Percolation/Site percolation: Difference between revisions

(FORTRAN 2008)
Line 311:
Simulations and grid printing performed in 1.13 seconds.</pre>
Please see sample compilation and program execution in comments at top of program. Thank you.
<lang FORTRAN>
! loosely translated from python.
! compilation: gfortran -Wall -std=f2008 thisfile.f08
!$ a=site && gfortran -o $a -g -O0 -Wall -std=f2008 $a.f08 && $a
!100 trials per
!Fill Fraction goal(%) simulated through paths(%)
! 0 0
! 10 0
! 20 0
! 30 0
! 40 0
! 50 6
! b b b b h j m m m
! b b b b b h h m m m m m
! b b b h h h m
! b h h h h h h h
! b b h h h h h h h h h
! b b b h h h h h h h h h h
! b b @ h h h h h h h
! @ @ h h h h h h h h
! @ @ @ @ h h h h
! @ @ @ @ h h h h h h
! @ @ @ h h h h h h h
! @ @ @ h h h h h h
! @ h h h h h h
! @ h h h h h h h
! @ @ h h h h h h h h h h
! 60 59
! 70 97
! 80 100
! 90 100
! 100 100
program percolation_site
implicit none
integer, parameter :: m=15,n=15,t=100
!integer, parameter :: m=2,n=2,t=8
integer(kind=1), dimension(m, n) :: grid
real :: p
integer :: i, ip, trial, successes
logical :: success, unseen, q
data unseen/.true./
write(6,'(i3,a11)') t,' trials per'
write(6,'(a21,a30)') 'Fill Fraction goal(%)','simulated through paths(%)'
do ip=0, 10
p = ip/10.0
successes = 0
do trial = 1, t
call newgrid(grid, p)
success = .false.
do i=1, m
q = walk(grid, i) ! deliberately compute all paths
success = success .or. q
end do
if ((ip == 6) .and. unseen) then
call display(grid)
unseen = .false.
end if
successes = successes + merge(1, 0, success)
end do
end do
logical function walk(grid, start)
integer(kind=1), dimension(m,n), intent(inout) :: grid
integer, intent(in) :: start
walk = rwalk(grid, 1, start, int(start+1,1))
end function walk
recursive function rwalk(grid, i, j, k) result(through)
logical :: through
integer(kind=1), dimension(m,n), intent(inout) :: grid
integer, intent(in) :: i, j
integer(kind=1), intent(in) :: k
logical, dimension(4) :: q
!out of bounds
through = .false.
if (i < 1) return
if (m < i) return
if (j < 1) return
if (n < j) return
!visited or non-pore
if (1_1 /= grid(i, j)) return
!update grid and recurse with neighbors. deny 'shortcircuit' evaluation
grid(i, j) = k
q(1) = rwalk(grid,i+0,j+1,k)
q(2) = rwalk(grid,i+0,j-1,k)
q(3) = rwalk(grid,i+1,j+0,k)
q(4) = rwalk(grid,i-1,j+0,k)
!newly discovered outlet
through = (i == m) .or. any(q)
end function rwalk
subroutine newgrid(grid, probability)
implicit none
real :: probability
integer(kind=1), dimension(m,n), intent(out) :: grid
real, dimension(m,n) :: harvest
call random_number(harvest)
grid = merge(1_1, 0_1, harvest < probability)
end subroutine newgrid
subroutine display(grid)
integer(kind=1), dimension(m,n), intent(in) :: grid
integer :: i, j, k, L
character(len=n*2) :: lineout
lineout = ' '
do i=1,m
do j=1,n
k = j+j
L = grid(i,j)+1
lineout(k:k) = ' @abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'(L:L)
end do
write(6,*) lineout
end do
end subroutine display
end program percolation_site
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