Numerical integration: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed the format of the output to use arrows, used a better/cleaner name for some algorithms in the output.)
(Added Elixir)
Line 1,331: Line 1,331:
? integrate(fn x { x ** 9 }, 0, 1, 300, simpson)
? integrate(fn x { x ** 9 }, 0, 1, 300, simpson)
# value: 0.10000000002160479</lang>
# value: 0.10000000002160479</lang>

<lang elixir>defmodule Numerical do
@funs ~w(leftrect midrect rightrect trapezium simpson)a
def leftrect(f, left,_right), do: f.(left)
def midrect(f, left, right), do: f.((left+right)/2)
def rightrect(f,_left, right), do: f.(right)
def trapezium(f, left, right), do: (f.(left)+f.(right))/2
def simpson(f, left, right), do: (f.(left) + 4*f.((left+right)/2.0) + f.(right)) / 6.0
def integrate(f, a, b, steps) when is_integer(steps) do
delta = (b - a) / steps
Enum.each(@funs, fn fun ->
total = Enum.reduce(0..steps-1, 0, fn i, acc ->
left = a + delta * i
acc + apply(Numerical, fun, [f, left, left+delta])
:io.format "~10s : ~.6f~n", [fun, total * delta]
f1 = fn x -> x * x * x end
IO.puts "f(x) = x^3, where x is [0,1], with 100 approximations."
Numerical.integrate(f1, 0, 1, 100)
f2 = fn x -> 1 / x end
IO.puts "\nf(x) = 1/x, where x is [1,100], with 1,000 approximations. "
Numerical.integrate(f2, 1, 100, 1000)
f3 = fn x -> x end
IO.puts "\nf(x) = x, where x is [0,5000], with 5,000,000 approximations."
Numerical.integrate(f3, 0, 5000, 5_000_000)
f4 = fn x -> x end
IO.puts "\nf(x) = x, where x is [0,6000], with 6,000,000 approximations."
Numerical.integrate(f4, 0, 6000, 6_000_000)</lang>

f(x) = x^3, where x is [0,1], with 100 approximations.
leftrect : 0.245025
midrect : 0.249988
rightrect : 0.255025
trapezium : 0.250025
simpson : 0.250000

f(x) = 1/x, where x is [1,100], with 1,000 approximations.
leftrect : 4.654991
midrect : 4.604763
rightrect : 4.556981
trapezium : 4.605986
simpson : 4.605170

f(x) = x, where x is [0,5000], with 5,000,000 approximations.
leftrect : 12499997.500000
midrect : 12500000.000000
rightrect : 12500002.500000
trapezium : 12500000.000000
simpson : 12500000.000000

f(x) = x, where x is [0,6000], with 6,000,000 approximations.
leftrect : 17999997.000000
midrect : 18000000.000000
rightrect : 18000003.000000
trapezium : 18000000.000000
simpson : 18000000.000000
