Numerical integration: Difference between revisions

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This solution creates a generic package into which the function F(X) is passed during generic instantiation. The first part is the package specification. The second part is the package body.
<lang ada> generic
with function F(X : Long_Float) return Long_Float;
package Integrate is
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end Simpson;
end Integrate;</lang>
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
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h / 6 * (f(a) + f(b) + 4 * sum1 + 2 * sum2)
END # simpson #;
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<lang basic> FUNCTION leftRect(a, b, n)
h = (b - a) / n
sum = 0
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simpson = h / 6 * (f(a) + f(b) + 4 * sum1 + 2 * sum2)
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Due to their similarity, it makes sense to make the integration method a policy.
<lang cpp> // the integration routine
template<typename Method, typename F, typename Float>
double integrate(F f, Float a, Float b, int steps, Method m)
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double rr = integrate(f, 0.0, 1.0, 10, rectangular(rectangular::right));
double t = integrate(f, 0.0, 1.0, 10, trapezium());
double s = integrate(f, 0.0, 1.0, 10, simpson());</lang>
The function f(x) is Func1/Func2 in this program.
<prelang d>module integrate ;
import std.stdio ;
import std.math ;
Line 574:
writefln("%12.9f (%3dstep).",
Sigma(&Func2, 512, -1.0L, 2.0L, Sigma.Method.SIMP),512) ;
Parts of the output:
<pre>Function(x) = 2 / (1 + 4x^2)
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<lang forth> fvariable step
defer method ( fn F: x -- fn[x] )
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test mid fn2 \ 2.496091
test trap fn2 \ 2.351014
test simpson fn2 \ 2.447732</lang>
In ISO Fortran 95 and later if function f() is not already defined to be "elemental", define an elemental wrapper function around it to allow for array-based initialization:
<lang fortran> elemental function elemf(x)
real :: elemf, x
elemf = f(x)
end function elemf</lang>
Use Array Initializers, Pointers, Array invocation of Elemental functions, Elemental array-array and array-scalar arithmetic, and the SUM intrinsic function
<lang fortran> program integrate
integer, parameter :: n = 20 ! or whatever
real, parameter :: a = 0.0, b = 15.0 ! or whatever
Line 664:
! Simpson's rule integral
simpson = h / 6 * sum(fleft + fright + 4*fmid)
end program integrate</lang>
Line 670:
Different approach from most of the other examples: First, the function ''f'' might be expensive to calculate, and so it should not be evaluated several times. So, ideally, we want to have positions ''x'' and weights ''w'' for each method and then just calculate the approximation of the integral by
<lang haskell>approx f xs ws = sum [w * f x | (x,w) <- zip xs ws]</lang>
Second, let's to generalize all integration methods into one scheme. The methods can all be characterized by the coefficients ''vs'' they use in a particular interval. These will be fractions, and for terseness, we extract the denominator as an extra argument ''v''.
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Now there are the closed formulas (which include the endpoints) and the open formulas (which exclude them). Let's do the open formulas first, because then the coefficients don't overlap:
<lang haskell> integrateOpen :: Fractional a => a -> [a] -> (a -> a) -> a -> a -> Int -> a
integrateOpen v vs f a b n = approx f xs ws * h / v where
m = fromIntegral (length vs) * n
Line 682:
ws = concat $ replicate n vs
c = a + h/2
xs = [c + h * fromIntegral i | i <- [0..m-1]]</lang>
Similarly for the closed formulas, but we need an additional function ''overlap'' which sums the coefficients overlapping at the interior interval boundaries:
<lang haskell> integrateClosed :: Fractional a => a -> [a] -> (a -> a) -> a -> a -> Int -> a
integrateClosed v vs f a b n = approx f xs ws * h / v where
m = fromIntegral (length vs - 1) * n
Line 699:
inter n [] = x : inter (n-1) xs
inter n [y] = (x+y) : inter (n-1) xs
inter n (y:ys) = y : inter n ys</lang>>
And now we can just define
<lang haskell> intLeftRect = integrateClosed 1 [1,0]
intRightRect = integrateClosed 1 [0,1]
intMidRect = integrateOpen 1 [1]
intTrapezium = integrateClosed 2 [1,1]
intSimpson = integrateClosed 3 [1,4,1] </lang>
or, as easily, some additional schemes:
<lang haskell> intMilne = integrateClosed 45 [14,64,24,64,14]
intOpen1 = integrateOpen 2 [3,3]
intOpen2 = integrateOpen 3 [8,-4,8]</lang>
Some examples:
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The function in this example is assumed to be <tt>f(double x)</tt>.
<lang java> public class Integrate{
public static double leftRect(double a, double b, double n){
double h = (b - a) / n;
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//assume f(double x) elsewhere in the class
<lang logo> to i.left :fn :x :step
output invoke :fn :x
Line 815:
print integrate "i.mid "fn2 4 -1 2 ; 2.496091
print integrate "i.trapezium "fn2 4 -1 2 ; 2.351014
print integrate "i.simpsons "fn2 4 -1 2 ; 2.447732</lang>
<lang ocaml> let integrate f a b steps meth =
let h = (b -. a) /. float_of_int steps in
let rec helper i s =
Line 848:
let rr = integrate square 0. 1. 10 right_rect
let t = integrate square 0. 1. 10 trapezium
let s = integrate square 0. 1. 10 simpson</lang>
Line 933:
<lang scheme> (define (integrate f a b steps meth)
(define h (/ (- b a) steps))
(* h
Line 953:
(define rr (integrate square 0 1 10 right-rect))
(define t (integrate square 0 1 10 trapezium))
(define s (integrate square 0 1 10 simpson))</lang>