Percentage difference between images: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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m ({{omit from|GUISS}})
Line 473: Line 473:
where (RGB (r1, g1, b1)) `minus` (RGB (r2, g2, b2)) =
where (RGB (r1, g1, b1)) `minus` (RGB (r2, g2, b2)) =
abs (r1 - r2) + abs (g1 - g2) + abs (b1 - b2)</lang>
abs (r1 - r2) + abs (g1 - g2) + abs (b1 - b2)</lang>

=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
The images are opened as hidden windows and directly queried for their size and pixel contents. RGB colour intensities range from 0-65535 and all calculations are done with large integers and converted to real at the end.
The Icon and Unicon graphics facilities are under documented with respect to some features. Unicon can support reading and writing to a number of additional image formats. I'm not sure if this will run under Icon or not. Some minor reworking of the open would be the minimum requirement; however, Icon may not have read support for jpg files.

<lang Unicon>link printf # for main only

procedure main() # % difference between images
fn1 := "Lenna100.jpg"
fn2 := "Lenna50.jpg"
printf("%%difference of files %i & %i = %r\n",fn1,fn2,ImageDiff(fn1,fn2))
procedure ImageDiff(fn1,fn2) #: return % difference of two images
img1 := open(1,"g","canvas=hidden","image="||fn1) | stop("Open failed ",fn1)
img2 := open(2,"g","canvas=hidden","image="||fn2) | stop("Open failed ",fn2)
if WAttrib(img1,"width") ~= WAttrib(img2,"width") |
WAttrib(img1,"height") ~= WAttrib(img2,"height") then
stop("Images must be the same size")

pix1 := create Pixel(img1) # access pixels one at a time
pix2 := create Pixel(img2) # ... facilitate interleaved access

sum := pix := 0
while pix +:= 1 & p1 := csv2l(@pix1) & p2 := csv2l(@pix2) do
every sum +:= abs(p1[i := 1 to *p1] - p2[i])
every close(img1|img2)
return sum / (pix * 3 * 65535 / 100. )

procedure csv2l(p) #: return a list from a comma separated string
L := []
p ? until pos(0) do {
return L

Output:<pre>%difference of files "Lenna100.jpg" & "Lenna50.jpg" = 1.625587</pre>

Line 484: Line 526:
<pre>Total Difference between both Lenas = 1.62559%</pre>
<pre>Total Difference between both Lenas = 1.62559%</pre>


Revision as of 21:56, 1 September 2011

Percentage difference between images
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Compute the percentage of difference between 2 JPEG images of the same size. Alternatively, compare two bitmaps as defined in basic bitmap storage.

Useful for comparing two JPEG images saved with a different compression ratios.

You can use these pictures for testing (use the full-size version of each):

50% quality JPEG 100% quality JPEG

The expected difference for these two images is 1.62125%


<lang ada>type Count is mod 2**64;</lang> 1-norm distance in the luminance space: <lang ada>function "-" (Left, Right : Luminance) return Count is begin

  if Left > Right then
     return Count (Left) - Count (Right);
     return Count (Right) - Count (Left);
  end if;

end "-";</lang> 1-norm distance in the color space multiplied to 3: <lang ada>function "-" (Left, Right : Pixel) return Count is begin

  return (Left.R - Right.R) + (Left.G - Left.G) + (Left.B - Right.B);

end "-";</lang> Mean of 1-norm distances. Constraint_Error is propagated when images have different size. <lang ada>function Diff (Left, Right : Image) return Float is

  Offs_I : constant Integer := Right'First (1) - Left'First (1);
  Offs_J : constant Integer := Right'First (2) - Left'First (2);
  Sum : Count := 0;


  if Left'Length (1) /= Right'Length (1) or else Left'Length (2) /= Right'Length (2) then
     raise Constraint_Error;
  end if;
  for I in Left'Range (1) loop
     for J in Left'Range (2) loop
        Sum := Sum + (Left (I, J) - Right (I + Offs_I, J + Offs_J));
     end loop;
  end loop;
  return Float (Sum) / (3.0 * Float (Left'Length (1) * Left'Length (2)));

end Diff;</lang> Example of use: <lang ada> F1, F2 : File_Type; begin

  Open (F1, In_File, "city.ppm");
  Open (F2, In_File, "city_emboss.ppm");
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Diff" & Float'Image (Diff (Get_PPM (F1), Get_PPM (F2))));
  Close (F1);
  Close (F2);</lang>


Works with: AutoHotkey_L

uses gdip.ahk <lang AutoHotkey>startup() dibSection := getPixels("lenna100.jpg") dibSection2 := getPixels("lenna50.jpg") ; ("File-Lenna100.jpg") pixels := dibSection.pBits pixels2 := dibSection2.pBits z := 0 loop % dibSection.width * dibSection.height * 4 { x := numget(pixels - 1, A_Index, "uchar") y := numget(pixels2 - 1, A_Index, "uchar") z += abs(y - x) } msgbox % z / (dibSection.width * dibSection.height * 3 * 255 / 100 ) ; 1.626 return

CreateDIBSection2(hDC, nW, nH, bpp = 32, ByRef pBits = "") { dib := object() NumPut(VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0), bi) NumPut(nW, bi, 4) NumPut(nH, bi, 8) NumPut(bpp, NumPut(1, bi, 12, "UShort"), 0, "Ushort") NumPut(0, bi,16) hbm := DllCall("gdi32\CreateDIBSection", "Uint", hDC, "Uint", &bi, "Uint", 0, "UintP", pBits, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)

dib.hbm := hbm dib.pBits := pBits dib.width := nW dib.height := nH dib.bpp := bpp dib.header := header Return dib }

startup() { global disposables disposables := object() disposables.pBitmaps := object() disposables.hBitmaps := object()

If !(disposables.pToken := Gdip_Startup()) { MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system ExitApp }

 OnExit, gdipExit


gdipExit: loop % disposables.hBitmaps._maxindex() DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", disposables.hBitmaps[A_Index]) Gdip_Shutdown(disposables.pToken) ExitApp

getPixels(imageFile) { global disposables ; hBitmap will be disposed later pBitmapFile1 := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(imageFile) hbmi := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmapFile1) width := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmapFile1) height := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmapFile1)

mDCo := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0) mDCi := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0) dibSection := CreateDIBSection2(mDCo, width, height) hBMo := dibSection.hbm

oBM := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDCo, "Uint", hBMo) iBM := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDCi, "Uint", hbmi)

DllCall("BitBlt", "Uint", mDCo, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height, "Uint", mDCi, "int", 0, "int", 0, "Uint", 0x40000000 | 0x00CC0020)

DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDCo, "Uint", oBM) DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Uint", 0, "Uint", mDCi) DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Uint", 0, "Uint", mDCo) Gdip_DisposeImage(pBitmapFile1) DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBMi) disposables.hBitmaps._insert(hBMo) return dibSection }

  1. Include Gdip.ahk  ; Thanks to tic (Tariq Porter) for his GDI+ Library



The read_image function is from here.

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <math.h>

/* #include "imglib.h" */

  1. define RED_C 0
  2. define GREEN_C 1
  3. define BLUE_C 2
  4. define GET_PIXEL(IMG, X, Y) ((IMG)->buf[ (Y) * (IMG)->width + (X) ])

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

  image im1, im2;
  double totalDiff = 0.0;
  unsigned int x, y;
  if ( argc < 3 )
     fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n%s FILE1 FILE2\n", argv[0]);
  im1 = read_image(argv[1]);
  if ( im1 == NULL ) exit(1);
  im2 = read_image(argv[2]);
  if ( im2 == NULL ) { free_img(im1); exit(1); }
  if ( (im1->width != im2->width) || (im1->height != im2->height) )
     fprintf(stderr, "width/height of the images must match!\n");
  } else {
  /* BODY: the "real" part! */
     for(x=0; x < im1->width; x++)
        for(y=0; y < im1->width; y++)
          totalDiff += fabs( GET_PIXEL(im1, x, y)[RED_C] - GET_PIXEL(im2, x, y)[RED_C] ) / 255.0;
          totalDiff += fabs( GET_PIXEL(im1, x, y)[GREEN_C] - GET_PIXEL(im2, x, y)[GREEN_C] ) / 255.0;
          totalDiff += fabs( GET_PIXEL(im1, x, y)[BLUE_C] - GET_PIXEL(im2, x, y)[BLUE_C] ) / 255.0;
     printf("%lf\n", 100.0 * totalDiff / (double)(im1->width * im1->height * 3) );
  /* BODY ends */


The output on Lenna is:



based upon C version, using Qt 4.4 <lang Cpp>#include <QImage>

  1. include <cstdlib>
  2. include <QColor>
  3. include <iostream>

int main( int argc , char *argv[ ] ) {

  if ( argc != 3 ) {
     std::cout << "Call this with imagecompare <file of image 1>" 

<< " <file of image 2>\n" ;

     return 1 ;
  QImage firstImage ( argv[ 1 ] ) ;
  QImage secondImage ( argv[ 2 ] ) ;
  double totaldiff = 0.0 ; //holds the number of different pixels
  int h = firstImage.height( ) ;
  int w = firstImage.width( ) ;
  int hsecond = secondImage.height( ) ;
  int wsecond = secondImage.width( ) ;
  if ( w != wsecond || h != hsecond ) {
     std::cerr << "Error, pictures must have identical dimensions!\n" ;
     return 2 ;
  for ( int y = 0 ; y < h ; y++ ) {
     uint *firstLine = ( uint* )firstImage.scanLine( y ) ;
     uint *secondLine = ( uint* )secondImage.scanLine( y ) ;
     for ( int x = 0 ; x < w ; x++ ) {

uint pixelFirst = firstLine[ x ] ; int rFirst = qRed( pixelFirst ) ; int gFirst = qGreen( pixelFirst ) ; int bFirst = qBlue( pixelFirst ) ; uint pixelSecond = secondLine[ x ] ; int rSecond = qRed( pixelSecond ) ; int gSecond = qGreen( pixelSecond ) ; int bSecond = qBlue( pixelSecond ) ; totaldiff += std::abs( rFirst - rSecond ) / 255.0 ; totaldiff += std::abs( gFirst - gSecond ) / 255.0 ; totaldiff += std::abs( bFirst -bSecond ) / 255.0 ;

  std::cout << "The difference of the two pictures is " <<
     (totaldiff * 100)  / (w * h * 3)  << " % !\n" ;
  return 0 ;


output on pictures given;

The difference of the two pictures is 1.62559 % !

Common Lisp

This is based upon the C version. Strangely enough, the percentage is 1.77% which is off by about a tenth of a percent.

<lang lisp>(require 'cl-jpeg)

the JPEG library uses simple-vectors to store data. this is insane!

(defun compare-images (file1 file2)

 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
 (multiple-value-bind (image1 height width) (jpeg:decode-image file1)
   (let ((image2 (jpeg:decode-image file2))) 
     (loop for i of-type (unsigned-byte 8) across (the simple-vector image1)
           for j of-type (unsigned-byte 8) across (the simple-vector image2)
           sum (the fixnum (abs (- i j))) into difference of-type fixnum
           finally (return (coerce (/ difference width height #.(* 3 255))
 CL-USER> (* 100 (compare-images "Lenna50.jpg" "Lenna100.jpg"))


By dividing only at the end, we work with integers only as the sum and avoid floating-point error from adding small numbers (per-pixel difference) to large ones (sum of differences).

<lang e>def imageDifference(a, b) {

 require(a.width() == b.width())
 require(a.height() == b.height())
 def X := 0..!(a.width())
 def Y := 0..!(a.height())
 var sumByteDiff := 0
 for y in Y {
   for x in X {
     def ca := a[x, y]
     def cb := b[x, y]
     sumByteDiff += (ca.rb() - cb.rb()).abs() \
                  + ( - \
                  + ( -
 return sumByteDiff / (255 * 3 * a.width() * a.height())


def imageDifferenceTask() {

 println("Read 1...")
 def a := readPPM(<>(<file:Lenna50.ppm>))
 println("Read 2...")
 def b := readPPM(<>(<file:Lenna100.ppm>))
 def d := imageDifference(a, b)
 println(`${d * 100}% different.`)


The result on the provided images is 1.6255930981604882%.


<lang forth>: pixel-diff ( pixel1 pixel2 -- n )

 over 255 and over 255 and - abs >r 8 rshift swap 8 rshift
 over 255 and over 255 and - abs >r 8 rshift swap 8 rshift
                           - abs r> + r> + ;
bdiff ( bmp1 bmp2 -- fdiff )
 2dup bdim rot bdim d<> abort" images not comparable"
 0e               ( F: total diff   )
 dup bdim * >r    ( R: total pixels )
 bdata swap bdata
 r@ 0 do
   over @ over @ pixel-diff 0 d>f f+
   cell+ swap cell+
 loop 2drop
 r> 3 * 255 * 0 d>f f/ ;
.bdiff ( bmp1 bmp2 -- )
 cr bdiff 100e f* f. ." percent different" ;</lang>


<lang fortran>program ImageDifference

 use RCImageBasic
 use RCImageIO
 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: input1_u = 20, &
                       input2_u = 21
 type(rgbimage) :: lenna1, lenna2
 real           :: totaldiff

 open(input1_u, file="Lenna100.ppm", action="read")
 open(input2_u, file="Lenna50.ppm", action="read")
 call read_ppm(input1_u, lenna1)
 call read_ppm(input2_u, lenna2)
 totaldiff = sum(  (abs(lenna1%red - lenna2%red) + &
                    abs(lenna1%green - lenna2%green) + &
                    abs(lenna1%blue - lenna2%blue)) / 255.0 )

 print *, 100.0 * totaldiff / (lenna1%width * lenna1%height * 3.0)
 call free_img(lenna1)
 call free_img(lenna2)

end program ImageDifference</lang>

This gives 1.6555154.


<lang go>package main

// Files required to build supporting package raster are found in: // * Bitmap // * Read a PPM file

import (



func readJpeg(j string) (b *raster.Bitmap, err os.Error) {

   c := exec.Command("convert", j, "ppm:-")
   var pipe io.Reader
   pipe, err = c.StdoutPipe()
   if err != nil {
   err = c.Start()
   if err != nil {
   return raster.ReadPpmFrom(pipe)


func main() {

   b1, err := readJpeg("Lenna50.jpg")
   if err != nil {
   b2, err := readJpeg("Lenna100.jpg")
   if err != nil {
   b1c, b1r := b1.Extent()
   b2c, b2r := b2.Extent()
   if b1c != b2c || b1r != b2r {
       fmt.Println("image extents not the same")
   var sum int64
   for y := 0; y < b1r; y++ {
       for x := 0; x < b1c; x++ {
           p1, _ := b1.GetPx(x, y)
           p2, _ := b2.GetPx(x, y)
           d := int64(p1.R) - int64(p2.R)
           if d < 0 {
               sum -= d
           } else {
               sum += d
           d = int64(p1.G) - int64(p2.G)
           if d < 0 {
               sum -= d
           } else {
               sum += d
           d = int64(p1.B) - int64(p2.B)
           if d < 0 {
               sum -= d
           } else {
               sum += d
   fmt.Printf("Image difference: %f%%\n",

}</lang> Output:

Image difference: 1.625593%


This implementation takes PPMs as input. It uses modules defined in Basic bitmap storage and Write ppm file.

<lang haskell>import Bitmap import Bitmap.Netpbm import Bitmap.RGB

import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import System.Environment (getArgs)

main = do

   [path1, path2] <- getArgs
   image1 <- readNetpbm path1
   image2 <- readNetpbm path2
   diff <- stToIO $ imageDiff image1 image2
   putStrLn $ "Difference: " ++ show (100 * diff) ++ "%"

imageDiff :: Image s RGB -> Image s RGB -> ST s Double imageDiff image1 image2 = do

     i1 <- getPixels image1
     i2 <- getPixels image2
     unless (length i1 == length i2) $
         fail "imageDiff: Images are of different sizes"
     return $
         toEnum (sum $ zipWith minus i1 i2) /
         toEnum (3 * 255 * length i1)
 where (RGB (r1, g1, b1)) `minus` (RGB (r2, g2, b2)) =
           abs (r1 - r2) + abs (g1 - g2) + abs (b1 - b2)</lang>

Icon and Unicon

The images are opened as hidden windows and directly queried for their size and pixel contents. RGB colour intensities range from 0-65535 and all calculations are done with large integers and converted to real at the end. The Icon and Unicon graphics facilities are under documented with respect to some features. Unicon can support reading and writing to a number of additional image formats. I'm not sure if this will run under Icon or not. Some minor reworking of the open would be the minimum requirement; however, Icon may not have read support for jpg files.

<lang Unicon>link printf # for main only

procedure main() # % difference between images

  fn1 := "Lenna100.jpg"
  fn2 := "Lenna50.jpg"
  printf("%%difference of files %i & %i = %r\n",fn1,fn2,ImageDiff(fn1,fn2)) 


procedure ImageDiff(fn1,fn2) #: return % difference of two images

  img1 := open(1,"g","canvas=hidden","image="||fn1) | stop("Open failed ",fn1)
  img2 := open(2,"g","canvas=hidden","image="||fn2) | stop("Open failed ",fn2)
  if WAttrib(img1,"width") ~= WAttrib(img2,"width") | 
     WAttrib(img1,"height") ~= WAttrib(img2,"height") then 
        stop("Images must be the same size")
  pix1    := create Pixel(img1)  # access pixels one at a time
  pix2    := create Pixel(img2)  # ... facilitate interleaved access
  sum := pix := 0 
  while pix +:= 1 & p1 := csv2l(@pix1) & p2 := csv2l(@pix2) do 
     every sum +:= abs(p1[i := 1 to *p1] - p2[i])  
  every close(img1|img2)      
  return sum / (pix * 3 * 65535 / 100. )


procedure csv2l(p) #: return a list from a comma separated string L := [] p ? until pos(0) do {


return L end</lang>


%difference of files "Lenna100.jpg" & "Lenna50.jpg" = 1.625587


<lang Mathematica>img50 = ImageData@Import[NotebookDirectory[] <> "Lenna50.jpg"]; img100 = ImageData@Import[NotebookDirectory[] <> "Lenna100.jpg"]; diff = img50 - img100; Print["Total Difference between both Lenas = ",

Total@Abs@Flatten@diff/Times @@ Dimensions@img50*100, "%"]</lang>


Total Difference between both Lenas = 1.62559%


<lang maxscript>fn diffImages = ( local img1 = selectBitmap caption:"Select Image 1" local img2 = selectBitmap caption:"Select Image 2" local totalDiff = 0 for i in 0 to (img1.height-1) do ( local img1Row = getPixels img1 [0, i] img1.width local img2Row = getPixels img2 [0, i] img2.width

for j in 1 to img1.width do ( totalDiff += (abs (img1Row[j].r - img2Row[j].r)) / 255.0 totalDiff += (abs (img1Row[j].g - img2Row[j].g)) / 255.0 totalDiff += (abs (img1Row[j].b - img2Row[j].b)) / 255.0 ) ) format "Diff: %\%\n" (totalDiff / ((img1.width * img1.height * 3) as float) * 100) )</lang>


<lang j> require 'media/image3'

  'Lenna50.jpg' (+/@,@:|@:- % 2.55 * */@$@])&read_image 'Lenna100.jpg'



Library: glMLite

<lang ocaml>#! /usr/bin/env ocaml

  1. directory "+glMLite/"
  2. load "jpeg_loader.cma"
  3. load "bigarray.cma"

open Jpeg_loader

let () =

 let img1, width1, height1, col_comp1, color_space1 = load_img (Filename Sys.argv.(1))
 and img2, width2, height2, col_comp2, color_space2 = load_img (Filename Sys.argv.(2)) in
 assert(width1 = width2);
 assert(height1 = height2);
 assert(col_comp1 = col_comp2);  (* number of color components *)
 assert(color_space1 = color_space2);
 let img1 = Bigarray.array3_of_genarray img1
 and img2 = Bigarray.array3_of_genarray img2 in
 let sum = ref 0.0
 and num = ref 0 in
 for x=0 to pred width1 do
   for y=0 to pred height1 do
     for c=0 to pred col_comp1 do
       let v1 = float img1.{x,y,c}
       and v2 = float img2.{x,y,c} in
       let diff = (abs_float (v1 -. v2)) /. 255. in
       sum := diff +. !sum;
       incr num;
 let diff_percent = !sum /. float !num in
 Printf.printf " diff: %f percent\n" diff_percent;


<lang PicoLisp>(call "convert" "Lenna50.jpg" (tmp "Lenna50.ppm")) (call "convert" "Lenna100.jpg" (tmp "Lenna100.ppm"))

(let (Total 0 Diff 0)

  (in (tmp "Lenna50.ppm")
     (in (tmp "Lenna100.ppm")
        (while (rd 1)
           (inc 'Diff
                 (abs (- @ (in -1 (rd 1))))
                 255 ) )
           (inc 'Total) ) ) )
  (prinl "Difference is " (format (*/ Diff Total) 4) " percent") )</lang>


Difference is 1.6256 percent


This program downloads both jpg files, decodes them & saves them in 2D-arrays for simple comparison which part is comparable with the other languages. <lang PureBasic>#URL1=""

  1. URL2=""

Procedure.s GetTempFileName(basename$="",Extension$=".tmp")

 Protected file$, i
 Repeat: file$=GetTemporaryDirectory()+basename$+"_"+Str(i)+Extension$: i+1
 Until FileSize(file$) = -1 ; E.g. File not found
 ProcedureReturn file$


Procedure ImageToMatrix(Image,Array P(2))

 Protected Width=ImageWidth(0)-1, Height=ImageHeight(0)-1, x, y
 ; Scaling down Width & Height by -1 to compensate for using 0-based arrays
 Dim P(Width,Height)
 For x=0 To Width
   For y=0 To Height
   Next y
 Next x


Define File1$, File2$, totalDiff, x, y, w, h

Load the pictures from RoettaCode

InitNetwork() File1$=GetTempFileName("",".jpg"): ReceiveHTTPFile(#URL1,File1$) File2$=GetTempFileName("",".jpg"): ReceiveHTTPFile(#URL2,File2$)

Decode the images & clean up temporary files

UseJPEGImageDecoder() LoadImage(0,File1$):LoadImage(1,File2$) DeleteFile(File1$): DeleteFile(File2$)

Make two 2D arrays to hold the data

Dim Pic1(0,0): Dim Pic2(0,0)

Load the image data into the matrixes

ImageToMatrix(0,Pic1()): ImageToMatrix(1,Pic2())

Compare the data

w=ArraySize(pic1()): h=ArraySize(pic1(),2) For x=0 To w

 For y=0 To h
   totalDiff+ Abs(  Red(Pic1(x,y)) -   Red(Pic2(x,y)))
   totalDiff+ Abs(Green(Pic1(x,y)) - Green(Pic2(x,y)))
   totalDiff+ Abs( Blue(Pic1(x,y)) -  Blue(Pic2(x,y)))
 Next y

Next x

MessageRequester("Result","Diff= "+StrD(100*totalDiff/(255*w*h*3),3)+" %")</lang>


You must install the Python Imaging Library to use this example.

Works with: python version 2.x

<lang python>from itertools import izip import Image

i1 ="image1.jpg") i2 ="image2.jpg") assert i1.mode == i2.mode, "Different kinds of images." assert i1.size == i2.size, "Different sizes."

pairs = izip(i1.getdata(), i2.getdata()) if len(i1.getbands()) == 1:

   # for gray-scale jpegs
   dif = sum(abs(p1-p2) for p1,p2 in pairs)


   dif = sum(abs(c1-c2) for p1,p2 in pairs for c1,c2 in zip(p1,p2))

ncomponents = i1.size[0] * i1.size[1] * 3 print "Difference (percentage):", (dif / 255.0 * 100) / ncomponents</lang>


<lang REBOL>REBOL [ Title: "Percent Image Difference" Author: oofoe Date: 2009-12-31 URL: ]

Load from local storage. Un/comment as preferred.
load-image %lenna50.jpg
load-image %lenna100.jpg
Download from

a: load-image b: load-image

if a/size <> b/size [print "Image dimensions must match." halt]

Compute difference. REBOL has built-in image processing as part of
its GUI package that I can take advantage of here

diff: to-image layout/tight [image a effect [difference b]]

Calculate deviation. I use 'repeat' to rip through the image pixels
(it knows how to deal with images) and sum, then average. Note that
I can treat the image like an array to get number of pixels.

t: 0 repeat p diff [t: t + p/1 + p/2 + p/3] print rejoin ["Difference: " 100 * t / (255 * 3 * length? diff) "%"]

Since I now have a difference image, I may as well show
it. Use the buttons or keys 'a', 'b' and 'd' to switch between the
various images.

flip: func [ "Change to new image and label." name [word!] "Image to switch to." ][x/text: rejoin ["Image " name] x/image: get name show x]

Because the differences between the images are very small, I enhance
the diff with a high contrast to make the result easier to
see. Comment this out for the "pure" image.

diff: to-image layout/tight [image diff effect [contrast 100]]

view l: layout [ x: image diff across button "a" #"a" [flip 'a] button "b" #"b" [flip 'b] button "difference" #"d" [flip 'diff] ]</lang>


Difference: 1.62559309816049%

Note that this image has been contrast enhanced to highlight the differences.


uses the raster_graphics library <lang ruby>require 'raster_graphics'

class RGBColour

 # the difference between two colours
 def -(a_colour)
   (@red - +
   (@green - +
   (@blue -


class Pixmap

 # the difference between two images
 def -(a_pixmap)
   if @width != a_pixmap.width or @height != a_pixmap.height
     raise ArgumentError, "can't compare images with different sizes"
   sum = 0
   each_pixel {|x,y| sum += self[x,y] - a_pixmap[x,y]}
   Float(sum) / (@width * @height * 255 * 3)


lenna50 = Pixmap.open_from_jpeg('Lenna50.jpg') lenna100 = Pixmap.open_from_jpeg('Lenna100.jpg')

puts "difference: %.5f%%" % (100.0 * (lenna50 - lenna100))</lang>


difference: 1.62559%


Library: Tk

This version uses the Img package, but only to provide a convenient JPEG loader; it's utterly unnecessary for the process of actually computing the difference. <lang tcl>package require Tk

proc imageDifference {img1 img2} {

   if {

[image width $img1] != [image width $img2] || [image height $img1] != [image height $img2]

   } then {

return -code error "images are different size"

   set diff 0
   for {set x 0} {$x<[image width $img1]} {incr x} {

for {set y 0} {$y<[image height $img1]} {incr y} { lassign [$img1 get $x $y] r1 g1 b1 lassign [$img2 get $x $y] r2 g2 b2 incr diff [expr {abs($r1-$r2)+abs($g1-$g2)+abs($b1-$b2)}] }

   expr {$diff/double($x*$y*3*255)}


  1. Package only used for JPEG loader

package require Img image create photo lenna50 -file lenna50.jpg image create photo lenna100 -file lenna100.jpg puts "difference is [expr {[imageDifference lenna50 lenna100]*100.}]%" exit ;# Need explicit exit here; don't want a GUI</lang> It produces this output:

difference is 1.6255930981604882%

Vedit macro language

This implementation compares two BMP images.

<lang vedit>Chdir("|(USER_MACRO)\Rosetta\data") File_Open("Lenna50.bmp", BROWSE)

  1. 10 = Buf_Num // #10 = buffer for 1st image

File_Open("Lenna100.bmp", BROWSE)

  1. 20 = Buf_Num // #20 = buffer for 2nd image

Goto_Pos(10) // offset to pixel data Goto_Pos(Cur_Char + Cur_Char(1)*256) Buf_Switch(#10) Goto_Pos(10) Goto_Pos(Cur_Char + Cur_Char(1)*256)

  1. 15 = 0 // #15 = difference
  2. 16 = 0 // #16 = total number of samples

While(!At_EOF) {

   #11 = Cur_Char; Char
   #21 = Cur_Char; Char
   #15 += abs(#11-#21)


  1. 19 = #15 / (#16*256/100000)

M("Sum of diff: ") NT(#15) M("Total bytes: ") NT(#16) M("Difference: ") NT(#19/1000,LEFT+NOCR) M(".") NT(#19%1000,LEFT+NOCR) M("%\n")

Buf_Switch(#10) Buf_Quit(OK) Buf_Switch(#20) Buf_Quit(OK)</lang>

Output, when comparing the Lenna images that were converted to BMP:

Sum of diff: 3259967
Total bytes: 786432
Difference:  1.619%