Pig the dice game: Difference between revisions

Groovy code added
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: correct a program error when trying to use the defaults (with no input). -- ~~~~)
(Groovy code added)
Line 151:
Player 0 wins with a score of 101</pre>
Currently hard coded for 2 players, but will work for multiple players
<lang Groovy>
class PigDice {
final static int maxScore = 100;
final static yesses = ["yes", "y", "", "Y", "YES"]
static main(args) {
def playersCount = 2
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in)
Map scores = [:]
def current = 0
def player = 0
def gameOver = false
def firstThrow = true
Random rnd = new Random()
// Initialise the players' scores
(0..(playersCount-1)).each{ it->
scores[it] = 0
// Game starts
while (!gameOver) {
def nextPlayer = false
String ln
// Automatic rolls for the first dice roll
if (firstThrow){
println "player ${player+1} Auto Rolling... "
ln = 'y'
firstThrow = false
} else {
println "player ${player+1} Rolling? Yes(y) or No(n) "
ln = sc.nextLine()
if (ln in yesses){
// if yes then roll the dice
int rolled = rnd.nextInt(6) + 1
print "The Roll was $rolled --- "
if (rolled == 1) {
println " Bust! Player ${player+1} loses $current but keep ${scores[player]}"
current = 0
nextPlayer = true
firstThrow = true
} else {
// dice rolls 2 to 6
current = current + rolled
if ((current + scores[player]) > maxScore){
gameOver = true
// as a session score gets larger the message returned changes
switch (current){
case 6..15:
print "Good. "
case 15..29:
print "lucky! "
case 29..39:
print "Great! "
print "Amazing "
println "Player ${player+1} now has $current this session (possible score of ${current + scores[player]})"
} else{
// if no then bank the session score
nextPlayer = true
firstThrow = true
scores[player] = scores[player] + current
current = 0
println "chicken! player ${player+1} now has ${scores[player]} and $gameOver"
println "Current scores :"
for (i in scores){
println "player ${i.key + 1}| ${i.value} "
println "------------------------------"
println ""
if (nextPlayer) {
player = (player+1)%playersCount
println "** Next player is ${player+1}"
// Game ends
println "Player ${player+1} wins"