Quickselect algorithm: Difference between revisions

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<pre>0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9</pre>
{{works with|Gauche Scheme|0.9.11-p1}}
{{works with|Chibi Scheme|0.10.0 "neon"}}
The program is written in R7RS-small Scheme. It will run on CHICKEN 5 Scheme if you have the necessary eggs installed and use the "-R r7rs" option.
I use '''>''' as my ordering predicate. See [[#Mercury|Mercury]] for more commentary on the matter.
<lang scheme>;;
;; Quickselect with random pivot.
;; Such a pivot provides O(n) worst-case *expected* time.
;; One can get true O(n) time by using "median of medians" to choose
;; the pivot, but quickselect with a median of medians pivot is a
;; complicated algorithm. See
;; https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Median_of_medians&oldid=1082505985
;; Random pivot has the further advantage that it does not require any
;; comparisons of array elements.
;; By the way, SRFI-132 specifies that vector-select! have O(n)
;; running time, and yet the reference implementation (as of 21 May
;; 2022) uses random pivot. I am pretty sure you cannot count on an
;; implementation having "true" O(n) behavior.
(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme case-lambda))
(import (scheme write))
(import (only (scheme process-context) exit))
(import (only (srfi 27) random-integer))
(define (vector-swap! vec i j)
(let ((xi (vector-ref vec i))
(xj (vector-ref vec j)))
(vector-set! vec i xj)
(vector-set! vec j xi)))
(define (search-right <? pivot i j vec)
(let loop ((i i))
(cond ((= i j) i)
((<? pivot (vector-ref vec i)) i)
(else (loop (+ i 1))))))
(define (search-left <? pivot i j vec)
(let loop ((j j))
(cond ((= i j) j)
((<? (vector-ref vec j) pivot) j)
(else (loop (- j 1))))))
(define (partition <? pivot i-first i-last vec)
;; Partition a subvector into two halves: one with elements less
;; than or equal to a pivot, the other with elements greater than or
;; equal to a pivot. Returns an index where anything less than the
;; pivot is to the left of the index, and anything greater than the
;; pivot is either at the index or to its right. The implementation
;; is tail-recursive.
(let loop ((i (- i-first 1))
(j (+ i-last 1)))
(if (= i j)
(let ((i (search-right <? pivot (+ i 1) j vec)))
(if (= i j)
(let ((j (search-left <? pivot i (- j 1) vec)))
(vector-swap! vec i j)
(loop i j)))))))
(define (partition-around-random-pivot <? i-first i-last vec)
(let* ((i-pivot (+ i-first (random-integer (- i-last i-first -1))))
(pivot (vector-ref vec i-pivot)))
;; Move the last element to where the pivot had been. Perhaps the
;; pivot was already the last element, of course. In any case, we
;; shall partition only from I_first to I_last - 1.
(vector-set! vec i-pivot (vector-ref vec i-last))
;; Partition the array in the range I_first..I_last - 1, leaving
;; out the last element (which now can be considered garbage).
(let ((i-final (partition <? pivot i-first (- i-last 1) vec)))
;; Now everything that is less than the pivot is to the left of
;; I_final.
;; Put the pivot at I_final, moving the element that had been
;; there to the end. If I_final = I_last, then this element is
;; actually garbage and will be overwritten with the pivot,
;; which turns out to be the greatest element. Otherwise, the
;; moved element is not less than the pivot and so the
;; partitioning is preserved.
(vector-set! vec i-last (vector-ref vec i-final))
(vector-set! vec i-final pivot)
;; Return i-final, the final position of the pivot element.
(define quickselect!
((<? vec k)
;; Select the (k+1)st least element of vec.
(quickselect! <? 0 (- (vector-length vec) 1) vec k))
((<? i-first i-last vec k)
;; Select the (k+1)st least element of vec[i-first..i-last].
(unless (and (<= 0 k) (<= k (- i-last i-first)))
;; Here you more likely want to raise an exception, but how to
;; do so is not specified in R7RS small. (It *is* specified in
;; R6RS, but R6RS features are widely unsupported by Schemes.)
(display "out of range" (current-error-port))
(exit 1))
(let ((k (+ k i-first))) ; Adjust k for index range.
(let loop ((i-first i-first)
(i-last i-last))
(if (= i-first i-last)
(vector-ref vec i-first)
(let ((i-final (partition-around-random-pivot
<? i-first i-last vec)))
;; Compare i-final and k, to see what to do next.
(cond ((< i-final k) (loop (+ i-final 1) i-last))
((< k i-final) (loop i-first (- i-final 1)))
(else (vector-ref vec i-final))))))))))
(define (print-kth-largest k numbers-vector)
(let* ((vec (vector-copy numbers-vector))
(elem (quickselect! > vec (- k 1))))
(if (< k 10)
(display " ")
(display " "))
(display k)
(display " ")
(display elem)
(define example-numbers #(9 8 7 6 5 0 1 2 3 4))
(display "In order from greatest to least:")
(display " nth value")
(do ((k 1 (+ k 1)))
((= k 11))
(print-kth-largest k example-numbers))
<pre>$ gosh quickselect_task.scm
In order from greatest to least:
nth value
1 9
2 8
3 7
4 6
5 5
6 4
7 3
8 2
9 1
10 0
