Palindromic primes: Difference between revisions

Added PL/I-80 example
m (→‎{{header|Wren}}: Minor tidy)
(Added PL/I-80 example)
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Generates the palindrmic 3 digit numbers and uses the observations that all 1 digit primes are palindromic and that for 2 digit numbers, only multiples of 11 are palindromic and hence 11 is the only two digit palindromic prime.
{{libheader|ALGOL 68-primes}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">BEGIN # find primes that are palendromic in base 10 #
INT max prime = 999;
# sieve the primes to max prime #
PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR
[]BOOL prime = PRIMESIEVE max prime;
# print the palendromic primes in the base 10 #
# all 1 digit primes are palindromic #
FOR# nthe TOonly 9palindromic DO2 IFdigit prime[numbers nare ]multiples THENof print(11 ( " ", whole( n, 0 ) ) ) FI OD; #
# so 11 is the only palindromicpossible 2 digit numberspalindromic prime are multiples of 11 #
FOR n TO 11 DO IF prime[ n ] THEN print( ( " ", whole( n, 0 ) ) ) FI OD;
# so 11 is the only possible 2 digit palindromic prime #
# three digit numbers, the first and last digits must be odd #
IF prime[ 11 ] THEN print( ( " 11" ) ) FI;
# threeand digitcannot numbers,be 5 (as the firstnumber would be divisible by 5) and last digits must be odd #
# and cannot be 5 (as the number would be divisible by 5) #
FOR fl BY 2 TO 9 DO
IF fl /= 5 THEN
Line 105 ⟶ 104:
print( ( newline ) )
Line 369:
fastfunc isprim num .
i = 2
while i <= sqrt num
if num mod i = 0
return 0
i += 1
return 1
func reverse s .
while s > 0
e = e * 10 + s mod 10
s = s div 10
return e
for i = 2 to 999
if isprim i = 1
if reverse i = i
write i & " "
2 3 5 7 11 101 131 151 181 191 313 353 373 383 727 757 787 797 919 929
Line 715 ⟶ 747:
<pre> 2 3 5 7 11 101 131 151 181 191
313 353 373 383 727 757 787 797 919 929</pre>
Based on the Algol 68 sample with the Sieve routine from the Additive Primes task.
<syntaxhighlight lang="modula2">
MODULE PalindromicPrimes; (* find primes that are palendromic in base 10 *)
Max = 999;
fl, m, n :INTEGER;
Prime :ARRAY Max + 1 OF BOOLEAN;
Prime[ 0 ] := FALSE; Prime[ 1 ] := FALSE;
FOR i := 2 TO Max DO Prime[ i ] := TRUE END;
FOR i := 2 TO Max DIV 2 DO
IF Prime[ i ] THEN
j := i * 2;
WHILE j <= Max DO
Prime[ j ] := FALSE;
j := j + i
END Sieve;
Out.String( " " );Out.Int( n, 0 )
(* print the palendromic primes in the base 10 *)
(* all 1 digit primes are palindromic *)
(* the only palindromic 2 digit numbers are multiples of 11 *)
(* so 11 is the only possible 2 digit palindromic prime *)
FOR n := 1 TO 11 DO IF Prime[ n ] THEN OutN END END;
(* three digit numbers, the first and last digits must be odd *)
(* and cannot be 5 (as the number would be divisible by 5) *)
FOR fl := 1 TO 9 BY 2 DO
IF fl # 5 THEN
FOR m := 0 TO 9 DO
n := ( ( ( fl * 10 ) + m ) * 10 ) + fl;
IF Prime[ n ] THEN
(* have a palindromic prime *)
END PalindromicPrimes.
2 3 5 7 11 101 131 151 181 191 313 353 373 383 727 757 787 797 919 929
Line 820 ⟶ 916:
Same output. Didn't actually test if this way was any faster, but expect it would be.
<syntaxhighlight lang = "pl/i">
palindromic_primes: procedure options (main);
search_limit by 1000,
true by '1'b,
false by '0'b;
(k, count) fixed bin;
put skip edit('Showing palindromic primes up to ',search_limit) (a,f(4));
put skip;
count = 0;
do k = 2 to search_limit;
if isprime(k) & ispalindrome(k) then
put edit(k) (f(6));
count = count + 1;
if mod(count,8) = 0 then put skip;
put skip edit(count, ' were found') (f(4),a);
isprime: proc(n) returns (bit(1));
(n, i, limit) fixed bin;
/* deal with special cases first */
if n < 2 then return (false);
if mod(n, 2) = 0 then return (n = 2);
/* else search up to sqrt of n for divisors */
limit = floor(sqrt(n));
/* aside from 2, only odd numbers can be prime */
i = 3;
do while ((i <= limit) & (mod(n, i) ^= 0));
i = i + 2;
return (i > limit);
end isprime;
ispalindrome: proc(n) returns (bit(1));
(n, nn, q, nd, i, j) fixed bin,
digits(1:10) fixed bin;
/* n is passed by reference, and is modified by */
/* the algorithm, so we work with a local copy */
nn = n;
/* strip off digits and store in array */
nd = 0; /* digits found so far */
do while (nn > 0);
nd = nd + 1;
q = floor(nn / 10);
digits(nd) = nn - q * 10;
nn = q;
/* move from outside in looking for equality */
i = 1;
j = nd;
do while ((i < j) & (digits(i) = digits(j)));
i = i + 1;
j = j - 1;
return (digits(i) = digits(j));
end ispalindrome;
end palindromic_primes;
Showing palindromic primes up to 1000
2 3 5 7 11 101 131 151
181 191 313 353 373 383 727 757
787 797 919 929
20 were found
Line 1,210 ⟶ 1,386:
<pre>[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 101, 131, 151, 181, 191, 313, 353, 373, 383, 727, 757, 787, 797, 919, 929]
<syntaxhighlight lang="BASIC">
$constant FALSE = 0
$constant TRUE = 0FFFFH
rem - return true if n is palindromic, otherwise false
function ispalindromic(n = integer) = integer
var i, j = integer
var s = string
s = str$(n)
i = 2 rem - skip over leading sign or space
j = len(s)
while i < j and (mid(s,i,1)) = (mid(s,j,1)) do
i = i + 1
j = j - 1
end = (mid(s,i,1)) = (mid(s,j,1))
rem - return n mod m
function mod(n, m = integer) = integer
end = n - m * (n / m)
rem - return true if n is prime, otherwise false
function isprime(n = integer) = integer
var i, limit, result = integer
if n = 2 then
result = TRUE
else if (n < 2) or (mod(n,2) = 0) then
result = FALSE
limit = int(sqr(n))
i = 3
while (i <= limit) and (mod(n, i) <> 0) do
i = i + 2
result = not (i <= limit)
end = result
rem - main code begins here
var i, count = integer
print "Looking up to 1000 for palindromic primes"
count = 0
for i = 2 to 1000
if isprime(i) then
if ispalindromic(i) then
print using "##### ";i;
count = count + 1
if mod(count, 6) = 0 then print
next i
print count; " were found"
Looking up to 1000 for palindromic primes
2 3 5 7 11 101
131 151 181 191 313 353
373 383 727 757 787 797
919 929
20 were found
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func palindromic_primes(upto, base = 10) {
