Numerical integration: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Added 'Promise' for concurrency)
Line 3,340:
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
The addition of <tt>'''Promise'''</tt>/<tt>'''await'''</tt>, in two places, allows for concurrent computation, and brings a significant speed-up in running time. Which is not to say that it makes this code fast, but it does make it less slow.
{{works with|rakudo|20162018-1109}}
<lang perl6>use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL;
Line 3,380 ⟶ 3,378:
sub tryemintegrate($f, $a, $b, $n, $exact) {
my @r0;
say "\n$f\n in [$a..$b] / $n";
EVAL "my &f$e = $f0.000001;
say@r0.push: "\n$f\n in [$a..$b] / $n\n";
say ' exact result: ', $exact;
say@r0.push: ' rectangle method left: ', leftrect &f, $a, $b,exact result: '~ $exact.round($ne);
say ' rectangle method right: ', rightrect &f, $a, $b, $n;
my (@r1,@r2,@r3,@r4,@r5);
say ' rectangle method mid: ', midrect &f, $a, $b, $n;
my &f;
say 'composite trapezoidal rule: ', trapez &f, $a, $b, $n;
EVAL "&f = $f";
say ' quadratic simpsons rule: ', simpsons &f, $a, $b, $n;"
my $p1 = Promise.start( { @r1.push: ' rectangle method left: '~ leftrect(&f, $a, $b, $n).round($e) } );
saymy $p2 = Promise.start( { @r2.push: ' rectangle method right: ',~ rightrect (&f, $a, $b, $n).round($e) } );
saymy $p3 = Promise.start( { @r3.push: ' rectangle method mid: ', midrect~ midrect(&f, $a, $b, $n).round($e) } );
saymy $p4 = Promise.start( { @r4.push: 'composite trapezoidal rule: ', trapez~ trapez(&f, $a, $b, $n).round($e) } );
saymy $p5 = Promise.start( { @r5.push: ' quadratic simpsons rule: ', simpsons~ simpsons(&f, $a, $b, $n).round($e) } );"
await $p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5;
@r0, @r1, @r2, @r3, @r4, @r5;
tryem.say for integrate '{ $_ ** 3 }', 0, 1, 100, 0.25; say '';
tryem.say for integrate '1 / *', 1, 100, 1000, log(100); say '';
tryem.say for integrate '*.self', 0, 5_000, 5_000_000, 12_500_000; say '';
tryem '1 / *', 1, 100, 1000, log(100);
tryem.say for integrate '*.self', 0, 6_000, 6_000_000, 18_000_000;</lang>
tryem '*.self', 0, 5_000, 5_000_000, 12_500_000;
tryem '*.self', 0, 6_000, 6_000_000, 18_000_000;</lang>
<lang>{ $_ ** 3 }
Line 3,410 ⟶ 3,413:
1 / *
in [1..100] / 1000
exact result: 4.6051701859880960517
rectangle method left: 4.65499105751468654991
rectangle method right: 4.55698105751468556981
rectangle method mid: 4.60476254867838604763
composite trapezoidal rule: 4.60598605751468605986
quadratic simpsons rule: 4.6051703849571460517
Line 3,435 ⟶ 3,438:
quadratic simpsons rule: 18000000</lang>
Note that these integrations are done with rationals rather than floats, so should be fairly precise (though of course with so few iterations they are not terribly accurate (except when they are)). Some of the sums do overflow into <tt>Num</tt> (floating point)--currently rakudoRakudo allows 64-bit denominators--but at least all of the interval arithmetic is exact.