Overloaded operators: Difference between revisions

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Razetime (talk | contribs)
Jjuanhdez (talk | contribs)
Overloaded operators en FreeBASIC
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Operators can be overloaded by default, so the <code>Overload</code> keyword is not needed when declaring custom operators. At least one of the operator's parameters must be of a user-defined type (after all, operators with built-in type parameters are already defined).
The following example overloads the member operators <code>Cast</code>(Cast) and <code>*=</code>(Multiply And Assign) for objects of a user-defined type.
<lang freebasic>Type Rational
As Integer numerator, denominator
Declare Operator Cast () As Double
Declare Operator Cast () As String
Declare Operator *= (Byref rhs As Rational)
End Type
Operator Rational.cast () As Double
Return numerator / denominator
End Operator
Operator Rational.cast () As String
Return numerator & "/" & denominator
End Operator
Operator Rational.*= (Byref rhs As Rational)
numerator *= rhs.numerator
denominator *= rhs.denominator
End Operator
Dim As Rational r1 = (2, 3), r2 = (3, 4)
r1 *= r2
Dim As Double d = r1
Print r1, d</lang>