Numbers with prime digits whose sum is 13/Phix
Extended Phix version of Numbers_with_prime_digits_whose_sum_is_13#Phix.
I decided to keep the main entry simple, and archived this OTT version here:
with javascript_semantics
function unlucky(sequence set, integer needed, atom mult=1, v=0, sequence res={})
if needed=0 then
res = append(res,v)
elsif needed>0 then
for i=length(set) to 1 by -1 do
res = unlucky(set,needed-set[i],mult*10,v+set[i]*mult,res)
end for
end if
return res
end function
for i=6 to 6 do -- (see below)
integer p = get_prime(i)
sequence r = sort(unlucky({2,3,5,7},p)),
s = deep_copy(shorten(r,"numbers",3))
integer l = length(s),
m = l<length(r) -- (ie shortened?)
for j=1 to l-m do
if s[j]!="..." then s[j] = sprintf("%d",s[j]) end if
end for
printf(1,"Prime_digit-only numbers summing to %d: %s\n",{p,join(s)})
end for
Originally I thought I wouldn't need to sort the output of unlucky(), but it generates all numbers ending in 7 first, and alas (eg) 355 < 2227, not that it hurts any.
- Output:
Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 13: 337 355 373 ... 223222 232222 322222 (43 numbers)
With "for i=1 to 11" you get:
Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 2: 2 Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 3: 3 Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 5: 5 23 32 Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 7: 7 25 52 223 232 322 Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 11: 227 272 335 ... 22322 23222 32222 (19 numbers) Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 13: 337 355 373 ... 223222 232222 322222 (43 numbers) Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 17: 377 557 575 ... 22322222 23222222 32222222 (221 numbers) Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 19: 577 757 775 ... 223222222 232222222 322222222 (468 numbers) Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 23: 2777 7277 7727 ... 22322222222 23222222222 32222222222 (2,098 numbers) Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 29: 35777 37577 37757 ... 22322222222222 23222222222222 32222222222222 (21,049 numbers) Prime_digit-only numbers summing to 31: 37777 55777 57577 ... 223222222222222 232222222222222 322222222222222 (45,148 numbers)
Note that the largest sum-to-37, 322222222222222222, being as it is 18 digits long, exceeds the capacity of a 64-bit float.
Based on the algorthim suggested by Nigel Galloway on the Talk page
I am tempted to replace my original, as this is a bit cleaner and does not require a sort, but it is longer...
with javascript_semantics
constant digits = {2,3,5,7}
function unlucky(sequence part)
sequence res={}, next={}
for p=1 to length(part) do
integer {v,s} = part[p]
for i=1 to length(digits) do
integer d = digits[i],
sn = d+s,
nv = v*10+d
if sn=13 then
res &= nv
elsif sn<=11 then
next &= {{nv,sn}}
end if
end for
end for
if length(next) then res &= unlucky(next) end if
return res
end function
{ 337, 355, 373, 535, 553, 733, 2227, 2272, 2335, 2353, 2533, 2722, 3235, 3253, 3325, 3352, 3523, 3532, 5233, 5323, 5332, 7222, 22225, 22252, 22333, 22522, 23233, 23323, 23332, 25222, 32233, 32323, 32332, 33223, 33232, 33322, 52222, 222223, 222232, 222322, 223222, 232222, 322222}