Operator precedence: Difference between revisions

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m (added a solution for Factor)
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# Parentheses alter the order of evaluation in the usual way.
# Control structures such as ''if ... then ... else ... end'' and ''reduce ... as VAR (...; ...)'' determine the boundaries of subexpressions.
Julia Operators in Order of Preference
Syntax . followed by ::
Exponentiation ^
Fractions //
Multiplication * / % & \
Bitshifts << >> >>>
Addition + - | ⊻
Syntax : .. followed by |>
Comparisons > < >= <= == === != !== <:
Control flow && followed by || followed by ?
Assignments = += -= *= /= //= \= ^= ÷= %= |= &= ⊻= <<= >>= >>>=
Operator precedence can be checked within Julia with the Base.operator_precedence function:
julia> Base.operator_precedence(:>=), Base.operator_precedence(:&&), Base.operator_precedence(:(=))
(6, 4, 1)
Julia Associativity of Operators
Assignment (=, etc.), conditional (a ? b : c), -> arrows, lazy OR/AND (&& ||),
power operators, and unary operators are right associative. All others are
left associative.
