Pig the dice game: Difference between revisions

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Player 0 wins with a score of 101</pre>
Player 0 wins with a score of 101</pre>

<lang racket>
#lang racket

(define (pig-the-dice #:print? [print? #t] . players)
(define prn (if print? (λ xs (apply printf xs) (flush-output)) void))
(define names (for/list ([p players] [n (in-naturals 1)]) n))
(define points (for/list ([p players]) (box 0)))
(with-handlers ([(negate exn?) identity])
(for ([nm (in-cycle names)] [tp (in-cycle points)] [pl (in-cycle players)])
(prn (string-join (for/list ([n names] [p points])
(format "Player ~a, ~a points" n (unbox p)))
"; " #:before-first "Status: " #:after-last ".\n"))
(let turn ([p 0] [n 0])
(prn "Player ~a, round #~a, [R]oll or [P]ass? " nm (+ 1 n))
(define roll? (pl (unbox tp) p n))
(unless (eq? pl human) (prn "~a\n" (if roll? 'R 'P)))
(if (not roll?) (set-box! tp (+ (unbox tp) p))
(let ([r (+ 1 (random 6))])
(prn " Dice roll: ~s => " r)
(if (= r 1) (prn "turn lost\n")
(let ([p (+ p r)]) (prn "~a points\n" p) (turn p (+ 1 n)))))))
(prn "--------------------\n")
(when (<= 100 (unbox tp)) (prn "Player ~a wins!\n" nm) (raise nm)))))

(define (human total-points turn-points round#)
(case (string->symbol (car (regexp-match #px"[A-Za-z]?" (read-line))))
[(R r) #t] [(P p) #f] [else (human total-points turn-points round#)]))

(pig-the-dice #:print? #t human human)
