Pascal's triangle/Puzzle: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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Line 203:
The main part is this:
<lang AutoHotkey></lang>
<lang AutoHotkey>N1 := 11, N2 := 4, N3 := 40, N4 := 151
Z := (2*N4 - 7*N3 - 8*N2 + 6*N1) / 7
X := (N3 - 2*N1 - Z) / 2
MsgBox,, Pascal's Triangle, %X%`n%Z%</lang>
Message box shows:
The fun part is to create a GUI for entering different values for N1, N2, N3 and N4.
<lang AutoHotkey>;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Pascal's triangle.ahk
; by wolf_II
AutoExecute: ; auto-execute section of the script
#SingleInstance, Force ; only one instance allowed
#NoEnv ; don't check empty variables
AppName := "Pascal's triangle"
N1 := 11, N2 := 4, N3 := 40, N4 := 151
; monitor MouseMove events
OnMessage(0x0200, "WM_MOUSEMOVE")
Gosub, GuiCreate
Gui, Show,, %AppName%
GuiCreate: ; create the GUI
Gui, -MinimizeBox
Gui, Margin, 8, 8
; 15 edit controls
Loop, 5
Loop, % Row := A_Index {
xx := 208 + (A_Index - 5) * 50 - (Row - 5) * 25
yy := 8 + (Row - 1) * 22
vv := Row "_" A_Index
Gui, Add, Edit, x%xx% y%yy% w50 v%vv% Center ReadOnly -TabStop
GuiControl, -WantReturn, Edit11
GuiControl, -WantReturn, Edit15
; buttons (2 hidden)
Gui, Add, Button, x8 w78, &Restart
Gui, Add, Button, x+8 wp, &Solve
Gui, Add, Button, x+8 wp, &Check
Gui, Add, Button, x8 wp, Cle&ar
Gui, Add, Button, xp wp Hidden, &Cancel
Gui, Add, Button, x+8 wp, &New
Gui, Add, Button, xp wp Hidden, &Apply
Gui, Add, Button, x+8 wp, E&xit
; status bar
Gui, Add, StatusBar
; blue font
Gui, Font, bold cBlue
GuiControl, Font, Edit11
GuiControl, Font, Edit15
; falling through
ButtonRestart: ; restart retaining the blue clues
Controls(True) ; enable controls
Loop, 15
If A_Index Not In 1,4,11,12,14,15
GuiControl,, Edit%A_Index% ; clear
GuiControl,, Edit1, %N4%
GuiControl,, Edit4, %N3%
GuiControl,, Edit12, %N1%
GuiControl,, Edit14, %N2%
GuiControl,, Edit11, %X%
GuiControl,, Edit15, %Z%
Gui, Font, bold cGreen
GuiControl, Font, Edit1
GuiControl, Font, Edit4
GuiControl, Font, Edit12
GuiControl, Font, Edit14
ButtonSolve: ; calculate solution
; N1 := 11 N2 := 4 N3 := 40 N4 := 151
; Y = X + Z
; 40 = (11+X) + (11+Y)
; A = (11+Y) + (Y+4)
; B = (4+Y) + (4+Z)
; 151 = (40+A) + (A+B)
Gosub, GreenFont
GuiControl,, Edit15, % Z := Round( (2*N4 - 7*N3 - 8*N2 + 6*N1) / 7 )
GuiControl,, Edit11, % X := Round( (N3 - 2*N1 - Z) / 2 )
; falling through
ButtonCheck: ; check the [entry|solution] for errors
Controls(False) ; disable controls
Gui, Submit, NoHide
X := 5_1, Z := 5_5
Loop, 5
Loop, % Row := A_Index
If (%Row%_%A_Index% = "")
%Row%_%A_Index% := 0
GuiControl,, Edit13, % 5_3 := 5_1 + 5_5
GuiControl,, Edit10, % 4_4 := 5_4 + 5_5
GuiControl,, Edit9, % 4_3 := 5_3 + 5_4
GuiControl,, Edit8, % 4_2 := 5_2 + 5_3
GuiControl,, Edit7, % 4_1 := 5_1 + 5_2
GuiControl,, Edit6, % 3_3 := 4_4 + 4_3
GuiControl,, Edit5, % 3_2 := 4_3 + 4_2
GuiControl,, Edit4, % 3_1 := 4_2 + 4_1
GuiControl,, Edit3, % 2_2 := 3_3 + 3_2
GuiControl,, Edit2, % 2_1 := 3_2 + 3_1
GuiControl,, Edit1, % 1_1 := 2_2 + 2_1
Gui, Font, bold cRed
If Not 3_1 = N3
GuiControl, Font, Edit4
If Not 1_1 = N4
GuiControl, Font, Edit1
ButtonClear: ; restart without the blue clues
X := Z := ""
Gosub, ButtonRestart
ButtonNew: ; enter new numbers for the puzzle
Gosub, GreenFont
Loop, 15
If A_Index Not In 1,4,12,14
GuiControl,, Edit%A_Index% ; clear
Controls(False) ; disable controls
NewContr(True) ; enable controls for new numbers
ButtonApply: ; remember the new numbers
Gui, Submit, NoHide
N1 := 5_2, N2 := 5_4, N3 := 3_1, N4 := 1_1
NewContr(False) ; disable controls for new numbers
Controls(True) ; enable controls
ButtonCancel: ; restore the old numbers
GuiControl,, Edit1, %N4%
GuiControl,, Edit4, %N3%
GuiControl,, Edit12, %N1%
GuiControl,, Edit14, %N2%
NewContr(False) ; disable controls for new numbers
Controls(True) ; enable controls
; common action
Controls(Bool) { ; [dis|re-en]able some controls
Enable := Bool ? "+" : "-"
Disable := Bool ? "-" : "+"
GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit11
GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit15
GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit11
GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit15
GuiControl, %Disable%Default, &Restart
GuiControl, %Enable%Default, &Check
GuiControl, %Disable%Disabled, &Check
GuiControl, %Enable%Disabled, &Restart
NewContr(Bool) { ; [dis|re-en]able control for new numbers
Enable := Bool ? "+" : "-"
Disable := Bool ? "-" : "+"
GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit1
GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit4
GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit12
GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit14
GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit1
GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit4
GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit12
GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit14
GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button1
GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button2
GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button3
GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button4
GuiControl, %Disable%Hidden, Button5
GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button6
GuiControl, %Disable%Hidden, Button7
GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button8
WM_MOUSEMOVE() { ; monitor MouseMove events
; display quick help in StatusBar
global AppName
CurrControl := A_GuiControl
IfEqual True,, MsgBox ; dummy
; mouse is over buttons
Else If (CurrControl = "&Restart")
SB_SetText("restart retaining the blue clues")
Else If (CurrControl = "&Solve")
SB_SetText("calculate solution")
Else If (CurrControl = "&Check")
SB_SetText("check if the entries are correct")
Else If (CurrControl = "Cle&ar")
SB_SetText("restart without the blue clues")
Else If (CurrControl = "&New")
SB_SetText("enter new numbers for the puzzle")
Else If (CurrControl = "E&xit")
SB_SetText("exit " AppName)
; delete status bar text
Else SB_SetText("")

Revision as of 21:09, 8 May 2010

Pascal's triangle/Puzzle is a programming puzzle. It lays out a problem which Rosetta Code users are encouraged to solve, using languages and techniques they know. Multiple approaches are not discouraged, so long as the puzzle guidelines are followed. For other Puzzles, see Category:Puzzles.

This puzzle involves a Pascals Triangle, also known as a Pyramid of Numbers.

           [ 151]
          [  ][  ]
        [40][  ][  ]
      [  ][  ][  ][  ]
    [ X][11][ Y][ 4][ Z]

Each brick of the pyramid is the sum of the two bricks situated below it.
Of the three missing numbers at the base of the pyramid, the middle one is the sum of the other two (that is, Y = X + Z).

Write a program to find a solution to this puzzle.


The solution makes an upward run symbolically, though excluding Z. After that two blocks (1,1) and (3,1) being known yield a 2x2 linear system, from which X and Y are determined. Finally each block is revisited and printed. <lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Pyramid_of_Numbers is

  B_X, B_Y, B_Z : Integer := 0; -- Unknown variables
  type Block_Value is record
     Known   : Integer := 0;
     X, Y, Z : Integer := 0;
  end record;
  X : constant Block_Value := (0, 1, 0, 0);
  Y : constant Block_Value := (0, 0, 1, 0);
  Z : constant Block_Value := (0, 0, 0, 1);
  procedure Add (L : in out Block_Value; R : Block_Value) is
  begin -- Symbolically adds one block to another
     L.Known := L.Known + R.Known;
     L.X := L.X + R.X - R.Z; -- Z is excluded as n(Y - X - Z) = 0
     L.Y := L.Y + R.Y + R.Z;
  end Add;
  procedure Add (L : in out Block_Value; R : Integer) is
  begin -- Symbolically adds a value to the block
     L.Known := L.Known + R;
  end Add;
  function Image (N : Block_Value) return String is
  begin -- The block value, when X,Y,Z are known
     return Integer'Image (N.Known + N.X * B_X + N.Y * B_Y + N.Z * B_Z);
  end Image;
  procedure Solve_2x2 (A11, A12, B1, A21, A22, B2 : Integer) is
  begin -- Don't care about things, supposing an integer solution exists
     if A22 = 0 then
        B_X := B2 / A21;
        B_Y := (B1 - A11*B_X) / A12;
        B_X := (B1*A22 - B2*A12) / (A11*A22 - A21*A12);
        B_Y := (B1 - A11*B_X) / A12;
     end if;
     B_Z := B_Y - B_X;
  end Solve_2x2;
  B : array (1..5, 1..5) of Block_Value; -- The lower triangle contains blocks


  -- The bottom blocks
  Add (B(5,1),X); Add (B(5,2),11); Add (B(5,3),Y); Add (B(5,4),4); Add (B(5,5),Z);
  -- Upward run
  for Row in reverse 1..4 loop
     for Column in 1..Row loop
        Add (B (Row, Column), B (Row + 1, Column));
        Add (B (Row, Column), B (Row + 1, Column + 1));
     end loop;
  end loop;
  -- Now have known blocks 40=(3,1), 151=(1,1) and Y=X+Z to determine X,Y,Z
  (  B(1,1).X, B(1,1).Y, 151 - B(1,1).Known,
     B(3,1).X, B(3,1).Y,  40 - B(3,1).Known
  -- Print the results
  for Row in 1..5 loop
     for Column in 1..Row loop
        Put (Image (B(Row,Column)));
     end loop;
  end loop;

end Pyramid_of_Numbers;</lang> Sample output:

 81 70
 40 41 29
 16 24 17 12
 5 11 13 4 8


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - lu decomp and lu solve are from the ALGOL 68G/gsl library
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386

<lang algol68>MODE

 VEC = [0]REAL,
 MAT = [0,0]REAL;


FLEX[][]BRICK puzzle = (

          ( 151),
        ( " ", " "),
      (  40, " ", " "),
    ( " ", " ", " ", " "),
  ( "x",  11, "y",  4, "z")


PROC mat col = (INT row, col)INT: row*(row-1)OVER 2 + col; INT col x = mat col(5,1),

   col y = mat col(5,3),
   col z = mat col(5,5);

OP INIT = (REF VEC vec)VOID: FOR elem FROM LWB vec TO UPB vec DO vec[elem]:=0 OD; OP INIT = (REF MAT mat)VOID: FOR row FROM LWB mat TO UPB mat DO INIT mat[row,] OD;

OP / = (MAT a, MAT b)MAT:( # matrix division #

 [LWB b:UPB b]INT p ;
 INT sign;
 [,]FIELD lu = lu decomp(b, p, sign);
 [LWB a:UPB a, 1 LWB a:2 UPB a]FIELD out;
 FOR col FROM 2 LWB a TO 2 UPB a DO out[,col] := lu solve(b, lu, p, a[,col]) OD;


OP / = (VEC a, MAT b)VEC: ( # vector division #

 [LWB a:UPB a,1]FIELD transpose a;
 transpose a[,1]:=a;
 (transpose a/b)[,LWB a]


INT upb mat = mat col(UPB puzzle, UPB puzzle); [upb mat, upb mat] REAL mat; INIT mat; [upb mat] REAL vec; INIT vec;

INT mat row := LWB mat; INT known row := UPB mat - UPB puzzle + 1;

  1. build the simultaneous equation to solve #

FOR row FROM LWB puzzle TO UPB puzzle DO

 FOR col FROM LWB puzzle[row] TO UPB puzzle[row] DO
   IF row < UPB puzzle THEN
     mat[mat row, mat col(row, col)] := 1;
     mat[mat row, mat col(row+1, col)] := -1;
     mat[mat row, mat col(row+1, col+1)] := -1;
     mat row +:= 1
   CASE puzzle[row][col] IN
     (INT value):(
       mat[known row, mat col(row, col)] := 1;
       vec[known row] := value;
       known row +:= 1
     (CHAR variable):SKIP 


  1. finally add x - y + z = 0 #

mat[known row, col x] := 1; mat[known row, col y] := -1; mat[known row, col z] := 1;

FORMAT real repr = $g(-5,2)$;

CO # print details of the simultaneous equation being solved # FORMAT

 vec repr = $"("n(2 UPB mat-1)(f(real repr)", ")f(real repr)")"$,
 mat repr = $"("n(1 UPB mat-1)(f(vec repr)", "lx)f(vec repr)")"$;

printf(($"Vec: "l$,vec repr, vec, $l$)); printf(($"Mat: "l$,mat repr, mat, $l$)); END CO

  1. finally actually solve the equation #

VEC solution vec = vec/mat;

  1. and wrap up by printing the solution #

FLEX[UPB puzzle]FLEX[0]REAL solution; FOR row FROM LWB puzzle TO UPB puzzle DO

 solution[row] := LOC[row]REAL;
 FOR col FROM LWB puzzle[row] TO UPB puzzle[row] DO
   solution[row][col] := solution vec[mat col(row, col)]
 printf(($n(UPB puzzle-row)(4x)$, $x"("f(real repr)")"$, solution[row], $l$))


FOR var FROM 1 BY 2 TO 5 DO

 printf(($5x$,$g$,puzzle[UPB puzzle][var],"=", real repr, solution[UPB puzzle][var]))

OD</lang> Output:

             (81.00) (70.00)
         (40.00) (41.00) (29.00)
     (16.00) (24.00) (17.00) (12.00)
 ( 5.00) (11.00) (13.00) ( 4.00) ( 8.00)
     x= 5.00     y=13.00     z= 8.00


The main part is this: <lang AutoHotkey>N1 := 11, N2 := 4, N3 := 40, N4 := 151 Z := (2*N4 - 7*N3 - 8*N2 + 6*N1) / 7 X := (N3 - 2*N1 - Z) / 2 MsgBox,, Pascal's Triangle, %X%`n%Z%</lang> Message box shows:


The fun part is to create a GUI for entering different values for N1, N2, N3 and N4. <lang AutoHotkey>;---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Pascal's triangle.ahk
by wolf_II


AutoExecute: ; auto-execute section of the script

   #SingleInstance, Force          ; only one instance allowed
   #NoEnv                          ; don't check empty variables
   AppName := "Pascal's triangle"
   N1 := 11, N2 := 4, N3 := 40, N4 := 151
   ; monitor MouseMove events
   OnMessage(0x0200, "WM_MOUSEMOVE")
   ; GUI
   Gosub, GuiCreate
   Gui, Show,, %AppName%



GuiCreate: ; create the GUI

   Gui, -MinimizeBox
   Gui, Margin, 8, 8
   ; 15 edit controls
   Loop, 5
       Loop, % Row := A_Index {
           xx := 208 + (A_Index - 5) * 50 - (Row - 5) * 25
           yy := 8 + (Row - 1) * 22
           vv := Row "_" A_Index
           Gui, Add, Edit, x%xx% y%yy% w50 v%vv% Center ReadOnly -TabStop
   GuiControl, -WantReturn, Edit11
   GuiControl, -WantReturn, Edit15
   ; buttons (2 hidden)
   Gui, Add, Button, x8 w78, &Restart
   Gui, Add, Button, x+8 wp, &Solve
   Gui, Add, Button, x+8 wp, &Check
   Gui, Add, Button, x8 wp, Cle&ar
   Gui, Add, Button, xp wp Hidden, &Cancel
   Gui, Add, Button, x+8 wp, &New
   Gui, Add, Button, xp wp Hidden, &Apply
   Gui, Add, Button, x+8 wp, E&xit
   ; status bar
   Gui, Add, StatusBar
   ; blue font
   Gui, Font, bold cBlue
   GuiControl, Font, Edit11
   GuiControl, Font, Edit15
   ; falling through

ButtonRestart: ; restart retaining the blue clues

   Controls(True) ; enable controls
   Loop, 15
       If A_Index Not In 1,4,11,12,14,15
           GuiControl,, Edit%A_Index% ; clear
   GuiControl,, Edit1, %N4%
   GuiControl,, Edit4, %N3%
   GuiControl,, Edit12, %N1%
   GuiControl,, Edit14, %N2%
   GuiControl,, Edit11, %X%
   GuiControl,, Edit15, %Z%
   Gui, Font, bold cGreen
   GuiControl, Font, Edit1
   GuiControl, Font, Edit4
   GuiControl, Font, Edit12
   GuiControl, Font, Edit14



ButtonSolve: ; calculate solution

   ; N1 := 11    N2 := 4    N3 := 40    N4 := 151
   ; Y = X + Z
   ; 40  = (11+X) + (11+Y)
   ; A   = (11+Y) + (Y+4)
   ; B   =  (4+Y) + (4+Z)
   ; 151 = (40+A) + (A+B)
   Gosub, GreenFont
   GuiControl,, Edit15, % Z := Round( (2*N4 - 7*N3 - 8*N2 + 6*N1) / 7 )
   GuiControl,, Edit11, % X := Round( (N3 - 2*N1 - Z) / 2 )
   ; falling through

ButtonCheck: ; check the [entry|solution] for errors

   Controls(False) ; disable controls
   Gui, Submit, NoHide
   X := 5_1, Z := 5_5
   Loop, 5
       Loop, % Row := A_Index
           If (%Row%_%A_Index% = "")
               %Row%_%A_Index% := 0
   GuiControl,, Edit13, % 5_3 := 5_1 + 5_5
   GuiControl,, Edit10, % 4_4 := 5_4 + 5_5
   GuiControl,, Edit9,  % 4_3 := 5_3 + 5_4
   GuiControl,, Edit8,  % 4_2 := 5_2 + 5_3
   GuiControl,, Edit7,  % 4_1 := 5_1 + 5_2
   GuiControl,, Edit6,  % 3_3 := 4_4 + 4_3
   GuiControl,, Edit5,  % 3_2 := 4_3 + 4_2
   GuiControl,, Edit4,  % 3_1 := 4_2 + 4_1
   GuiControl,, Edit3,  % 2_2 := 3_3 + 3_2
   GuiControl,, Edit2,  % 2_1 := 3_2 + 3_1
   GuiControl,, Edit1,  % 1_1 := 2_2 + 2_1
   Gui, Font, bold cRed
   If Not 3_1 = N3
       GuiControl, Font, Edit4
   If Not 1_1 = N4
       GuiControl, Font, Edit1



ButtonClear: ; restart without the blue clues

   X := Z := ""
   Gosub, ButtonRestart



ButtonNew: ; enter new numbers for the puzzle

   Gosub, GreenFont
   Loop, 15
       If A_Index Not In 1,4,12,14
           GuiControl,, Edit%A_Index% ; clear
   Controls(False) ; disable controls
   NewContr(True)  ; enable controls for new numbers



ButtonApply: ; remember the new numbers

   Gui, Submit, NoHide
   N1 := 5_2, N2 := 5_4, N3 := 3_1, N4 := 1_1
   NewContr(False) ; disable controls for new numbers
   Controls(True)  ; enable controls



ButtonCancel: ; restore the old numbers

   GuiControl,, Edit1, %N4%
   GuiControl,, Edit4, %N3%
   GuiControl,, Edit12, %N1%
   GuiControl,, Edit14, %N2%
   NewContr(False) ; disable controls for new numbers
   Controls(True)  ; enable controls








   ; common action



Controls(Bool) { ; [dis|re-en]able some controls

   Enable  := Bool ? "+" : "-"
   Disable := Bool ? "-" : "+"
   GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit11
   GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit15
   GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit11
   GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit15
   GuiControl, %Disable%Default, &Restart
   GuiControl, %Enable%Default, &Check
   GuiControl, %Disable%Disabled, &Check
   GuiControl, %Enable%Disabled, &Restart



NewContr(Bool) { ; [dis|re-en]able control for new numbers

   Enable  := Bool ? "+" : "-"
   Disable := Bool ? "-" : "+"
   GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit1
   GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit4
   GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit12
   GuiControl, %Disable%ReadOnly, Edit14
   GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit1
   GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit4
   GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit12
   GuiControl, %Enable%TabStop, Edit14
   GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button1
   GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button2
   GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button3
   GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button4
   GuiControl, %Disable%Hidden, Button5
   GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button6
   GuiControl, %Disable%Hidden, Button7
   GuiControl, %Enable%Hidden, Button8



WM_MOUSEMOVE() { ; monitor MouseMove events

   ; display quick help in StatusBar
   global AppName
   CurrControl := A_GuiControl
   IfEqual True,, MsgBox ; dummy
   ; mouse is over buttons
   Else If (CurrControl = "&Restart")
       SB_SetText("restart retaining the blue clues")
   Else If (CurrControl = "&Solve")
       SB_SetText("calculate solution")
   Else If (CurrControl = "&Check")
       SB_SetText("check if the entries are correct")
   Else If (CurrControl = "Cle&ar")
       SB_SetText("restart without the blue clues")
   Else If (CurrControl = "&New")
       SB_SetText("enter new numbers for the puzzle")
   Else If (CurrControl = "E&xit")
       SB_SetText("exit " AppName)
   ; delete status bar text
   Else SB_SetText("")



X and Z are the independent variables, so first work bottom up and determine the value of each cell in the form (n0 + n1*X + n2*Z). We'll use a vector [n0 n1 n2] to represent each cell. <lang lisp> (def bottom [ [0 1 0], [11 0 0], [0 1 1], [4 0 0], [0 0 1] ])

(defn plus [v1 v2] (vec (map + v1 v2))) (defn minus [v1 v2] (vec (map - v1 v2))) (defn scale [n v] (vec (map #(* n %) v )))

(defn above [row] (map #(apply plus %) (partition 2 1 row)))

(def rows (reverse (take 5 (iterate above bottom)))) </lang> We know the integer value of cells c00 and c20 ( base-0 row then column numbers), so by subtracting these values we get two equations of the form 0=n0+n1*X+n2*Z. <lang lisp> (def c00 (-> rows (nth 0) (nth 0))) (def c20 (-> rows (nth 2) (nth 0)))

(def eqn0 (minus c00 [151 0 0])) (def eqn1 (minus c20 [ 40 0 0])) </lang> In this case, there are only two variables, so solving the system of linear equations is simple. <lang lisp> (defn solve [m]

 (assert (<= 1 m 2))
 (let [n  (- 3 m)
       v0 (scale (eqn1 n) eqn0)
       v1 (scale (eqn0 n) eqn1)
       vd (minus v0 v1)]
   (assert (zero? (vd n)))
   (/ (- (vd 0)) (vd m))))

(let [x (solve 1), z (solve 2), y (+ x z)]

 (println "x =" x ", y =" y ", z =" z))

</lang> If you want to solve the whole pyramid, just add a call (show-pyramid x z) to the previous let form: <lang lisp> (defn dot [v1 v2] (reduce + (map * v1 v2)))

(defn show-pyramid [x z]

 (doseq [row rows]
   (println (map #(dot [1 x z] %) row)))



I assume the task is to solve any such puzzle, i.e. given some data

<lang haskell>puzzle = [["151"],["",""],["40","",""],["","","",""],["X","11","Y","4","Z"]]</lang>

one should calculate all possible values that fit. That just means solving a linear system of equations. We use the first three variables as placeholders for X, Y and Z. Then we can produce the matrix of equations:

<lang haskell>triangle n = n * (n+1) `div` 2

coeff xys x = maybe 0 id $ lookup x xys

row n cs = [coeff cs k | k <- [1..n]]

eqXYZ n = [(0, 1:(-1):1:replicate n 0)]

eqPyramid n h = do

 a <- [1..h-1]
 x <- [triangle (a-1) + 1 .. triangle a]
 let y = x+a
 return $ (0, 0:0:0:row n [(x,-1),(y,1),(y+1,1)])

eqConst n fields = do

 (k,s) <- zip [1..] fields
 guard $ not $ null s
 return $ case s of
   "X" - (0, 1:0:0:row n [(k,-1)])
   "Y" - (0, 0:1:0:row n [(k,-1)])
   "Z" - (0, 0:0:1:row n [(k,-1)])
   _   - (fromInteger $ read s, 0:0:0:row n [(k,1)])

equations :: String - ([Rational], Rational) equations puzzle = unzip eqs where

 fields = concat puzzle
 eqs = eqXYZ n ++ eqPyramid n h ++ eqConst n fields 
 h = length puzzle
 n = length fields</lang>

To solve the system, any linear algebra library will do (e.g hmatrix). For this example, we assume there are functions decompose for LR-decomposition, kernel to solve the homogenous system and solve to find a special solution for an imhomogenous system. Then

<lang haskell>normalize :: [Rational] - [Integer] normalize xs = [numerator (x * v) | x <- xs] where

 v = fromInteger $ foldr1 lcm $ map denominator $ xs

run puzzle = map (normalize . drop 3) $ answer where

 (a, m) = equations puzzle
 lr = decompose 0 m
 answer = case solve 0 lr a of
   Nothing - []
   Just x  - x : kernel lr</lang>

will output one special solution and modifications that lead to more solutions, as in

<lang haskell>*Main run puzzle 151,81,70,40,41,29,16,24,17,12,5,11,13,4,8

  • Main run [[""],["2",""],["X","Y","Z"]]


so for the second puzzle, not only X=1 Y=1 Z=0 is a solution, but also X=1-1=0, Y=1+1=2 Z=0+2=2 etc.

Note that the program doesn't attempt to verify that the puzzle is in correct form.


Fixed points in the pyramid are 40 and 151, which I use to check a resulting pyramid for selection:

<lang j>chk=:40 151&-:@(2 4{{."1)</lang>

verb for the base of the pyramid:

<lang j>base=: [,11,+,4,]</lang>

the height of the pyramid:

<lang j>ord=:5</lang>

=> 'chk', 'base' and 'ord' are the knowledge rules abstracted from the problem definition.

The J-sentence that solves the puzzle is:

<lang j> |."2(#~chk"2) 2(+/\)^:(<ord)"1 base/"1>,{ ;~i:28</lang>

 151  0  0  0 0
  81 70  0  0 0
  40 41 29  0 0
  16 24 17 12 0
   5 11 13  4 8

Get rid of zeros:

<lang j>,.(1+i.5)<@{."0 1{.|."2(#~chk"2) 2(+/\)^:(<ord)"1 base/"1>,{ ;~i:28</lang> or <lang j>,.(<@{."0 1~1+i.@#){.|."2(#~chk"2) 2(+/\)^:(<ord)"1 base/"1>,{ ;~i:28</lang>

 |151        |
 |81 70      |
 |40 41 29   |
 |16 24 17 12|
 |5 11 13 4 8|


We assign a variable to each block starting on top with a, then on the second row b,c et cetera. k,m, and o are replaced by X, Y, and Z. We can write the following equations: <lang Mathematica>b+c==a d+e==b e+f==c g+h==d h+i==e i+j==f l+X==g l+Y==h n+Y==i n+Z==j X+Z==Y</lang> And we have the knowns <lang Mathematica>a->151 d->40 l->11 n->4</lang> Giving us 10 equations with 10 unknowns; i.e. solvable. So we can do so by: <lang Mathematica>eqs={a==b+c,d+e==b,e+f==c,g+h==d,h+i==e,i+j==f,l+X==g,l+Y==h,n+Y==i,n+Z==j,Y==X+Z}; knowns={a->151,d->40,l->11,n->4}; Solve[eqs/.knowns,{b,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,X,Y,Z}]</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>{{b -> 81, c -> 70, e -> 41, f -> 29, g -> 16, h -> 24, i -> 17, j -> 12, X -> 5, Y -> 13, Z -> 8}}</lang> In pyramid form that would be: <lang Mathematica> 151 81 70 40 41 29 16 24 17 12 5 11 13 4 8</lang>


<lang oz>%% to compile : ozc -x <file.oz> functor


 System Application FD Search


 proc{Quest Root Rules}
   proc{Limit Rc Ls}
     case Ls of nil then skip
     [] X|Xs then
       {Limit Rc Xs}
       case X of N#V then        
         Rc.N =: V
       [] N1#N2#N3 then
         Rc.N1 =: Rc.N2 + Rc.N3
   proc {Pyramid R}  
     {FD.tuple solution 15 0#FD.sup R}  %% non-negative integers domain
 %%          01      , pyramid format
 %%        02  03
 %%      04  05  06
 %%    07  08  09  10
 %%  11  12  13  14  15    
     R.1 =: R.2 + R.3     %% constraints of Pyramid of numbers
     R.2 =: R.4 + R.5
     R.3 =: R.5 + R.6
     R.4 =: R.7 + R.8
     R.5 =: R.8 + R.9
     R.6 =: R.9 + R.10
     R.7 =: R.11 + R.12
     R.8 =: R.12 + R.13
     R.9 =: R.13 + R.14
     R.10 =: R.14 + R.15
     {Limit R Rules}      %% additional constraints
     {FD.distribute ff R}   
   { Pyramid Root} %% search for solution   
   Root R    
   {Quest Root [1#151 4#40 12#11 14#4 13#11#15]} %% supply additional constraint rules
   if {Length Root} >= 1 then
     R = Root.1
     {For 1 15 1 
       proc{$ I} 
         if {Member I [1 3 6 10]} then
           {System.printInfo R.I#'\n'} 
           {System.printInfo R.I#' '}  
     {System.showInfo 'No solution found.'}
 {Application.exit 0}



<lang prolog>:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

puzzle( [[ 151],

   [ X],[11],[ Y],[ 4],[ Z]], X,Y,Z  ) :-
151 #= U1 + U2, 40 #= U5 + U6,
U1 #= 40 + U3, U2 #= U3 + U4,
U3 #= U6 + U7, U4 #= U7 + U8,
U5 #=  X + 11, U6 #= 11 +  Y,
U7 #=  Y +  4, U8 #=  4 +  Z,
 Y #=  X +  Z,
Vars = [U1,U2,U3,U4,U5,U6,U7,U8,X,Y,Z],
Vars ins 0..sup, labeling([],Vars).

% ?- puzzle(_,X,Y,Z). % X = 5, % Y = 13, % Z = 8 ;</lang>


Works with: Python version 2.4+

<lang python># Pyramid solver

  1. [151]
  2. [ ] [ ]
  3. [ 40] [ ] [ ]
  4. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
  5. [ X ] [ 11] [ Y ] [ 4 ] [ Z ]
  6. X -Y + Z = 0

def combine( snl, snr ):

cl = {} if isinstance(snl, int): cl['1'] = snl elif isinstance(snl, string): cl[snl] = 1 else: cl.update( snl)

if isinstance(snr, int): n = cl.get('1', 0) cl['1'] = n + snr elif isinstance(snr, string): n = cl.get(snr, 0) cl[snr] = n + 1 else: for k,v in snr.items(): n = cl.get(k, 0) cl[k] = n+v return cl

def constrain(nsum, vn ): nn = {} nn.update(vn) n = nn.get('1', 0) nn['1'] = n - nsum return nn

def makeMatrix( constraints ): vmap = set() for c in constraints: vmap.update( c.keys()) vmap.remove('1') nvars = len(vmap) vmap = sorted(vmap) # sort here so output is in sorted order mtx = [] for c in constraints: row = [] for vv in vmap: row.append(float(c.get(vv, 0))) row.append(-float(c.get('1',0))) mtx.append(row)

if len(constraints) == nvars: print 'System appears solvable' elif len(constraints) < nvars: print 'System is not solvable - needs more constraints.' return mtx, vmap

def SolvePyramid( vl, cnstr ):

vl.reverse() constraints = [cnstr] lvls = len(vl) for lvln in range(1,lvls): lvd = vl[lvln] for k in range(lvls - lvln): sn = lvd[k] ll = vl[lvln-1] vn = combine(ll[k], ll[k+1]) if sn is None: lvd[k] = vn else: constraints.append(constrain( sn, vn ))

print 'Constraint Equations:' for cstr in constraints: fset = ('%d*%s'%(v,k) for k,v in cstr.items() ) print ' + '.join(fset), ' = 0'

mtx,vmap = makeMatrix(constraints)


d = len(vmap) for j in range(d): print vmap[j],'=', mtx[j][d]

def MtxSolve(mtx): # Simple Matrix solver...

mDim = len(mtx) # dimension--- for j in range(mDim): rw0= mtx[j] f = 1.0/rw0[j] for k in range(j, mDim+1): rw0[k] *= f

for l in range(1+j,mDim): rwl = mtx[l] f = -rwl[j] for k in range(j, mDim+1): rwl[k] += f * rw0[k]

# backsolve part --- for j1 in range(1,mDim): j = mDim - j1 rw0= mtx[j] for l in range(0, j): rwl = mtx[l] f = -rwl[j] rwl[j] += f * rw0[j] rwl[mDim] += f * rw0[mDim]

return mtx

p = [ [151], [None,None], [40,None,None], [None,None,None,None], ['X', 11, 'Y', 4, 'Z'] ] addlConstraint = { 'X':1, 'Y':-1, 'Z':1, '1':0 } SolvePyramid( p, addlConstraint)</lang> Output:

Constraint Equations:
-1*Y + 1*X + 0*1 + 1*Z  = 0
-18*1 + 1*X + 1*Y  = 0
-73*1 + 5*Y + 1*Z  = 0
System appears solvable
X = 5.0
Y = 13.0
Z = 8.0

The Pyramid solver is not restricted to solving for 3 variables, or just this particular pyramid.

Alternative solution using the csp module (based on code by Gustavo Niemeyerby): <lang python>from csp import Problem

p = Problem() pvars = "R2 R3 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 X Y Z".split()

  1. 0-151 is the possible finite range of the variables

p.addvars(pvars, xrange(152)) p.addrule("R7 == X + 11") p.addrule("R8 == Y + 11") p.addrule("R9 == Y + 4") p.addrule("R10 == Z + 4") p.addrule("R7 + R8 == 40") p.addrule("R5 == R8 + R9") p.addrule("R6 == R9 + R10") p.addrule("R2 == 40 + R5") p.addrule("R3 == R5 + R6") p.addrule("R2 + R3 == 151") for sol in p.xsolutions():

   print [sol[k] for k in "XYZ"]</lang>

All possible solutions with X,Y,Z >= 0, found in about 17 seconds, with Psyco (X, Y, Z): <lang python>[4, 14, 3] [5, 13, 8] [6, 12, 13] [7, 11, 18] [8, 10, 23] [9, 9, 28] [10, 8, 33] [11, 7, 38] [12, 6, 43] [13, 5, 48] [14, 4, 53] [15, 3, 58] [16, 2, 63] [17, 1, 68] [18, 0, 73]</lang>


uses Reduced row echelon form#Ruby <lang ruby>require 'rref'

pyramid = [

          [ 151],
   ["x", 11,"y", 4,"z"]

] p pyramid equations = 1,-1,1,0 # y = x + z

def parse_equation(str)

 eqn = [0] * 4
 lhs, rhs = str.split("=")
 eqn[3] = rhs.to_i
 for term in lhs.split("+")
   case term
   when "x": eqn[0] += 1
   when "y": eqn[1] += 1
   when "z": eqn[2] += 1
   else      eqn[3] -= term.to_i


-2.downto(-5) do |row|

 pyramid[row].each_index do |col|
   val = pyramid[row][col]
   sum = "%s+%s" % [pyramid[row+1][col].to_s, pyramid[row+1][col+1].to_s]
   if val.nil?
     pyramid[row][col] = sum
     equations << parse_equation(sum + "=#{val}")


reduced = convert_to(reduced_row_echelon_form(equations), :to_i)

for eqn in reduced

 if eqn[0] + eqn[1] + eqn[2] != 1
   fail "no unique solution! #{equations.inspect} ==> #{reduced.inspect}"
 elsif eqn[0] == 1: x = eqn[3]
 elsif eqn[1] == 1: y = eqn[3]
 elsif eqn[2] == 1: z = eqn[3]


puts "x == #{x}" puts "y == #{y}" puts "z == #{z}"

answer = [] for row in pyramid

 answer << row.collect {|cell| eval cell.to_s}

end p answer</lang>

[[151], [nil, nil], [40, nil, nil], [nil, nil, nil, nil], ["x", 11, "y", 4, "z"]]
x == 5
y == 13
z == 8
[[151], [81, 70], [40, 41, 29], [16, 24, 17, 12], [5, 11, 13, 4, 8]]


using code from Reduced row echelon form#Tcl <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 namespace path ::tcl::mathop

set pyramid {

   {151.0 "" "" "" ""}
   {"" "" "" "" ""}
   {40.0 "" "" "" ""}
   {"" "" "" "" ""}
   {x 11.0 y 4.0 z}


set equations Template:1 -1 1 0

proc simplify {terms val} {

   set vars {0 0 0}
   set x 0
   set y 1
   set z 2
   foreach term $terms {
       switch -exact -- $term {
           x - y - z {
               lset vars [set $term] [+ 1 [lindex $vars [set $term]]]
           default {
               set val [- $val $term]
   return [concat $vars $val]


for {set row [+ [llength $pyramid] -2]} {$row >= 0} {incr row -1} {

   for {set cell 0} {$cell <= $row} {incr cell } {

set sum [concat [lindex $pyramid [+ 1 $row] $cell] [lindex $pyramid [+ 1 $row] [+ 1 $cell]]] if {[set val [lindex $pyramid $row $cell]] ne ""} {

           lappend equations [simplify $sum $val]

} else {

           lset pyramid $row $cell  $sum


set solution [toRREF $equations] foreach row $solution {

   lassign $row a b c d
   if {$a + $b + $c > 1} {
       error "problem does not have a unique solution"
   if {$a} {set x $d}
   if {$b} {set y $d}
   if {$c} {set z $d}

} puts "x=$x" puts "y=$y" puts "z=$z"

foreach row $pyramid {

   set newrow {}
   foreach cell $row {
       if {$cell eq ""} {
           lappend newrow ""
       } else {
           lappend newrow [expr [join [string map [list x $x y $y z $z] $cell] +]]
   lappend solved $newrow

} print_matrix $solved</lang>

 81.0 70.0               
 40.0 41.0 29.0          
 16.0 24.0 17.0 12.0     
  5.0 11.0 13.0  4.0 8.0