Permutations by swapping

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Revision as of 21:41, 4 August 2012 by rosettacode>Paddy3118 (→‎Python: iterative: Emphasised that this code is also used elsewhere.)
Permutations by swapping
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Generate permutations of n items in which successive permutations differ from each other by the swapping of any two items. Also generate the sign of the permutation which is +1 when the permutation is generated from an even number of swaps from the initial state, and -1 for odd. Show the permutations and signs of three items, in order of generation here.

Such data are of use in generating the determinant of a square matrix and any functions created should bear this in mind.

Note: The Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm generates successive permutations where adjacent items are swapped, but from this discussion adjacency is not a requirement.



Iterative Version

This isn't a Range.

Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.algorithm, std.array, std.typecons, std.range;

struct Spermutations {

   const int n;
   alias Tuple!(int[], int) TResult;
   int opApply(int delegate(ref TResult) dg) {
       int result;
       TResult aux;
       int sign = 1;
       alias Tuple!(int, int) Pair;
       auto p = iota(n).map!(i => Pair(i, i ? -1 : 0))().array();
       aux = tuple(!(pp => pp[0])().array(), sign);
       result = dg(aux); if (result) goto END;
       while (p.canFind!(pp => pp[1])()) {
           // Failed using std.algorithm here, too much complex
           auto largest = Pair(-100, -100);
           int i1 = -1;
           foreach (i, pp; p)
               if (pp[1]) {
                   if (pp[0] > largest[0]) {
                       i1 = i;
                       largest = pp;
           int n1 = largest[0], d1 = largest[1];
           sign *= -1;
           int i2;
           if (d1 == -1) {
               i2 = i1 - 1;
               swap(p[i1], p[i2]);
               if (i2 == 0 || p[i2 - 1][0] > n1)
                   p[i2][1] = 0;
           } else if (d1 == 1) {
               i2 = i1 + 1;
               swap(p[i1], p[i2]);
               if (i2 == n - 1 || p[i2 + 1][0] > n1)
                   p[i2][1] = 0;
           aux = tuple(!(pp => pp[0])().array(), sign);
           result = dg(aux); if (result) goto END;
           foreach (i3, ref pp; p) {
               auto n3 = pp[0], d3 = pp[1];
               if (n3 > n1)
                   pp[1] = (i3 < i2) ? 1 : -1;
       END: return result;


void main() {

   import std.stdio;
   foreach (n; [3, 4]) {
       writefln("\nPermutations and sign of %d items", n);
       foreach (tp; Spermutations(n))
           writefln("Perm: %s Sign: %2d", tp.tupleof);


Permutations and sign of 3 items
Perm: [0, 1, 2] Sign:  1
Perm: [0, 2, 1] Sign: -1
Perm: [2, 0, 1] Sign:  1
Perm: [2, 1, 0] Sign: -1
Perm: [1, 2, 0] Sign:  1
Perm: [1, 0, 2] Sign: -1

Permutations and sign of 4 items
Perm: [0, 1, 2, 3] Sign:  1
Perm: [0, 1, 3, 2] Sign: -1
Perm: [0, 3, 1, 2] Sign:  1
Perm: [3, 0, 1, 2] Sign: -1
Perm: [3, 0, 2, 1] Sign:  1
Perm: [0, 3, 2, 1] Sign: -1
Perm: [0, 2, 3, 1] Sign:  1
Perm: [0, 2, 1, 3] Sign: -1
Perm: [2, 0, 1, 3] Sign:  1
Perm: [2, 0, 3, 1] Sign: -1
Perm: [2, 3, 0, 1] Sign:  1
Perm: [3, 2, 0, 1] Sign: -1
Perm: [3, 2, 1, 0] Sign:  1
Perm: [2, 3, 1, 0] Sign: -1
Perm: [2, 1, 3, 0] Sign:  1
Perm: [2, 1, 0, 3] Sign: -1
Perm: [1, 2, 0, 3] Sign:  1
Perm: [1, 2, 3, 0] Sign: -1
Perm: [1, 3, 2, 0] Sign:  1
Perm: [3, 1, 2, 0] Sign: -1
Perm: [3, 1, 0, 2] Sign:  1
Perm: [1, 3, 0, 2] Sign: -1
Perm: [1, 0, 3, 2] Sign:  1
Perm: [1, 0, 2, 3] Sign: -1

Recursive Version

Same output.

Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.algorithm, std.array, std.typecons, std.range;

Tuple!(int[], int)[] sPermutations(in int n) /*pure nothrow*/ {

   static int[][] sPermu(in int items) /*pure nothrow*/ {
       if (items <= 0)
           return [[]];
       typeof(return) r;
       foreach (i, item; sPermu(items - 1)) {
           if (i % 2)
               r ~= iota(cast(int)item.length, -1, -1)
                    .map!(i => item[0..i] ~ (items-1) ~ item[i..$])()
               r ~= iota(item.length + 1)
                    .map!(i => item[0..i] ~ (items-1) ~ item[i..$])()
       return r;
   auto r = sPermu(n);
   return iota(r.length)
          .map!(i => tuple(r[i], i % 2 ? -1 : 1))()


void main() {

   import std.stdio;
   foreach (n; [3, 4]) {
       writefln("\nPermutations and sign of %d items", n);
       foreach (tp; sPermutations(n))
           writefln("Perm: %s Sign: %2d", tp.tupleof);



<lang haskell>insertEverywhere :: a -> [a] -> a insertEverywhere x [] = x insertEverywhere x l@(y:ys) = (x:l) : map (y:) (insertEverywhere x ys)

s_perm :: [a] -> a s_perm = foldl aux [[]]

 where aux items x = do (f, item) <- zip (cycle [reverse, id]) items
                        f (insertEverywhere x item)

s_permutations :: [a] -> [([a], Int)] s_permutations = flip zip (cycle [1, -1]) . s_perm

main :: IO () main = do

 putStrLn "3 items:"
 mapM_ print $ s_permutations [0..2]
 putStrLn "4 items:"
 mapM_ print $ s_permutations [0..3]</lang>
3 items:
4 items:


J has a built in mechanism for representing permutations (which is designed around the idea of selecting a permutation uniquely by an integer) but it does not seem seem to have an obvious mapping to Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter. Perhaps someone with a sufficiently deep view of the subject of permutations can find a direct mapping?

Meanwhile, here's an inductive approach, using negative integers to look left and positive integers to look right:

<lang J>bfsjt0=: _1 - i. lookingat=: 0 >. <:@# <. i.@# + * next=: | >./@:* | > | {~ lookingat bfsjtn=: (((] <@, ] + *@{~) | i. next) C. ] * _1 ^ next < |)^:(*@next)</lang>

Here, bfsjt0 N gives the initial permutation of order N, and bfsjtn^:M bfsjt0 N gives the Mth Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter permutation of order N. (bf stands for "brute force".)

To convert from the Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter representation of a permutation to J's representation, use <:@|, or to find J's anagram index of a Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter representation of a permutation, use A.@:<:@:|

Example use:

<lang J> bfsjtn^:(i.!3) bfjt0 3 _1 _2 _3 _1 _3 _2 _3 _1 _2

3 _2 _1

_2 3 _1 _2 _1 3

  <:@| bfsjtn^:(i.!3) bfjt0 3

0 1 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 2

  A. <:@| bfsjtn^:(i.!3) bfjt0 3

0 1 4 5 3 2</lang>

Here's an example of the Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter representation of 3 element permutation, with sign (sign is the first column):

<lang J> (_1^2|i.!3),. bfsjtn^:(i.!3) bfjt0 3

1 _1 _2 _3

_1 _1 _3 _2

1 _3 _1 _2

_1 3 _2 _1

1 _2  3 _1

_1 _2 _1 3</lang>

Alternatively, J defines C.!.2 as the parity of a permutation:

<lang J> (,.~C.!.2)<:| bfsjtn^:(i.!3) bfjt0 3

1 0 1 2

_1 0 2 1

1 2 0 1

_1 2 1 0

1 1 2 0

_1 1 0 2</lang>

Recursive Implementation

This is based on the python recursive implementation:

<lang J>rsjt=: 3 :0

 if. 2>y do. i.2#y
 else.  ((!y)$(,~|.)-.=i.y)#inv!.(y-1)"1 y#rsjt y-1


Example use (here, prefixing each row with its parity):

<lang J> (,.~ C.!.2) rsjt 3

1 0 1 2

_1 0 2 1

1 2 0 1

_1 2 1 0

1 1 2 0

_1 1 0 2</lang>


Python: iterative

When saved in a file called it is used in the Python example to the Matrix arithmetic task and so any changes here should also be reflected and checked in that task example too.

<lang python>from operator import itemgetter

DEBUG = False # like the built-in __debug__

def spermutations(n):

   """permutations by swapping. Yields: perm, sign"""
   sign = 1
   p = [[i, 0 if i == 0 else -1] # [num, direction]
        for i in range(n)]

   if DEBUG: print ' #', p
   yield tuple(pp[0] for pp in p), sign

   while any(pp[1] for pp in p): # moving
       i1, (n1, d1) = max(((i, pp) for i, pp in enumerate(p) if pp[1]),
       sign *= -1
       if d1 == -1:
           # Swap down
           i2 = i1 - 1
           p[i1], p[i2] = p[i2], p[i1]
           # If this causes the chosen element to reach the First or last
           # position within the permutation, or if the next element in the
           # same direction is larger than the chosen element:
           if i2 == 0 or p[i2 - 1][0] > n1:
               # The direction of the chosen element is set to zero
               p[i2][1] = 0
       elif d1 == 1:
           # Swap up
           i2 = i1 + 1
           p[i1], p[i2] = p[i2], p[i1]
           # If this causes the chosen element to reach the first or Last
           # position within the permutation, or if the next element in the
           # same direction is larger than the chosen element:
           if i2 == n - 1 or p[i2 + 1][0] > n1:
               # The direction of the chosen element is set to zero
               p[i2][1] = 0
       if DEBUG: print ' #', p
       yield tuple(pp[0] for pp in p), sign

       for i3, pp in enumerate(p):
           n3, d3 = pp
           if n3 > n1:
               pp[1] = 1 if i3 < i2 else -1
               if DEBUG: print ' # Set Moving'

if __name__ == '__main__':

   from itertools import permutations

   for n in (3, 4):
       print '\nPermutations and sign of %i items' % n
       sp = set()
       for i in spermutations(n):
           print('Perm: %r Sign: %2i' % i)
           #if DEBUG: raw_input('?')
       # Test
       p = set(permutations(range(n)))
       assert sp == p, 'Two methods of generating permutations do not agree'</lang>
Permutations and sign of 3 items
Perm: (0, 1, 2) Sign:  1
Perm: (0, 2, 1) Sign: -1
Perm: (2, 0, 1) Sign:  1
Perm: (2, 1, 0) Sign: -1
Perm: (1, 2, 0) Sign:  1
Perm: (1, 0, 2) Sign: -1

Permutations and sign of 4 items
Perm: (0, 1, 2, 3) Sign:  1
Perm: (0, 1, 3, 2) Sign: -1
Perm: (0, 3, 1, 2) Sign:  1
Perm: (3, 0, 1, 2) Sign: -1
Perm: (3, 0, 2, 1) Sign:  1
Perm: (0, 3, 2, 1) Sign: -1
Perm: (0, 2, 3, 1) Sign:  1
Perm: (0, 2, 1, 3) Sign: -1
Perm: (2, 0, 1, 3) Sign:  1
Perm: (2, 0, 3, 1) Sign: -1
Perm: (2, 3, 0, 1) Sign:  1
Perm: (3, 2, 0, 1) Sign: -1
Perm: (3, 2, 1, 0) Sign:  1
Perm: (2, 3, 1, 0) Sign: -1
Perm: (2, 1, 3, 0) Sign:  1
Perm: (2, 1, 0, 3) Sign: -1
Perm: (1, 2, 0, 3) Sign:  1
Perm: (1, 2, 3, 0) Sign: -1
Perm: (1, 3, 2, 0) Sign:  1
Perm: (3, 1, 2, 0) Sign: -1
Perm: (3, 1, 0, 2) Sign:  1
Perm: (1, 3, 0, 2) Sign: -1
Perm: (1, 0, 3, 2) Sign:  1
Perm: (1, 0, 2, 3) Sign: -1

Python: recursive

After spotting the pattern of highest number being inserted into each perm of lower numbers from right to left, then left to right, I developed this recursive function: <lang python>def s_permutations(seq):

   def s_perm(seq):
       if not seq:
           return [[]]
           new_items = []
           for i, item in enumerate(s_perm(seq[:-1])):
               if i % 2:
                   # step up
                   new_items += [item[:i] + seq[-1:] + item[i:]
                                 for i in range(len(item) + 1)]
                   # step down
                   new_items += [item[:i] + seq[-1:] + item[i:]
                                 for i in range(len(item), -1, -1)]
           return new_items
   return [(tuple(item), -1 if i % 2 else 1)
           for i, item in enumerate(s_perm(seq))]</lang>
Sample output

The output is the same as before except it is a list of all results rather than yielding each result from a generator function.

Python: Iterative version of the recursive

Replacing the recursion in the example above produces this iterative version function: <lang python>def s_permutations(seq):

   items = [[]]
   for j in seq:
       new_items = []
       for i, item in enumerate(items):
           if i % 2:
               # step up
               new_items += [item[:i] + [j] + item[i:]
                             for i in range(len(item) + 1)]
               # step down
               new_items += [item[:i] + [j] + item[i:]
                             for i in range(len(item), -1, -1)]
       items = new_items
   return [(tuple(item), -1 if i % 2 else 1)
           for i, item in enumerate(items)]</lang>
Sample output

The output is the same as before and is a list of all results rather than yielding each result from a generator function.