Nonogram solver: Difference between revisions

Line 1,527:
First fill cells by deduction, then search through all combinations. It could take up a huge amount of storage, depending on the board size.
=== Python 2 ===
<lang python>from itertools import izip
Line 1,665 ⟶ 1,667:
(... etc. ...)
=== Python 3 ===
Above code altered to work with Python 3:
<lang python>from functools import reduce
def gen_row(w, s):
"""Create all patterns of a row or col that match given runs."""
def gen_seg(o, sp):
if not o:
return [[2] * sp]
return [[2] * x + o[0] + tail
for x in range(1, sp - len(o) + 2)
for tail in gen_seg(o[1:], sp - x)]
return [x[1:] for x in gen_seg([[1] * i for i in s], w + 1 - sum(s))]
def deduce(hr, vr):
"""Fix inevitable value of cells, and propagate."""
def allowable(row):
return reduce(lambda a, b: [x | y for x, y in zip(a, b)], row)
def fits(a, b):
return all(x & y for x, y in zip(a, b))
def fix_col(n):
"""See if any value in a given column is fixed;
if so, mark its corresponding row for future fixup."""
c = [x[n] for x in can_do]
cols[n] = [x for x in cols[n] if fits(x, c)]
for i, x in enumerate(allowable(cols[n])):
if x != can_do[i][n]:
can_do[i][n] &= x
def fix_row(n):
"""Ditto, for rows."""
c = can_do[n]
rows[n] = [x for x in rows[n] if fits(x, c)]
for i, x in enumerate(allowable(rows[n])):
if x != can_do[n][i]:
can_do[n][i] &= x
def show_gram(m):
# If there's 'x', something is wrong.
# If there's '?', needs more work.
for x in m:
print(" ".join("x#.?"[i] for i in x))
w, h = len(vr), len(hr)
rows = [gen_row(w, x) for x in hr]
cols = [gen_row(h, x) for x in vr]
can_do = list(map(allowable, rows))
# Initially mark all columns for update.
mod_rows, mod_cols = set(), set(range(w))
while mod_cols:
for i in mod_cols:
mod_cols = set()
for i in mod_rows:
mod_rows = set()
if all(can_do[i][j] in (1, 2) for j in range(w) for i in range(h)):
print("Solution would be unique") # but could be incorrect!
print("Solution may not be unique, doing exhaustive search:")
# We actually do exhaustive search anyway. Unique solution takes
# no time in this phase anyway, but just in case there's no
# solution (could happen?).
out = [0] * h
def try_all(n = 0):
if n >= h:
for j in range(w):
if [x[j] for x in out] not in cols[j]:
return 0
return 1
sol = 0
for x in rows[n]:
out[n] = x
sol += try_all(n + 1)
return sol
n = try_all()
if not n:
print("No solution.")
elif n == 1:
print("Unique solution.")
print(n, "solutions.")
def solve(s, show_runs=True):
s = [[[ord(c) - ord('A') + 1 for c in w] for w in l.split()]
for l in p.splitlines()]
if show_runs:
print("Horizontal runs:", s[0])
print("Vertical runs:", s[1])
deduce(s[0], s[1])
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