Perfect numbers: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|C++}}: fix lang tag; added a works with instead of simple text (i believe this can work also with other compilers anyway))
(→‎{{header|Scheme}}: ++ smalltalk)
Line 307: Line 307:
(loop (+ i 1) sum)))))</lang>
(loop (+ i 1) sum)))))</lang>


<lang smalltalk>Integer extend [

"Translation of the C version; this is faster..."
isPerfectC [ |tot| tot := 1.
(2 to: (self sqrt) + 1) do: [ :i |
(self rem: i) = 0
ifTrue: [ |q|
tot := tot + i.
q := self // i.
q > i ifTrue: [ tot := tot + q ]
^ tot = self

"... but this seems more idiomatic"
isPerfect [
^ ( ( ( 2 to: self // 2 + 1) select: [ :a | (self rem: a) = 0 ] )
inject: 1 into: [ :a :b | a + b ] ) = self

<lang smalltalk>1 to: 9000 do: [ :p | (p isPerfect) ifTrue: [ p printNl ] ]</lang>