< OpenGL
Older win32-only and OpenGL 1.0 (ie not p2js compatible) versions of the OpenGL task.
Adapted from the included demo\Arwen32dibdemo\shadepol.exw, draws the same thing as the image at the top of this page, but (as per the talk page) does not use openGL, just windows api (BitBlt etc) and some low-level fully open source routines (all included). Note this is windows 32bit only, whereas the pGUI example below it runs on windows/linx, 32/64bit.
without js include demo\Arwen32dibdemo\a32dpoly.ew a32Dib0 screen_dib = 0 integer dx = 0, dy = 0, dw = 0, dh = 0 constant win = create(Window, "Arwen32Dib bitmap shaded triangle demo", 0, 0, Default, Default, 480, 300, 0) function winHandler(integer id, integer msg, atom wParam, object lParam) sequence rect if id or object(lParam) then end if -- suppress warnings if msg=WM_PAINT then if sequence(screen_dib) then clearDib(screen_dib, {0, 0, 0}) drawShadedPolygonToDib(screen_dib, {{dx, dy}, {dx, dh-dy}, {dw-dx, dh-dy}}, {{255, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 255}, {0, 255, 0}}) drawDib(win, screen_dib, 0, 0, 0, 0, screen_dib[DibWidth]-1, screen_dib[DibHeight]-1) end if elsif msg=WM_SIZE then rect = getClientRect(win) dw = rect[3] dh = rect[4] dx = floor(dw/4)+1 dy = floor(dh/4)+1 if sequence(screen_dib) then killDib(screen_dib) end if screen_dib = newDib(dw, dh) elsif msg=WM_CHAR and wParam=VK_ESCAPE then closeWindow(win) end if return 0 end function setHandler(win, routine_id("winHandler")) WinMain(win, SW_NORMAL) if sequence(screen_dib) then killDib(screen_dib) end if
And here is a proper openGL version, translated from Lua, and included in the distro as demo\pGUI\triangle.exw:
without js -- (OpenGL 1.0) include pGUI.e include opengl.e function resize_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer width, integer height) glViewport(0, 0, width, height) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(-30.0, 30.0, -30.0, 30.0, -30.0, 30.0) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) return IUP_DEFAULT end function function action(Ihandle /*ih*/) glClearColor(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.0) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT+GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) glLoadIdentity() glTranslate(-15.0, -15.0, 0.0) glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES) glColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) glVertex(0.0, 0.0) glColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) glVertex(30.0, 0.0) glColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) glVertex(0.0, 30.0) glEnd() glFlush() return IUP_DEFAULT end function Ihandln dialog Ihandle canvas function map_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/) IupGLMakeCurrent(canvas) integer {width, height} = IupGetIntInt(dialog, "RASTERSIZE") {} = resize_cb(dialog, width, height) return IUP_DEFAULT end function IupOpen() IupGLCanvasOpen() canvas = IupGLCanvas(Icallback("action"), "RASTERSIZE=640x480") IupSetCallback(canvas, "RESIZE_CB", Icallback("resize_cb")) dialog = IupDialog(canvas, "MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"), "TITLE=Triangle, SHRINK=YES") IupShow(dialog) if platform()!=JS then IupMainLoop() dialog = IupDestroy(dialog) IupClose() end if