Priority queue: Difference between revisions

m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
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Priority : 4 : Feed cat
Priority : 5 : Make tea
I am treating more positive numbers as higher in priority, because that way the tasks come out in a plausible order. It is simple to reverse that order. (In fact, the direction of priorities could easily be made configurable by the template mechanism.)
Any value of type '''int''' may be used as a priority number.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ats">
(* NOTE: Others are treating more negative numbers as the higher
priority, but I think it is pretty clear that making tea and
feeding the cat are higher in priority than solving RC tasks.
So I treat more positive numbers as higher priority.
But see a note below on how easy it is to reverse that. *)
#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"
staload UN = "prelude/SATS/unsafe.sats"
(* For the sake of the task, use a heap implementation that comes with
the ATS distribution. *)
staload H = "libats/ATS1/SATS/funheap_binomial.sats"
(* #include instead of anonymous staload, to work around an
inconvenience in the distributed code: funheap_is_empty and
funheap_isnot_empty are functions rather than template
functions. One could instead compile funheap_binomial.dats
separately. Or one could copy and modify the distributed code to
one's own taste. (The heap code is GPL-3+) *)
#include "libats/ATS1/DATS/funheap_binomial.dats"
#define NIL list_nil ()
#define :: list_cons
abstype pqueue (a : t@ype+) = ptr
extern fn {}
pqueue_make_empty :
{a : t@ype}
() -<> pqueue a
extern fn {}
pqueue_is_empty :
{a : t@ype}
pqueue (INV(a)) -<> [b : bool] bool
extern fn {}
pqueue_isnot_empty :
{a : t@ype}
pqueue (INV(a)) -<> [b : bool] bool
extern fn {a : t@ype}
pqueue_size :
pqueue (INV(a)) -<> [n : nat] size_t n
extern fn {a : t@ype}
pqueue_insert :
(&pqueue (INV(a)) >> _, int, a) -< !wrt > void
extern fn {a : t@ype}
pqueue_delete :
(&pqueue (INV(a)) >> _) -< !wrt > Option a
extern fn {a : t@ype}
pqueue_peek :
(pqueue (INV(a))) -< !wrt > Option a
extern fn {a : t@ype}
pqueue_merge :
(pqueue (INV(a)), pqueue a) -< !wrt > pqueue a
typedef heap_elt (a : t@ype+) =
(* The "priority" field must come first. We take advantage of
the layout of a '{..} being that of a C struct. *)
priority = int,
value = a
fn {a : t@ype}
heap_elt_get_priority (elt : heap_elt a)
:<> int =
typedef prio_t = '{ priority = int }
val prio = $UN.cast{prio_t} elt
extern castfn
pqueue2heap :
{a : t@ype}
pqueue a -<> $H.heap (heap_elt a)
extern castfn
heap2pqueue :
{a : t@ype}
$H.heap (heap_elt a) -<> pqueue a
macdef p2h = pqueue2heap
macdef h2p = heap2pqueue
macdef comparison_cloref =
lam (x, y) =<cloref>
val px = heap_elt_get_priority x
and py = heap_elt_get_priority y
(* NOTE: Reverse the order of the arguments, if you want more
negative numbers to represent higher priorities. *)
compare (py, px)
fn {a : t@ype}
funheap_getmin_opt (heap : $H.heap (INV(a)),
cmp : $H.cmp a)
:<!wrt> Option_vt a =
var result : a?
val success = $H.funheap_getmin<a> (heap, cmp, result)
if success then
prval () = opt_unsome{a} result
Some_vt{a} result
prval () = opt_unnone{a} result
None_vt{a} ()
implement {}
pqueue_make_empty {a} () =
h2p{a} ($H.funheap_make_nil {heap_elt a} ())
implement {}
pqueue_is_empty {a} pq =
$H.funheap_is_empty {heap_elt a} (p2h{a} pq)
implement {}
pqueue_isnot_empty {a} pq =
$H.funheap_isnot_empty {heap_elt a} (p2h{a} pq)
implement {a}
pqueue_size pq =
$H.funheap_size<heap_elt a> (p2h{a} pq)
implement {a}
pqueue_insert (pq, priority, x) =
val elt =
priority = priority,
value = x
} : heap_elt a
and compare = comparison_cloref
var heap = p2h{a} pq
val () = $H.funheap_insert (heap, elt, compare)
pq := h2p{a} heap
implement {a}
pqueue_delete pq =
typedef t = heap_elt a
val compare = comparison_cloref
var heap = p2h{a} pq
val elt_opt = $H.funheap_delmin_opt<heap_elt a> (heap, compare)
pq := h2p{a} heap;
case+ elt_opt of
| ~ Some_vt elt => Some (elt.value)
| ~ None_vt () => None ()
implement {a}
pqueue_peek pq =
typedef t = heap_elt a
val compare = comparison_cloref
and heap = p2h{a} pq
val elt_opt = funheap_getmin_opt<heap_elt a> (heap, compare)
case+ elt_opt of
| ~ Some_vt elt => Some (elt.value)
| ~ None_vt () => None ()
implement {a}
pqueue_merge (pq1, pq2) =
val heap1 = p2h{a} pq1
and heap2 = p2h{a} pq2
and compare = comparison_cloref
h2p{a} ($H.funheap_merge<heap_elt a> (heap1, heap2, compare))
overload iseqz with pqueue_is_empty
overload isneqz with pqueue_isnot_empty
overload size with pqueue_size
overload insert with pqueue_insert
overload delete with pqueue_delete
overload peek with pqueue_peek
overload merge with pqueue_merge
main0 () =
var pq = pqueue_make_empty{string} ()
val () = print! (" ", iseqz pq)
val () = print! (" ", isneqz pq)
val () = print! (" ", "size:", size pq)
val () = insert (pq, 3, "3")
val () = insert (pq, 4, "4")
val () = insert (pq, 2, "2")
val () = insert (pq, 5, "5")
val () = insert (pq, 1, "1")
val () = print! (" ", iseqz pq)
val () = print! (" ", isneqz pq)
val () = print! (" ", "size:", size pq)
var pq2 = pqueue_make_empty{string} ()
val () = insert (pq, 6, "6")
val () = insert (pq, 4, "4a")
val () = pq := merge (pq, pq2)
val () = print! (" ", iseqz pq)
val () = print! (" ", isneqz pq)
val () = print! (" ", "size:", size pq)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = delete pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = delete pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = delete pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = peek pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = delete pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = delete pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = delete pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- Some x = delete pq
val () = print! (" ", x)
val- None () = delete pq
val () = println! ()
var pq2 = pqueue_make_empty{string} ()
val () = insert (pq2, 3, "Clear drains")
val () = insert (pq2, 4, "Feed cat")
val () = insert (pq2, 5, "Make tea")
val () = insert (pq2, 1, "Solve RC tasks")
val () = insert (pq2, 2, "Tax return")
val- Some x = delete pq2
val () = println! ("|", x, "|")
val- Some x = delete pq2
val () = println! ("|", x, "|")
val- Some x = delete pq2
val () = println! ("|", x, "|")
val- Some x = delete pq2
val () = println! ("|", x, "|")
val- Some x = delete pq2
val () = println! ("|", x, "|")
<pre>$ patscc -O3 -DATS_MEMALLOC_GCBDW priority-queue.dats -lgc && ./a.out
true false size:0 false true size:5 false true size:7 6 6 6 6 6 5 4a 4a 4a 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
|Make tea|
|Feed cat|
|Clear drains|
|Tax return|
|Solve RC tasks|
