Playing Cards/MUMPS
Playing Cards/MUMPS is part of Playing Cards. You may find other members of Playing Cards at Category:Playing Cards.
<lang MUMPS> DECK ;Routines to deal with playing cards
; ;Global ^DARCH is the definitions for the deck types. ; First node contains the Deck Number, a non-negative integer ; Second node: ; =0 - deck description ; Third node=0 - the string is a caret separated list of deck numbers to build into a larger deck ; =1 - Ranks ; Third node=1 - short names ; Third node=2 - long names ; =2 - Suits ; Note that Jokers are suit zero ; Third node=1 - short names ; Third node=2 - long names ; =3 - Jokers ; Third node=1 - rank numbers ; Third node=2 - long names ; ;*** Add in logic for multiple decks later ; ;Global ^DECK contains the packs of cards in use. It has to be a global ;in case multiple users play together ;First node is an identifier for the deck. Usually this would ;be the job number of the dealer. ; Second node is the Hand holding the card. ; Hand = 0 is the stock for a game ; Third node is the position within a hand/deck ; The three nodes point to a string with the format ; of "Rank Number^Suit Number" ; ; If no subroutine is specified, at least make sure the global is set ;
;creates the ^DARCH (deck archtype) global, and populates the archtype decks ;If FORCE is true, wipe out the old global first KILL:+FORCE ^DARCH SET ^DARCH(0,0)="No Jokers, Ace Low" SET ^DARCH(0,1,1)=" 1^ 2^ 3^ 4^ 5^ 6^ 7^ 8^ 9^10^11^12^13" SET ^DARCH(0,1,2)="Ace^Two^Three^Four^Five^Six^Seven^Eight^Nine^Ten^Jack^Queen^King" SET ^DARCH(0,2,1)="H^D^C^S" SET ^DARCH(0,2,2)="Hearts^Diamonds^Clubs^Spades" SET ^DARCH(0,3,1)="" SET ^DARCH(1,0)="Two Jokers, Ace High" SET ^DARCH(1,1,1)=" 2^ 3^ 4^ 5^ 6^ 7^ 8^ 9^10^11^12^13^ A" SET ^DARCH(1,1,2)="Two^Three^Four^Five^Six^Seven^Eight^Nine^Ten^Jack^Queen^King^Ace" SET ^DARCH(1,2,1)="H^D^C^S" SET ^DARCH(1,2,2)="Hearts^Diamonds^Clubs^Spades" SET ^DARCH(1,3,1)=" 1^ 1" SET ^DARCH(1,3,2)="Joker^Joker" SET ^DARCH(2,0)="Tarot" SET ^DARCH(2,1,1)="1^2^3^4^5^6^7^8^9^10^11^12^13^14" SET ^DARCH(2,1,2)="Ace^2^3^4^5^6^7^8^9^10^Page^Knight^Queen^King" SET ^DARCH(2,2,1)="W^C^S^D" SET ^DARCH(2,2,2)="Wands^Cups^Swords^Disks" SET ^DARCH(2,3,1)="0^1^2^3^4^5^6^7^8^9^10^11^12^13^14^15^16^17^18^19^20^21^22" SET ^DARCH(2,3,2)="The Fool^The Magician^The High Priestess^The Empress^The Emperor^The Hierophant^" SET ^DARCH(2,3,2)=^DARCH(2,3,2)_"The Lovers^The Chariot^Strength^The Hermit^Wheel of Fortune^" SET ^DARCH(2,3,2)=^DARCH(2,3,2)_"Justice^The Hanged Man^Death^Temperance^The Devil^The Tower^" SET ^DARCH(2,3,2)=^DARCH(2,3,2)_"The Star^The Moon^The Sun^Judgement^The World" SET ^DARCH(3,0)="Canasta Double deck, 4 jokers" SET ^DARCH(3,0,0)="1^1" ;Make two copies of deck type 1 SET ^DARCH(4,0)="joker test" SET ^DARCH(4,3,1)="1^1^1^1" SET ^DARCH(4,3,2)="JOKER^JOKER^JOKER^JOKER" QUIT ;
CLEANDECK(N) ;deletes a deck. If N is "", clean all decks
SET:($DATA(N)=0) N=$JOB IF (N'="")&(N'=0) KILL ^DECK(N) IF (N="")&($DATA(^DECK)>0) FOR SET N=$ORDER(^DECK(N)) Q:N="" KILL ^DECK(N) QUIT ;
;Creates a deck in ^DECK of type DT at ^DECK(DN) ;DN is an internal number to identify the deck; defaults to $Job number ;DT is the identifier of the deck type to make (or, ^DECK(n,DT)) ; defaults to first deck defined in ^DARCH ;GAME is the name of the game being played with this deck. Defaults to "" IF $DATA(^DARCH)<10 DO MAKEGLOB(1) ;If the ^DARCH global isn't defined, create it SET DN=$SELECT(($DATA(DN)<1):$JOB,DN="":$JOB,1:DN) ;Force DN to be a nonempty string SET:($DATA(DT)<1)!($DATA(^DARCH(DT))<10) DT="",DT=$ORDER(^DARCH(DT)) ;Force DT to be a nonempty string that exists in ^DARCH SET ^DECK(DN,0)=DN_"^"_DT_"^"_GAME NEW I,J,NUMRANK,NUMSUIT,NUMJOK,HAND,OFFSET ;HAND=0 signifies the stock for a game ;OFFSET is the number of cards already created in the deck ;NUMRANK - number of ranks in the deck ;NUMSUIT - number of suits in the deck ;NUMJOK - number of jokers in the deck ;I and J are loop values SET HAND=0,OFFSET=0 ;Suit, Rank, or Jokers could be non-existent. Use $GET to get either ;their value or a null string ;$LENGTH with a delimiter will return 1 on a null string SET NUMRANK=$LENGTH($GET(^DARCH(DT,1,1))) SET:NUMRANK>0 NUMRANK=$LENGTH($GET(^DARCH(DT,1,1)),"^") SET NUMSUIT=$LENGTH($GET(^DARCH(DT,2,1))) SET:NUMSUIT>0 NUMSUIT=$LENGTH($GET(^DARCH(DT,2,1)),"^") SET NUMJOK=$LENGTH($GET(^DARCH(DT,3,1))) SET:NUMJOK>0 NUMJOK=$LENGTH($GET(^DARCH(DT,3,1)),"^") FOR I=1:1:NUMSUIT FOR J=1:1:NUMRANK SET ^DECK(DN,HAND,((I-1)*NUMRANK)+J+OFFSET)=J_"^"_I FOR I=1:1:NUMJOK SET ^DECK(DN,HAND,(NUMSUIT*NUMRANK+I+OFFSET))=$PIECE(^DARCH(DT,3,1),"^",I)_"^0" KILL I,J,NUMRANK,NUMSUIT,NUMJOK,HAND,OFFSET QUIT ;
SHUFFLE(DN,HAND) ;Randomize the order of a hand of a deck
DO:(($DATA(^DECK,HAND)<10)&(HAND=0)) MAKEDECK(DN,0) QUIT:$DATA(^DECK(DN,0))#10=0 0 ;There isn't a hand or deck, and no deck type defined NEW LAST,I,R,HOLD,INDX,GAP SET I="",INDX="" FOR SET I=$ORDER(^DECK(DN,HAND,I)) Q:I="" SET INDX=INDX_I_"^" ;Note that there is a null at the end of INDX due to the last caret, ;hence the LAST equals length minus 1 below FOR SET LAST=$LENGTH(INDX,"^")-1 QUIT:LAST=1 DO . SET R=$RANDOM(LAST)+1 . SET HOLD=^DECK(DN,HAND,$PIECE(INDX,"^",R)) . SET ^DECK(DN,HAND,$PIECE(INDX,"^",R))=^DECK(DN,HAND,$PIECE(INDX,"^",LAST)) . SET ^DECK(DN,HAND,$PIECE(INDX,"^",LAST))=HOLD .; Need to take out INDX(R), but not leave a "^" hole. .; The indices are by definition canonic, and by SHUFFLE+5, always have a "^" following . SET HOLD=$PIECE(INDX,"^",R)_"^" . ;The line below is simpler, but does too much when R is a single digit early in the shuffle. . ;SET INDX=$PIECE(INDX,HOLD,1)_$PIECE(INDX,HOLD,2) . SET GAP=$FIND(INDX,HOLD) . SET INDX=$EXTRACT(INDX,1,GAP-$LENGTH(HOLD)-1)_$EXTRACT(INDX,GAP,$LENGTH(INDX)) KILL LAST,I,R,INDX,HOLD QUIT 1 ;
NEW I,DT ;I is a loop variable ;DT is the deck type QUIT:($DATA(^DECK(DN))<10)!($DATA(^DECK(DN,HAND))<10) 0 ; Quit if not a valid hand SET DT=$PIECE(^DECK(DN,0),"^",2) WRITE !! SET I="" FOR SET I=$ORDER(^DECK(DN,HAND,I)) QUIT:I="" DO . ;non-zero integers for the suit position mean a suit, while zero means a joker . IF $PIECE(^DECK(DN,HAND,I),"^",2) DO . . WRITE $PIECE(^DARCH(DT,1,2),"^",$PIECE(^DECK(DN,HAND,I),"^",1))_" of " . . WRITE $PIECE(^DARCH(DT,2,2),"^",$PIECE(^DECK(DN,0,I),"^",2)),! . IF '$PIECE(^DECK(DN,HAND,I),"^",2) DO . . WRITE $PIECE(^DARCH(DT,3,2),"^",$PIECE(^DECK(DN,HAND,I),"^",1)),! KILL I,DT QUIT ;
DO MAKEGLOB(1) DO CLEANDECK DO MAKEDECK(3141,2) DO SHUFFLE(3141,0) ;Ignoring returned result DO PRINTHAND(3141,0) QUIT
Example of use:
USER>D TEST^CARDS Three of Hearts Four of Hearts Five of Clubs Seven of Clubs Eight of Hearts Ace of Hearts Five of Diamonds Nine of Spades Nine of Hearts Eight of Spades Four of Spades Five of Spades Seven of Hearts Six of Clubs Eight of Diamonds Nine of Diamonds Six of Hearts Three of Diamonds Ace of Clubs Two of Hearts Five of Hearts Four of Clubs Jack of Diamonds Ace of Diamonds Jack of Spades Jack of Hearts Two of Diamonds Six of Diamonds Ace of Spades Three of Clubs Two of Clubs Seven of Diamonds King of Clubs Queen of Hearts Nine of Clubs Seven of Spades Two of Spades Queen of Diamonds Four of Diamonds Six of Spades Eight of Clubs Three of Spades King of Hearts Ten of Clubs Ten of Hearts King of Diamonds Ten of Diamonds Jack of Clubs Ten of Spades Queen of Spades Queen of Clubs King of Spades