {serial_and( @$.stuff )} here.";
} else {
say $BLUE, "There is nothing useful here you can take.", $WHITE;
say $GREEN, "Try 'help' for help\n", $WHITE;
print ">";
%rooms{"0 0 0"} = Room.new(name => 'The Start', stuff => [<sledge>]);
%rooms{"1 1 5"} = Room.new(name => 'The Prize Room', stuff => [<gold> xx 9]);
sub serial_and(*@list) {
my %things;
map { %things{$_}++ }, @list;
my $items = (map { "{%things{$_} > 1 ?? %things{$_} !! 'a'} {plural($_, %things{$_})}" },
%things.keys).join: ', ';
$items.subst( /','(<-[,]>+)$ /, -> $/ {" and$0"} );
sub plural ($item, $count) {
return $count != 1 ?? $item~'s' !! $item
sub move($dir) {
if $dir eq 'up' && !grep 'ladder', @( %rooms{$room}.stuff ) {
say "There needs to be a ladder in the room before you can climb.";
} elsif grep $dir, @( %rooms{$room}.links ) {
$room = [ @$room Z+ @(%dir_vec{$dir}) ];
} else {
say "Your way is blocked.";
sub command(@names, $help, $ct, $sub) {
sub parser(*@bits) {
if @bits[0] eq '_help' || (@bits - 1) !~~ $ct {
say "Usage: {@names.join('|')} $help";
} else {
shift @bits;
for @names { %commands{$_} = &parser }
for flat <north south east west up down> -> $dir {
command [$dir, substr($dir,0,1)], '', 0, { move($dir) };
command [<attack a>], "(direction)", 1,
-> $dir {
if !(%dir_vec{$dir}:exists) {
say "I don't know that direction. Try one of: {sort keys %dir_vec}";
elsif grep $dir, @( %rooms{$room}.links ) {
say "You swing {$equipped ?? "the $equipped" !! 'your fists'} wildly at the hole "
~ 'in the wall. It makes a nice breeze.';
elsif $equipped ne 'sledge' {
say "You swing {$equipped ?? "the $equipped" !! 'your fists'} around purposfully "
~ 'but accomplish nothing. Perhaps you should equip a better tool?';
else {
my $r2 = [ @$room Z+ @(%dir_vec{$dir}) ];
my $r2o = %rooms{$r2} //= Room.new;
say 'You bash until the surface crumbles, leaving a hole you can crawl through.';
push @( %rooms{$room}.links ), $dir;
push @( $r2o.links ), %dir_rev{$dir};
command [<inventory inv i>], "", 0,
if !$stuff {
say "You're not carrying anything. Ask again later.";
} else {
say "You have {serial_and( @$stuff )}."
command [<name>], "(New name of room)", 1 .. *,
-> *@names { %rooms{$room}.name = ~@names };
command [<equip>], "(itemname)", 1,
-> $item {
if grep $item, @$stuff {
$equipped = $item;
say "You equipped your $item. Put it to good use.";
} else {
say "You don't have one of those. Try 'i' to see what you have.";
sub move_items(@from, @to, @filters) {
sub ok($item) { ?grep { $_ eq 'all' || $_ eq $item }, @filters }
my @move = grep &ok, @from;
push @to, @move;
@from = grep { !ok($_) }, @from;
if $equipped && !grep $equipped, @$stuff {
say "You dropped the item you were using.";
$equipped = '';
@move == 0 ?? False !! @move > 1 ?? "{+@move} items" !! "1 item";
command [<take>], '{all|(itemname)}', 1 .. *,
-> *@filters {
if move_items(%rooms{$room}.stuff, $stuff, @filters) -> $things {
say "You took $things.";
} else {
say "There aren't any of those here.";
command [<drop>], '{all|(itemname)}', 1 .. *,
-> *@filters {
if move_items($stuff, %rooms{$room}.stuff, @filters) -> $things {
say "You dropped $things.";
} else {
say "You don't have any of those.";
command [<help>], "(command name) ... But you apparently discovered that.",
0..1, -> $command? {
if defined $command {
} else {
say "Valid commands are: ", [ sort keys %commands ];
command [<alias>], "(existing command name) (additional name for command)",
2, -> $c1, $c2 {
if %commands{$c2}:exists {
say "Can't redefine an existing command!";
} else {
%commands{$c2} = %commands{$c1};
command [<exit quit>], "(leave Muddy)", 0,
print 'The Muddy walls dim. ';
say "You glance down as {serial_and( @$stuff )} {plural('clatter', +!(@$stuff == 1))}"
~ " to the floor and {plural('fade', +!(@$stuff == 1))} away." if @$stuff;
say 'It is as if you are awakening from a strange (and extremly low resolution) dream...';
say "Welcome to Muddy. It's kinda like a MUD, but it lacks multiple players...";
while my $in = $*IN.get {
my @args = $in.words;
if @args && %commands{lc @args[0]} -> $fun {
} else {
say "That didn't make any sense. Try 'help'";