Peripheral drift illusion
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
- Task
Generate and display a Peripheral Drift Illusion
The image appears to be moving even though it is perfectly static.
Provide a link to show the output, either by running the code online or a screenshot uploaded to a suitable image host.
- References
PROC DrawTile(INT x BYTE y,flip,c1,c2)
FOR i=y+2 TO y+11
Plot(x+1,i) DrawTo(x+5,i)
IF flip THEN
Plot(x,y+12) DrawTo(x,y) DrawTo(x+6,y)
Plot(x,y) DrawTo(x+6,y) DrawTo(x+6,y+12)
Plot(x+1,y+1) DrawTo(x+5,y+1)
IF flip THEN
Plot(x,y+13) DrawTo(x+6,y+13) DrawTo(x+6,y+1)
Plot(x,y+1) DrawTo(x,y+13) DrawTo(x+6,y+13)
Plot(x+1,y+12) DrawTo(x+5,y+12)
PROC Draw()
INT x,y,n
BYTE flip,c1,c2
FOR y=0 TO 8
FOR x=0 TO 15
IF (n RSH 2)&1 THEN
IF (n RSH 3)&1 THEN
c1=3 c2=2
c1=2 c2=3
PROC Main()
BYTE CH=$02FC ;Internal hardware value for last key pressed
BYTE PALNTSC=$D014 ;To check if PAL or NTSC system is used
SetColor(4,14,10) ;yellow for NTSC
SetColor(0,8,4) ;blue for NTSC
SetColor(4,13,10) ;yellow for PAL
SetColor(0,7,4) ;blue for PAL
- Output:
Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer
with PDF_Out; use PDF_Out;
procedure Drift is
X_Distance : constant := 30.0;
Y_Distance : constant := 30.0;
X_Length : constant := 20.0;
Y_Length : constant := 20.0;
Edge_Width : constant := 1.5;
Corner : constant Point := (220.0, 140.0);
type Edge_Kind is (Top, Right, Bottom, Left);
type Square_Kind is (Left_Top, Top_Right, Right_Bottom, Bottom_Left);
-- Signifies the white edges on the blue squares
LT : constant Square_Kind := Left_Top;
TR : constant Square_Kind := Top_Right;
RB : constant Square_Kind := Right_Bottom;
BL : constant Square_Kind := Bottom_Left;
type X_Index is range 0 .. 11;
type Y_Index is range 0 .. 11;
Squares : constant array (Y_Index, X_Index) of Square_Kind :=
(11 => (LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB),
10 => (LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL),
09 => (TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL),
08 => (TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT),
07 => (RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT),
06 => (RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR),
05 => (BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR),
04 => (BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB),
03 => (LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB),
02 => (LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL),
01 => (TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL),
00 => (TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT));
-- PDF has origo in lower left corner of the paper. Reverse
-- Y_Index so the program text looks like the output.
Light_Olive : constant Color_Type := (0.827, 0.816, 0.016);
Pale_Blue : constant Color_Type := (0.196, 0.314, 1.000);
White : constant Color_Type := (1.000, 1.000, 1.000);
Colors : constant array (Square_Kind, Edge_Kind) of Color_Type :=
(Left_Top => (Top | Left => White, others => Black),
Top_Right => (Top | Right => White, others => Black),
Right_Bottom => (Right | Bottom => White, others => Black),
Bottom_Left => (Bottom | Left => White, others => Black));
PDF : PDF_Out_File;
procedure Fill_Poly (P1, P2, P3, P4 : Point; Color : Color_Type) is
PDF.Color (Color);
PDF.Move (Corner + P1);
PDF.Line (Corner + P2);
PDF.Line (Corner + P3);
PDF.Line (Corner + P4);
PDF.Finish_Path (Close_Path => True,
Rendering => Fill,
Rule => Nonzero_Winding_Number);
end Fill_Poly;
procedure Draw_Square (Pos : Point; Kind : Square_Kind) is
Inner_TL : constant Point := Pos + (0.0, Y_Length);
Inner_TR : constant Point := Pos + (X_Length, Y_Length);
Inner_BR : constant Point := Pos + (X_Length, 0.0);
Inner_BL : constant Point := Pos + (0.0, 0.0);
Outer_TL : constant Point := Inner_TL + (-Edge_Width, Edge_Width);
Outer_TR : constant Point := Inner_TR + (Edge_Width, Edge_Width);
Outer_BR : constant Point := Inner_BR + (Edge_Width, -Edge_Width);
Outer_BL : constant Point := Inner_BL + (-Edge_Width, -Edge_Width);
Fill_Poly (Inner_TL, Inner_TR, Inner_BR, Inner_BL, Pale_Blue);
Fill_Poly (Inner_TL, Outer_TL, Outer_TR, Inner_TR, Colors (Kind, Top));
Fill_Poly (Inner_TR, Outer_TR, Outer_BR, Inner_BR, Colors (Kind, Right));
Fill_Poly (Inner_BR, Outer_BR, Outer_BL, Inner_BL, Colors (Kind, Bottom));
Fill_Poly (Inner_BL, Outer_BL, Outer_TL, Inner_TL, Colors (Kind, Left));
end Draw_Square;
procedure Draw_Squares is
for X in Squares'Range (2) loop
for Y in Squares'Range (1) loop
Draw_Square (Pos => (X => Real (X) * X_Distance,
Y => Real (Y) * Y_Distance),
Kind => Squares (Y, X));
end loop;
end loop;
end Draw_Squares;
PDF.Create ("peripheral-drift-illusion.pdf");
PDF.Page_Setup (A4_Landscape);
PDF.Color (Light_Olive);
PDF.Draw ((10.0, 10.0, 820.0, 575.0), Fill);
end Drift;
{The illusion works by drawing light/dark edges around
{the squares in an inconsistent pattern that confuses}
{the eye about whethe squares are raise or lowered}
{Specifies corner on which the white lines are drawn}
type TCorners = (crTopLeft = 0,crTopRght = 1,crBtmLeft = 3,crBtmRght = 2);
{Array of edge patterns}
const Edges: array [0..12-1] of array [0..12-1] of TCorners =(
(crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght),
(crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft),
(crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft),
(crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft),
(crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft),
(crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght),
(crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght),
(crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght),
(crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght),
(crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft),
(crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft),
(crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmLeft, crBtmRght, crBtmRght, crTopRght, crTopRght, crTopLeft, crTopLeft));
{Base colors}
const LightOlive: TColor = $04D0D3;
const PaleBlue: TColor = $FF523E;
{Patterns of edge colors}
type TColorArray = array [0..4-1] of array [0..4-1] of TColor;
const Colors: TColorArray = (
(clWhite, clBlack, clBlack, clWhite),
(clWhite, clWhite, clBlack, clBlack),
(clBlack, clWhite, clWhite, clBlack),
(clBlack, clBlack, clWhite, clWhite));
procedure DrawEdge(Canvas: TCanvas; PX, PY, Size: integer; Colors: TColorArray; Edge: TCorners);
{Draw edges around square}
Canvas.MoveTo(PX, PY);
Canvas.LineTo(PX+Size, PY);
Canvas.LineTo(PX+Size, PY+Size);
Canvas.LineTo(PX, PY+Size);
Canvas.LineTo(PX, PY);
procedure DrawPeripheralDrift(Image: TImage);
{Draw Peripheral Drift illusion}
var WWidth,WHeight: integer;
var X,Y,PX,PY: integer;
var SqrSize,Border,Spacing,InSquare,CellSize: integer;
{Calculate base size from window size}
{Calculate border, square and spacing from base size}
Border:=(WWidth-InSquare) div 2;
CellSize:=InSquare div 12;
{Draw background rectangel}
{Draw 12x12 grid of squares}
for X:= 0 to 12-1 do
PX:= Border + X*CellSize;
for Y:= 0 to 12-1 do
PY:= Border + Y*CellSize;
{Draw square}
Image.Canvas.Rectangle(PX, PY, PX+SqrSize, PY+SqrSize);
{Draw edges, which causes the illusion}
DrawEdge(Image.Canvas, PX, PY, SqrSize, Colors, Edges[Y,X]);
procedure ShowPeripheralDrift(Image: TImage);
- Output:
Elapsed Time: 6.274 ms.
n = 15
offs = 10 / n
r = (100 / (3 * n + 1))
step = 360 * 2 / (n - 1)
background 470
for row = 0 to n - 1
for col = 0 to n - 1
x = (3 * col + 2) * r
y = (3 * row + 2) * r
h = col * step + row * step
move (x + offs * cos h) (y + offs * sin h)
color 999
circle r
h += 180
move (x + offs * cos h) (y + offs * sin h)
color 000
circle r
move x y
color 128
circle r
Fōrmulæ programs are not textual, visualization/edition of programs is done showing/manipulating structures but not text. Moreover, there can be multiple visual representations of the same program. Even though it is possible to have textual representation —i.e. XML, JSON— they are intended for storage and transfer purposes more than visualization and edition.
Programs in Fōrmulæ are created/edited online in its website.
In this page you can see and run the program(s) related to this task and their results. You can also change either the programs or the parameters they are called with, for experimentation, but remember that these programs were created with the main purpose of showing a clear solution of the task, and they generally lack any kind of validation.
The following function generates a Paul Nasca peripheral drift illusion:
Test case:
The illusion is more effective when the image is displayed full-screen.
Sub DrawRect(x0 As Integer, y0 As Integer, w As Integer, h As Integer, kolor As Integer)
For y As Integer = y0 To y0 + h - 1
Line (x0, y)-(x0 + w - 1, y), kolor
Next y
End Sub
Sub DrawEdge(px As Integer, py As Integer, colors() As Integer, edge As Integer)
Line (px, py)-(px + 22, py), colors(edge, 0)
Line (px + 22, py)-(px + 22, py + 22), colors(edge, 1)
Line (px + 22, py + 22)-(px, py + 22), colors(edge, 2)
Line (px, py + 22)-(px, py), colors(edge, 3)
End Sub
Const scrw = 512, scrh = 512
Const white = Rgb(255,255,255)
Const black = Rgb( 0, 0, 0)
Const lightolive = Rgb(211,208, 4)
Const paleblue = Rgb( 50, 80,255)
Dim As Integer x, y, px, py
Enum ' signifies the white edges on the blue squares
LT = 0
End Enum
Screenres scrw, scrh, 24
Windowtitle("Peripheral drift illusion")
Dim edges(11, 11) As Byte = { _
{LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB}, _
{LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL}, _
{TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL}, _
{TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT}, _
{RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT}, _
{RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR}, _
{BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR}, _
{BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB}, _
{LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB}, _
{LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL}, _
{TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL}, _
{TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT} }
Dim colors(3, 3) As integer = { _
{white, black, black, white}, _
{white, white, black, black}, _
{black, white, white, black}, _
{black, black, white, white} }
DrawRect(0, 0, scrw, scrh, lightolive)
For x = 0 To 11
px = 54 + x * 34
For y = 0 To 11
py = 54 + y * 34
DrawRect(px, py, 24, 24, paleblue)
DrawEdge(px, py, colors(), edges(y, x))
Next y
Next x
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public final class PeripheralDriftIllusion {
public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
EventQueue.invokeLater( () -> {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Peripheral Drift Illusion");
frame.add( new PeripheralDrift() );
} );
final class PeripheralDrift extends JPanel {
public PeripheralDrift() {
setPreferredSize( new Dimension(600, 600) );
public void paintComponent(Graphics aGraphics) {
Graphics2D graphics2D = (Graphics2D) aGraphics;
graphics2D.setStroke( new BasicStroke(3.0F) );
private void drawPeripheralDrift(Graphics2D aGraphics2D) {
final int panelWidth = getWidth();
final int outerSquare = panelWidth * 80 / 100;
final int border = ( panelWidth - outerSquare ) / 2;
final int cellSize = outerSquare / 12;
final int boxSize = cellSize * 75 / 100;
final int margin = ( cellSize - boxSize ) / 2;
for ( int row = 0; row < 12; row++ ) {
int x = border + margin + row * cellSize;
for ( int col = 0; col < 12; col++ ) {
int y = border + margin + col * cellSize;
drawBox(x, y, boxSize, EDGES.get(col).get(row), aGraphics2D);
private void drawBox(int aX, int aY, int aSize, Edg aEdge, Graphics2D aGraphics2D) {
aGraphics2D.fillRect(aX, aY, aSize, aSize);
aGraphics2D.drawLine(aX, aY, aX + aSize, aY);
aGraphics2D.drawLine(aX + aSize, aY, aX + aSize, aY + aSize);
aGraphics2D.drawLine(aX + aSize, aY + aSize, aX, aY + aSize);
aGraphics2D.drawLine(aX, aY + aSize, aX, aY);
private enum Edg {
TL(0), TR(1), BR(2), BL(3);
private Edg(int aIndex) {
index = aIndex;
private final int index;
private static final List<List<Edg>> EDGES = List.of(
List.of( Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR ),
List.of( Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL ),
List.of( Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL ),
List.of( Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL ),
List.of( Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL ),
List.of( Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.BR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR ),
List.of( Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR ),
List.of( Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR ),
List.of( Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR ),
List.of( Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL ),
List.of( Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL ),
List.of( Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL, Edg.BL, Edg.BL, Edg.BR, Edg.BR, Edg.TR, Edg.TR, Edg.TL, Edg.TL ) );
private static final List<List<Color>> COLORS = List.of(
List.of( Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE ),
List.of( Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK ),
List.of( Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK ),
List.of( Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE ) );
private static final Color PALE_BLUE = new Color(51, 77, 255);
private static final Color LIGHT_OLIVE = new Color(204, 204, 0);
- Output:
Line color tables taken from the Wren example. See the output on imgur.
using Gtk, Colors, Cairo
function CodepenApp()
# left-top, top-right, right-bottom, bottom-left
LT, TR, RB, BL = 1, 2, 3, 4
edges = [
[LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB],
[LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL],
[TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL],
[TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT],
[RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT],
[RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR],
[BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR],
[BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB],
[LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB],
[LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL],
[TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL],
[TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT]]
W, B = colorant"white", colorant"darkgray"
colors = [
[W, B, B, W],
[W, W, B, B],
[B, W, W, B],
[B, B, W, W]]
win = GtkWindow("Peripheral drift illusion", 230, 230) |> (can = GtkCanvas())
@guarded draw(can) do widget
ctx = Gtk.getgc(can)
function line(x1, y1, x2, y2, colr)
set_source(ctx, colr)
move_to(ctx, x1, y1)
line_to(ctx, x2, y2)
set_source(ctx, colorant"yellow")
rectangle(ctx, 0, 0, 250, 250)
set_line_width(ctx, 2)
for x in 1:12
px = 18 + x * 14
for y in 1:12
py = 18 + y * 14
set_source(ctx, colorant"skyblue")
rectangle(ctx, px, py, 10, 10)
carray = colors[edges[y][x]]
line(px, py, px + 9, py, carray[1])
line(px + 9, py, px + 9, py + 9, carray[2])
line(px + 9, py + 9, px, py + 9, carray[3])
line(px, py + 9, px, py, carray[4])
condition = Condition()
endit(w) = notify(condition)
signal_connect(endit, win, :destroy)
A translation using Gtk via the gintro
bindings for Nim, so the code is quite different. We chose also different sizes for the window and the grid, and colors closer to those of the codepen demo.
import gintro/[glib, gobject, gtk, gio, cairo]
Width = 600
Height = 460
Color = array[3, float]
Edge {.pure.} = enum LT, TR, RB, BL
Edges = [[LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB],
[LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL],
[TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL],
[TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT],
[RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT],
[RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR],
[BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR],
[BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB],
[LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB],
[LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL],
[TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL],
[TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT]]
Black: Color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Blue: Color = [0.2, 0.3, 1.0]
White: Color = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Yellow: Color = [0.8, 0.8, 0.0]
Colors: array[Edge, array[4, Color]] = [[White, Black, Black, White],
[White, White, Black, Black],
[Black, White, White, Black],
[Black, Black, White, White]]
proc draw(area: DrawingArea; context: Context) =
## Draw the pattern in the area.
func line(x1, y1, x2, y2: float; color: Color) =
context.moveTo(x1, y1)
context.lineTo(x2, y2)
context.rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height)
for x in 0..11:
let px = float(86 + x * 36)
for y in 0..11:
let py = float(16 + y * 36)
context.rectangle(px, py, 24, 24)
let carray = Colors[Edges[y][x]]
line(px, py, px + 23, py, carray[0])
line(px + 23, py, px + 23, py + 23, carray[1])
line(px + 23, py + 23, px, py + 23, carray[2])
line(px, py + 23, px, py, carray[3])
proc onDraw(area: DrawingArea; context: Context; data: pointer): bool =
## Callback to draw/redraw the drawing area contents.
result = true
proc activate(app: Application) =
## Activate the application.
let window = app.newApplicationWindow()
window.setSizeRequest(Width, Height)
window.setTitle("Peripheral drift illusion")
# Create the drawing area.
let area = newDrawingArea()
# Connect the "draw" event to the callback to draw the pattern.
discard area.connect("draw", ondraw, pointer(nil))
let app = newApplication(Application, "Rosetta.Illusion")
discard app.connect("activate", activate)
- Output:
Window screenshot:
Includes parameter for size of repeated cell.
function pdi_circle(cell_size = 50, numrows = 15, numcols = 15, radius = 15, offset = 5, rotx = 2, roty = 2, color1 = [0, 0, 255], color2 = [0, 255, 0])
% creates peripheral drift illusion using circles
% pdi_circle(cell_size, numrows, numcols, radius, offset, rotx, roty, color1, color2)
% pdi_circle(50, 15, 15, 15, 5, 2, 2, [0, 0, 255], [0, 255, 0])
% color dimension
colorB = uint8([0, 0, 0]);
colorW = uint8([255, 255, 255]);
color1 = uint8(color1);
color2 = uint8(color2);
% pixels per cell
centerC = cell_size * [1 1] / 2;
[cellX, cellY] = ndgrid(1:cell_size, 1:cell_size);
cell_ones = ones(cell_size, cell_size, "uint8");
% total image size
img_size = [numrows, numcols] * cell_size
final_image = zeros(img_size(1), img_size(2), 3, "uint8");
% offset steps
stepx = 2 * pi * rotx / numrows;
stepy = 2 * pi * roty / numcols;
% loop over cells
for nr = 1:numrows, for nc = 1:numcols
% find offset centers
step_phase = (nr-1) * stepx + (nc-1) * stepy;
offsetC = offset * [cos(step_phase), sin(step_phase)];
centerB = centerC + offsetC;
centerW = centerC - offsetC;
% fill background
image1 = cell_ones * color2(1);
image2 = cell_ones * color2(2);
image3 = cell_ones * color2(3);
% fill white
insideW = sqrt((cellX - centerW(1)).^2 + (cellY - centerW(2)).^2) <= radius;
image1(insideW) = colorW(1);
image2(insideW) = colorW(2);
image3(insideW) = colorW(3);
% fill black
insideB = sqrt((cellX - centerB(1)).^2 + (cellY - centerB(2)).^2) <= radius;
image1(insideB) = colorB(1);
image2(insideB) = colorB(2);
image3(insideB) = colorB(3);
% fill foreground
insideC = sqrt((cellX - centerC(1)).^2 + (cellY - centerC(2)).^2) <= radius;
image1(insideC) = color1(1);
image2(insideC) = color1(2);
image3(insideC) = color1(3);
% generate image
offset_image = cat(3, image1, image2, image3);
final_rows = (nr-1) * cell_size + [1:cell_size];
final_cols = (nc-1) * cell_size + [1:cell_size];
final_image(final_rows, final_cols, :) = offset_image;
endfor, endfor
% show and save image
imwrite(final_image, "PeripheralDriftOctave.png")
- Output:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $svg = <<'EOD';
<svg xmlns=""
xmlns:xlink="" width="1200" height="825">
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="#d3d004" />
<g id="block">
<polygon points="-25,-25,-25,25,25,25" fill="white" />
<polygon points="25,25,25,-25,-25,-25" fill="black" />
<rect x="-20" y="-20" width="40" height="40" fill="#3250ff" />
for my $X (1..15) {
for my $Y (1..10) {
my $r = int(($X + $Y) / 2) % 4 * 90;
my $x = $X * 75;
my $y = $Y * 75;
my $a = $r > 0 ? "rotate($r,$x,$y) " : '';
$svg .= qq{<use xlink:href="#block" transform="$a translate($x,$y)" />\n}
$svg .= '</svg>';
open my $fh, '>', 'peripheral-drift.svg';
print $fh $svg;
close $fh;
You can run this online here.
-- -- demo\rosetta\Peripheral_Drift_Illusion.exw -- ========================================== -- -- converted from -- with javascript_semantics include pGUI.e Ihandle dlg, canvas cdCanvas cdcanvas constant title = "Peripheral Drift Illusion", CD_LIGHT_OLIVE = #d3d004, CD_PALE_BLUE = #3250ff, dxy = {{45,45},{0,45},{0,0},{45,0},{45,45},{0,45}} function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, /*posy*/) integer {width, height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE") cdCanvasActivate(cdcanvas) cdCanvasSetBackground(cdcanvas, CD_LIGHT_OLIVE) cdCanvasClear(cdcanvas) integer c = 0, cy = floor(height/2)*2-81 while cy>100 do integer d = c, cx = 81 while cx<width-100 do cdCanvasSetForeground(cdcanvas, CD_WHITE) cdCanvasBox(cdcanvas, cx, cx+45, cy, cy-45) cdCanvasSetForeground(cdcanvas, CD_BLACK) cdCanvasBegin(cdcanvas, CD_FILL) for i=4 to 6 do integer {dy,dx} = dxy[i-d] cdCanvasVertex(cdcanvas, cx+dx, cy-dy) end for cdCanvasEnd(cdcanvas) cdCanvasSetForeground(cdcanvas, CD_PALE_BLUE) cdCanvasBox(cdcanvas, cx+4, cx+41, cy-4, cy-41) d = remainder(d+(odd(cx)==odd(cy)),4) cx += 63 end while c = remainder(c+4-even(cy),4) cy -= 63 end while cdCanvasFlush(cdcanvas) return IUP_DEFAULT end function function map_cb(Ihandle ih) atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4 IupGLMakeCurrent(canvas) if platform()=JS then cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, canvas) else cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_GL, "10x10 %g", {res}) end if cdCanvasSetBackground(cdcanvas, CD_PARCHMENT) return IUP_DEFAULT end function function canvas_resize_cb(Ihandle /*canvas*/) integer {cw, ch} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE") atom res = IupGetDouble(NULL, "SCREENDPI")/25.4 cdCanvasSetAttribute(cdcanvas, "SIZE", "%dx%d %g", {cw, ch, res}) return IUP_DEFAULT end function procedure main() IupOpen() canvas = IupGLCanvas("RASTERSIZE=780x600") -- (sensible restore size) sequence cb = {"MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"), "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb"), "RESIZE_CB", Icallback("canvas_resize_cb")} IupSetCallbacks(canvas, cb) dlg = IupDialog(canvas,`TITLE="%s",PLACEMENT=MAXIMIZED`,{title}) IupShow(dlg) if platform()!=JS then IupMainLoop() IupClose() end if end procedure main()
import pygame
width, height = 750, 700
RADIUS = width // 15
width += RADIUS
height += RADIUS
def calculate_angle_pos(
start: tuple[int | float, int | float], radius: int | float, angle: int | float
vec = pygame.math.Vector2(0, -radius).rotate((angle) % 360)
return start[0] + vec.x, start[1] + vec.y
def main():
pygame.display.set_caption('Drift Illusion')
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
screen.fill((0, 125, 0))
step = 360 / 15
angle = step
for y in range(RADIUS, height, RADIUS):
for x in range(RADIUS, width, RADIUS):
rad = RADIUS // 3
comp_angle = (angle + 180) % 361
x1, y1 = calculate_angle_pos((x, y), (1/2.5) * rad, angle)
x2, y2 = calculate_angle_pos((x, y), (1/2.5) * rad, comp_angle), (255, 255, 255), (x1, y1), rad), (0, 0, 0), (x2, y2), rad), (0, 0, 255), (x, y), rad)
angle = (angle - step) % 361
angle = (angle - step) % 361
if __name__ == '__main__':
- Output:
use SVG;
my @blocks = (1..15 X 1..10).map: -> ($X, $Y) {
my $x = $X * 75;
my $y = $Y * 75;
my $a = (my $r = ($X + $Y) div 2 % 4 * 90) > 0 ?? "rotate($r,$x,$y) " !! '';
:use['xlink:href'=>'#block', 'transform'=>"{$a}translate($x,$y)"]
'peripheral-drift-raku.svg'.IO.spurt: SVG.serialize(
svg => [
:1200width, :825height,
:rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<#d3d004>],
:polygon[:points<-25,-25,-25,25,25,25>, :fill<white>],
:polygon[:points<25,25,25,-25,-25,-25>, :fill<black>],
:rect[:x<-20>, :y<-20>, :width<40>, :height<40>, :fill<#3250ff>]
This reproduces the codepen image and does indeed appear to move although it's static. See the output on imgur
import "dome" for Window
import "graphics" for Canvas, Color
// signifies the white edges on the blue squares
var LT = 0
var TR = 1
var RB = 2
var BL = 3
var Edges = [
[LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB],
[LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL],
[TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL],
[TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT],
[RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT],
[RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR],
[BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR],
[BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB],
[LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB],
[LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL],
[TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL],
[TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT]
var Light_olive = Color.hex("#d3d004")
var Pale_blue = Color.hex("#3250ff")
var W = Color.white
var B =
var Colors = [
[W, B, B, W],
[W, W, B, B],
[B, W, W, B],
[B, B, W, W]
class PeripheralDrift {
construct new() {
Window.resize(1000, 1000)
Canvas.resize(1000, 1000)
Window.title = "Peripheral drift illusion"
init() {
for (x in 0..11) {
var px = 90 + x * 70
for (y in 0..11) {
var py = 90 + y * 70
Canvas.rectfill(px, py, 50, 50, Pale_blue)
drawEdge(px, py, Edges[y][x])
drawEdge(px, py, edge) {
var c = Colors[edge]
Canvas.line(px, py, px + 46, py, c[0], 4)
Canvas.line(px + 46, py, px + 46, py + 46, c[1], 4)
Canvas.line(px, py + 46, px + 46, py + 46, c[2], 4)
Canvas.line(px, py + 46, px, py, c[3], 4)
update() {}
draw(alpha) {}
var Game =
The illusion is more effective when the image is displayed full-screen.
proc DrawRect(X0, Y0, W, H, Color);
int X0, Y0, W, H, Color, Y;
for Y:= Y0 to Y0+H-1 do
[Move(X0, Y); Line(X0+W-1, Y, Color)];
proc DrawEdge(PX, PY, Colors, Edge);
int PX, PY, Colors, Edge;
int C;
[C:= Colors(Edge);
Move(PX, PY);
Line(PX+11, PY, C(0));
Line(PX+11, PY+11, C(1));
Line(PX, PY+11, C(2));
Line(PX, PY, C(3));
def ScrW=256, ScrH=256;
def LT=0, TR=1, RB=2, BL=3; \left top, etc.
def White = $ffffff, Black = 0;
def LightOlive = $d3d004, PaleBlue = $3250ff;
int Edges, Colors, X, Y, PX, PY;
[SetFB(ScrW, ScrH, 24);
\Signifies white and black edges on the blue squares
Edges:= [
[LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB],
[LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL],
[TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL],
[TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT],
[RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT],
[RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR],
[BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR],
[BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB],
[LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB],
[LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL],
[TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL],
[TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT] ];
Colors:= [
[White, Black, Black, White],
[White, White, Black, Black],
[Black, White, White, Black],
[Black, Black, White, White] ];
DrawRect(0, 0, ScrW, ScrH, LightOlive);
for X:= 0 to 11 do
[PX:= 27 + X*17;
for Y:= 0 to 11 do
[PY:= 27 + Y*17;
DrawRect(PX, PY, 12, 12, PaleBlue);
DrawEdge(PX, PY, Colors, Edges(Y,X));
- Output: