Peano curve: Difference between revisions

Peano curve en FreeBASIC
(Added AutoHotkey)
(Peano curve en FreeBASIC)
Line 175:
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<lang freebasic>Const anchura = 243 'una potencia de 3 para una curva uniformemente espaciada
Screenres 700,700
Sub Peano(x As Integer, y As Integer, lg As Integer, i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer)
If lg = 1 Then
Line - (x * 3, y * 3)
End If
lg /= 3
Peano(x + (2 * i1 * lg), y + (2 * i1 * lg), lg, i1, i2)
Peano(x + ((i1 - i2 + 1) * lg), y + ((i1 + i2) * lg), lg, i1, 1 - i2)
Peano(x + lg, y + lg, lg, i1, 1 - i2)
Peano(x + ((i1 + i2) * lg), y + ((i1 - i2 + 1) * lg), lg, 1 - i1, 1 - i2)
Peano(x + (2 * i2 * lg), y + (2 * (1 - i2) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
Peano(x + ((1 + i2 - i1) * lg), y + ((2 - i1 - i2) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
Peano(x + (2 * (1 - i1) * lg), y + (2 * (1 - i1) * lg), lg, i1, i2)
Peano(x + ((2 - i1 - i2) * lg), y + ((1 + i2 - i1) * lg), lg, 1 - i1, i2)
Peano(x + (2 * (1 - i2) * lg), y + (2 * i2 * lg), lg, 1 - i1, i2)
End Sub
Peano(0, 0, anchura, 0, 0)
