Percolation/Bond percolation: Difference between revisions

Content added Content deleted
m (→‎{{header|Go}}: User new and more efficient strings.Builder)
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p = 0.9: 1.00
p = 0.9: 1.00
p = 1.0: 1.00</pre>
p = 1.0: 1.00</pre>

<lang Phix>
constant w = 10, h = 10
sequence wall = join(repeat("+",w+1),"---")&"\n",
cell = join(repeat("|",w+1)," ")&"\n",

procedure new_grid(atom p)
grid = split(join(repeat(wall,h+1),cell),'\n')
-- now knock down some walls
for i=1 to length(grid)-1 do
integer jstart = 5-mod(i,2)*3,
jlimit = length(grid[i])-3
-- (ie 2..38 on odd lines, 5..37 on even)
for j=jstart to jlimit by 4 do
if rnd()>p then
grid[i][j..j+2] = " "
end if
end for
end for
end procedure

function percolate(integer x=0, y=0)
if x=0 then
for j=3 to length(grid[1])-2 by 4 do
if grid[1][j]=' ' and percolate(1,j) then
return true
end if
end for
elsif grid[x][y]=' ' then
grid[x][y] = '*'
if (x=length(grid)-1)
or ( grid[x+1][y]=' ' and percolate(x+1,y))
or (y>6 and grid[x][y-2]=' ' and percolate(x,y-4))
or (y<36 and grid[x][y+2]=' ' and percolate(x,y+4))
or (x>1 and grid[x-1][y]=' ' and percolate(x-1,y)) then
return true
end if
end if
return false
end function

constant LIM=1000

for p=0 to 10 do
integer count = 0
for t=1 to LIM do
count += percolate()
end for
printf(1,"p=%.1f: %5.3f\n",{p/10,count/LIM})
end for
puts(1,"sample grid for p=0.6:\n")
{} = percolate()
p=0.0: 1.000
p=0.1: 1.000
p=0.2: 1.000
p=0.3: 0.997
p=0.4: 0.897
p=0.5: 0.434
p=0.6: 0.067
p=0.7: 0.003
p=0.8: 0.000
p=0.9: 0.000
p=1.0: 0.000
sample grid for p=0.6:
+---+---+ * +---+ * + * +---+---+ * + * +
| * * * | | * * | * | | * * |
+---+---+ * + +---+ * + * +---+---+ * +
| * * | * | | | * | * | * * * |
+---+ * + * +---+---+---+ * +---+ * +---+
| | * | * | * | * | * * * * * |
+ + * + * + * + * + * +---+ * + * +---+
| | * * * * | * * | * * * |
+ + * + * +---+ * +---+ * +---+ * + * +
| | * | * * * | * * | * * | * |
+---+ * +---+ * +---+---+---+---+ * + * +
| | * | | * * * * | * * | * |
+ +---+ +---+ * +---+---+---+---+ * +
| | | | | * | | | * |
+ +---+---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+
| | | | | | | | | |
+---+---+---+ + +---+ + +---+---+
| | | | | | | | |
+ +---+ +---+---+ +---+---+---+---+
| | | | | | | | | |
+---+---+ + + +---+---+---+---+ +
