Number base conversion is when you express a stored integer in an integer base, such as in octal (base 8) or binary (base 2). It also is involved when you take a string representing a number in a given base and convert it to the stored integer form. Normally, a stored integer is in binary, but that's typically invisible to the user, who normally enters or sees stored integers as decimal.

Non-decimal radices/Convert
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Write a function (or identify the built-in function) which is passed a non-negative integer to convert, and another integer representing the base. It should return a string containing the digits of the resulting number, without leading zeros except for the number 0 itself. For the digits beyond 9, one should use the lowercase English alphabet, where the digit a = 9+1, b = a+1, etc. The decimal number 26 expressed in base 16 would be 1a, for example.

Write a second function which is passed a string and an integer base, and it returns an integer representing that string interpreted in that base.

The programs may be limited by the word size or other such constraint of a given language. There is no need to do error checking for negatives, bases less than 2, or inappropriate digits.


Ada provides built-in capability to convert between all bases from 2 through 16. This task requires conversion for bases up to 36. The following program demonstrates such a conversion using an iterative solution. <lang ada>with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; With Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

procedure Number_Base_Conversion is

  Max_Base : constant := 36;
  subtype Base_Type is Integer range 2..Max_Base;
  Num_Digits : constant String := "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
  Invalid_Digit : exception;
  function To_Decimal(Value : String; Base : Base_Type) return Integer is
     use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
     Result : Integer := 0;
     Decimal_Value : Integer;
     Radix_Offset : Natural := 0;
     for I in reverse Value'range loop
        Decimal_Value := Index(Num_Digits, Value(I..I)) - 1;
        if Decimal_Value < 0 then
           raise Invalid_Digit;
        end if; 
        Result := Result + (Base**Radix_Offset * Decimal_Value);
        Radix_Offset := Radix_Offset + 1;
     end loop;
     return Result;
  end To_Decimal;
  function To_Base(Value : Natural; Base : Base_Type) return String is
     use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
     Result : Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String;
     Temp : Natural := Value;
     Base_Digit : String(1..1);
     if Temp = 0 then
        return "0";
     end if;
     while Temp > 0 loop
        Base_Digit(1) := Num_Digits((Temp mod Base) + 1);
        if Result = Null_Unbounded_String then
           Append(Result, Base_Digit);
           Insert(Source => Result,
              Before => 1,
              New_Item => Base_Digit);
        end if;
        Temp := Temp / Base;
     end loop;
     return To_String(Result);
  end To_Base;


  Put_Line("26 converted to base 16 is " & To_Base(26, 16));
  Put_line("1a (base 16) is decimal" & Integer'image(To_Decimal("1a", 16)));

end Number_Base_Conversion;</lang>


Built in or standard distribution routines

Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386

The formatted transput in ALGOL 68 uses the format type (mode). This format type has many similarities with modern regular expressions and can be used to convert string patterns to and from many of the built in types (modes) in ALGOL 68. Here is an example converting a numbers base.

<lang algol68>INT base = 16, from dec = 26; BITS to bits;

FORMAT hex repr = $n(base)r2d$;


associate(f, str); putf(f, (hex repr, BIN from dec)); print(("Hex: ",str, new line));

reset(f); getf(f, (hex repr, to bits)); print(("Int: ",ABS to bits, new line))</lang> Output:

Hex: 1a
Int:         +26

Note that the only conversions "officially" available are for the bases 2r, 4r, 8r and 16r. But ALGOL 68G allows formatting for all numbers in the range 2r to 16r.

Implementation example

Handles signed and unsigned numbers from all bases.

Translation of: python
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang algol68>STRING numeric alpha = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

PROC raise value error = ([]STRING args)VOID: (

 put(stand error, "Value error");
 STRING sep := ": ";
 FOR index TO UPB args - 1 DO put(stand error, (sep, args[index])); sep:=", " OD;
 new line(stand error);


PROC base n = (INT num, base)STRING: (

 PROC base n = (INT num, base)STRING:
   ( num = 0 | "" |  base n(num OVER base, base) + numeric alpha[@0][num MOD base]);
 ( num = 0 | "0" |: num > 0 | base n(num, base) | "-" + base n(-num, base) )


PROC unsigned int = (STRING repr, INT base)INT:

 IF UPB repr < LWB repr THEN 0 ELSE
   INT pos; 
   IF NOT char in string(repr[UPB repr], pos, numeric alpha) THEN 
     raise value error("CHAR """+repr[UPB repr]+""" not valid") 
   unsigned int(repr[:UPB repr-1], base) * base + pos - 1

PROC int = (STRING repr, INT base)INT:

 ( repr[LWB repr]="-" | -unsigned int(repr[LWB repr + 1:], base) | unsigned int(repr, base) );

[]INT test = (-256, -255, -26, -25, 0, 25, 26, 255, 256); FOR index TO UPB test DO

 INT k = test[index];
 STRING s = base n(k,16); # returns the string 1a #
 INT i = int(s,16);  # returns the integer 26 #
 print((k," => ", s, " => ", i, new line))

OD</lang> Output:

       -256 => -100 =>        -256
       -255 => -ff =>        -255
        -26 => -1a =>         -26
        -25 => -19 =>         -25
         +0 => 0 =>          +0
        +25 => 19 =>         +25
        +26 => 1a =>         +26
       +255 => ff =>        +255
       +256 => 100 =>        +256

Other libraries or implementation specific extensions

As of February 2009 no open source libraries to do this task have been located.


<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % number2base(200, 16) ; 12 MsgBox % parse(200, 16)  ; 512

number2base(number, base) {

 While, base < digit := floor(number / base)
   result := mod(number, base) . result
   number := digit
 result := digit . result
 Return result


parse(number, base) {

 result = 0
 pos := StrLen(number) - 1
 Loop, Parse, number 
   result := ((base ** pos) * A_LoopField) + result
   base -= 1
 Return result

}</lang> alternate implementation contributed by Laszlo on the ahk forum <lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % ToBase(29,3) MsgBox % ToBase(255,16)

MsgBox % FromBase("100",8) MsgBox % FromBase("ff",16)

ToBase(n,b) { ; n >= 0, 1 < b <= 36

  Return (n < b ? "" : ToBase(n//b,b)) . ((d:=mod(n,b)) < 10 ? d : Chr(d+87))


FromBase(s,b) { ; convert base b number s=strings of 0..9,a..z, to AHK number

  Return (L:=StrLen(s))=0 ? "":(L>1 ? FromBase(SubStr(s,1,L-1),b)*b:0) + ((c:=Asc(SubStr(s,0)))>57 ? c-87:c-48)



<lang awk>function strtol(str, base) {

 symbols = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 res = 0
 str = tolower(str)
 for(i=1; i < length(str); i++) {
   res += index(symbols, substr(str, i, 1)) - 1
   res *= base
 res += index(symbols, substr(str, length(str), 1)) - 1
 return res


function ltostr(num, base) {

 symbols = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 res = ""
 do {
   res = substr(symbols, num%base + 1, 1) res
   num = int(num/base)
 } while ( num != 0 )
 return res



 print strtol("7b", 16)
 print ltostr(123, 16)



<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <string.h>
  2. include <assert.h>
  1. define MAX_OUTSTR_LEN 65

char *to_base(long num, int base) {

 static const char *map = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
 char *result = NULL;
 int i=0, j;
 char t;
 if ( base > strlen(map) ) return NULL;
 result = malloc(sizeof(char)*MAX_OUTSTR_LEN);
 *result = 0;
 do {
   result[i++] = map[ num%base ];
   num /= base;
 } while(num != 0);
 result[i] = 0;
 for(j=0; j < i/2; j++) { /* invert the rests */
   t = result[j];
   result[j] = result[i-j-1];
   result[i-j-1] = t;
 return result;


long from_base(const char *num_str, int base) {

 char *endptr;
 int result = strtol(num_str, &endptr, base);
 assert(*endptr == '\0'); /* if there are any characters left, then string contained invalid characters */
 return result;
 /* there is also strtoul() for parsing into an unsigned long */
 /* in C99, there is also strtoll() and strtoull() for parsing into long long and unsigned long long, respectively */



<lang cpp>#include <string>

  1. include <cstdlib>
  2. include <algorithm>
  3. include <cassert>

std::string const digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

std::string to_base(unsigned long num, int base) {

 if (num == 0)
   return "0";
 std::string result;
 while (num > 0) {
   std::ldiv_t temp = std::div(num, (long)base);
   result += digits[temp.rem];
   num = temp.quot;
 std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
 return result;


unsigned long from_base(std::string const& num_str, int base) {

 unsigned long result = 0;
 for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < num_str.length(); ++pos)
   result = result * base + digits.find(num_str[pos]);
 return result;


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(let ((*print-base* 16)

     *read-base* 16))
 (write-to-string 26) ; returns the string "1A"
 (read-from-string "1a") ; returns the integer 26

(write-to-string 26 :base 16) ; also "1A"</lang>


D standard library string module included functions to convert number to string at a radix. <lang d>module std.string; char[] toString(long value, uint radix); char[] toString(ulong value, uint radix);</lang> Implementation. <lang d>module radixstring ; import std.stdio ; import std.ctype ;

const string Digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ;

int dtoi(char dc, int radix) {

 static int[char] digit ;
 char d = tolower(dc) ;
 if (digit.length == 0) // not init yet
   foreach(i,c ; Digits)
     digit[c] = i ;
 if (radix > 1 & radix <= digit.length)
   if (d in digit)
     if (digit[d] < radix) 
       return digit[d] ;
 return int.min ; // a negative for error ;


ulong AtoI(string str, int radix = 10, int* consumed = null) {

 ulong result = 0; 
 int sp = 0 ;
 for(; sp < str.length ; sp++) {
   int d = dtoi(str[sp], radix) ;
   if (d >= 0)  // valid digit char
     result = radix*result + d ;     
     break ;
 if(sp != str.length)      // some char in str not converted
   sp = -sp ;
 if (!(consumed is null))  // signal error if not positive ;
   *consumed = sp ;
 return result ;


string ItoA(ulong num, int radix = 10) {

 string result = null ;  

// if (radix < 2 || radix > Digits.length) throw Error

 while (num > 0) {
   int d = num % radix ;
   result = Digits[d]~ result ;
   num = (num - d) / radix ;
 return result == null ? "0" : result ;


void main(string[] args) {

 string numstr = "1ABcdxyz???" ;
 int ate ;
 writef("%s (%d) = %d",numstr, 16, AtoI(numstr, 16, &ate)) ;
 if(ate <= 0) writefln("\tcheck: %s<%s>",numstr[0..-ate], numstr[-ate..$]) ; 
 else writefln() ;
 writefln(ItoA(60272032366,36)," ",ItoA(591458,36)) ;  



<lang e>def stringToInteger := __makeInt def integerToString(i :int, base :int) {

 return i.toString(base)


<lang e>? stringToInteger("200", 16)

  1. value: 512

? integerToString(200, 16)

  1. value: "c8"</lang>


<lang factor>USE: math.parser

12345 16 >base . "3039" 16 base> .</lang>


Forth has a global user variable, BASE, which determines the radix used for parsing, interpretation, and printing of integers. This can handle bases from 2-36, but there are two words to switch to the most popular bases, DECIMAL and HEX. <lang forth>42 dup 2 base ! . \ 101010 hex . \ 2A decimal</lang>

Many variants of Forth support literals in some bases, such as hex, using a prefix <lang forth>$ff . \ 255</lang>


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>MODULE Conversion

 CHARACTER(36) :: alphanum = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

 FUNCTION ToDecimal(base, instr)
   INTEGER :: ToDecimal
   INTEGER :: length, i, n, base
   CHARACTER(*) :: instr
   ToDecimal = 0
   length = LEN(instr)
   DO i = 1, length
     n = INDEX(alphanum, instr(i:i)) - 1
     n = n * base**(length-i)
     Todecimal = ToDecimal + n
 FUNCTION ToBase(base, number)
   CHARACTER(31) :: ToBase
   INTEGER :: base, number, i, rem
   ToBase = "                               "
   DO i = 31, 1, -1
     IF(number < base) THEN
       ToBase(i:i) = alphanum(number+1:number+1)
     END IF
     rem = MOD(number, base)
     ToBase(i:i) = alphanum(rem+1:rem+1)
     number = number / base
   ToBase = ADJUSTL(ToBase)

END MODULE Conversion

PROGRAM Base_Convert

 USE Conversion
 WRITE (*,*) ToDecimal(16, "1a")
 WRITE (*,*) ToBase(16, 26)     



<lang go>import "strconv"

s := strconv.Itob(26, 16) // returns the string 1a i,_ := strconv.Btoi64("1a", 16) // returns the integer 26</lang>


Solution: <lang groovy>def radixParse = { s, radix -> Integer.parseInt(s, radix) } def radixFormat = { i, radix -> Integer.toString(i, radix) }</lang>

Test Program: <lang groovy>def numString = '101' (2..Character.MAX_RADIX).each { radix ->

   def value = radixParse(numString, radix)
   assert value == radix**2 + 1
   printf ("         %3s (%2d) == %4d (10)\n", numString, radix, value)
   def valM2str = radixFormat(value - 2, radix)
   def biggestDigit = radixFormat(radix - 1, radix)
   assert valM2str == biggestDigit + biggestDigit
   printf ("%3s (%2d) - 2 (10) == %4s (%2d)\n", numString, radix, valM2str, radix)



         101 ( 2) ==    5 (10)
101 ( 2) - 2 (10) ==   11 ( 2)
         101 ( 3) ==   10 (10)
101 ( 3) - 2 (10) ==   22 ( 3)
         101 ( 4) ==   17 (10)
101 ( 4) - 2 (10) ==   33 ( 4)
         101 ( 5) ==   26 (10)
101 ( 5) - 2 (10) ==   44 ( 5)
         101 ( 6) ==   37 (10)
101 ( 6) - 2 (10) ==   55 ( 6)
         101 ( 7) ==   50 (10)
101 ( 7) - 2 (10) ==   66 ( 7)
         101 ( 8) ==   65 (10)
101 ( 8) - 2 (10) ==   77 ( 8)
         101 ( 9) ==   82 (10)
101 ( 9) - 2 (10) ==   88 ( 9)
         101 (10) ==  101 (10)
101 (10) - 2 (10) ==   99 (10)
         101 (11) ==  122 (10)
101 (11) - 2 (10) ==   aa (11)
         101 (12) ==  145 (10)
101 (12) - 2 (10) ==   bb (12)
         101 (13) ==  170 (10)
101 (13) - 2 (10) ==   cc (13)
         101 (14) ==  197 (10)
101 (14) - 2 (10) ==   dd (14)
         101 (15) ==  226 (10)
101 (15) - 2 (10) ==   ee (15)
         101 (16) ==  257 (10)
101 (16) - 2 (10) ==   ff (16)
         101 (17) ==  290 (10)
101 (17) - 2 (10) ==   gg (17)
         101 (18) ==  325 (10)
101 (18) - 2 (10) ==   hh (18)
         101 (19) ==  362 (10)
101 (19) - 2 (10) ==   ii (19)
         101 (20) ==  401 (10)
101 (20) - 2 (10) ==   jj (20)
         101 (21) ==  442 (10)
101 (21) - 2 (10) ==   kk (21)
         101 (22) ==  485 (10)
101 (22) - 2 (10) ==   ll (22)
         101 (23) ==  530 (10)
101 (23) - 2 (10) ==   mm (23)
         101 (24) ==  577 (10)
101 (24) - 2 (10) ==   nn (24)
         101 (25) ==  626 (10)
101 (25) - 2 (10) ==   oo (25)
         101 (26) ==  677 (10)
101 (26) - 2 (10) ==   pp (26)
         101 (27) ==  730 (10)
101 (27) - 2 (10) ==   qq (27)
         101 (28) ==  785 (10)
101 (28) - 2 (10) ==   rr (28)
         101 (29) ==  842 (10)
101 (29) - 2 (10) ==   ss (29)
         101 (30) ==  901 (10)
101 (30) - 2 (10) ==   tt (30)
         101 (31) ==  962 (10)
101 (31) - 2 (10) ==   uu (31)
         101 (32) == 1025 (10)
101 (32) - 2 (10) ==   vv (32)
         101 (33) == 1090 (10)
101 (33) - 2 (10) ==   ww (33)
         101 (34) == 1157 (10)
101 (34) - 2 (10) ==   xx (34)
         101 (35) == 1226 (10)
101 (35) - 2 (10) ==   yy (35)
         101 (36) == 1297 (10)
101 (36) - 2 (10) ==   zz (36)


It's actually more useful to represent digits internally as numbers instead of characters, because then one can define operations that work directly on this representation.

So conversion to and from digits represented as 0-9 and a-z is done in an additional step.

<lang haskell>import Data.List import Data.Char

toBase :: Int -> Int -> [Int] toBase b v = toBase' [] v where

 toBase' a 0 = a
 toBase' a v = toBase' (r:a) q where (q,r) = v `divMod` b

fromBase :: Int -> [Int] -> Int fromBase b ds = foldl' (\n k -> n * b + k) 0 ds

toAlphaDigits :: [Int] -> String toAlphaDigits = map convert where

 convert n | n < 10    = chr (n + ord '0')
           | otherwise = chr (n + ord 'a' - 10)

fromAlphaDigits :: String -> [Int] fromAlphaDigits = map convert where

convert c | isDigit c = ord c - ord '0'
          | isUpper c = ord c - ord 'A' + 10
          | isLower c = ord c - ord 'a' + 10</lang>


<lang haskell>*Main> toAlphaDigits $ toBase 16 $ 42 "2a"

  • Main> fromBase 16 $ fromAlphaDigits $ "2a"



<lang hicest>CHARACTER txt*80

   num = 36^7 -1                ! 7836416410
   CALL DecToBase(num, txt, 36)
   WRITE(ClipBoard, Name) num, txt, BaseToDec(36, txt)

FUNCTION BaseToDec(base, string)

   BaseToDec = 0
   length = LEN_TRIM(string)
   DO i = 1, length
     n = INDEX("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", string(i)) - 1
     BaseToDec = BaseToDec + n * base^(length-i)

SUBROUTINE DectoBase(decimal, string, base)

   string = '0'
   temp = decimal
   length = CEILING( LOG(decimal+1, base) )
   DO i = length, 1, -1
     n = MOD( temp, base )
     string(i) = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"(n+1)
     temp = INT(temp / base)

<lang hicest>num=7836416410; txt=zzzzzzz; 7836416410;</lang>


J supports direct specification of integers by base. The numbers are expressed as the base to be used (using base 10), the letter b, followed by the number itself. Following the initial letter b, other (lower case) letters represent "digts" 10 (a) through 35 (z), as in these examples: <lang j> 2b100 8b100 10b_100 16b100 36b100 36bzy 4 64 _100 256 1296 1294</lang>

Additionally, J has primitives #. and #: for dealing with base conversion issues.

Here are programs for conversion of numeric values to literals, and of literals to numbers: <lang j>numerals=: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' baseNtoL=: numerals {~ #.inv baseLtoN=: [ #. numerals i. ]</lang> Examples of use: <lang j> 2 baseNtoL 100 101 1100100 1100101

  16 baseNtoL 26


  36 baseLtoN 'zy'

1294</lang> These may be combined so the conversion performed is derived from the type of argument received. <lang j> base=: baseNtoL :: baseLtoN

  16 base 'aa'


  16 base 170

aa</lang> See also primary verbs Base and Antibase.


for long's: <lang java>public static long backToTen(String num, int oldBase){

  return Long.parseLong(num, oldBase); //takes both uppercase and lowercase letters


public static String tenToBase(long num, int newBase){

  return Long.toString(num, newBase);//add .toUpperCase() for capital letters


for BigInteger's: <lang java>public static BigInteger backToTenBig(String num, int oldBase){

  return new BigInteger(num, oldBase); //takes both uppercase and lowercase letters


public static String tenBigToBase(BigInteger num, int newBase){

  return num.toString(newBase);//add .toUpperCase() for capital letters



<lang javascript>k = 26 s = k.toString(16) //gives 1a i = parseInt('1a',16) //gives 26 //optional special case for hex: i = +('0x'+s) //hexadecimal base 16, if s='1a' then i=26.</lang>


<lang M4>eval(26,16) define(`frombase',`eval(0r$2:$1)') frombase(1a,16)</lang>





<lang Mathematica>IntegerString[26,16] FromDigits["1a", 16])</lang>





<lang ocaml>let int_of_basen n str =

 match n with
 | 16 -> int_of_string("0x" ^ str)
 |  2 -> int_of_string("0b" ^ str)
 |  8 -> int_of_string("0o" ^ str)
 | _ -> failwith "unhandled"

let basen_of_int n d =

 match n with
 | 16 -> Printf.sprintf "%x" d
 |  8 -> Printf.sprintf "%o" d
 | _ -> failwith "unhandled"</lang>
# basen_of_int 16 26 ;;
- : string = "1a"

# int_of_basen 16 "1a" ;;
- : int = 26

A real base conversion example:

Translation of: Haskell

<lang ocaml>let to_base b v =

 let rec to_base' a v =
   if v = 0 then
     to_base' (v mod b :: a) (v / b)
   to_base' [] v

let from_base b ds =

 List.fold_left (fun n k -> n * b + k) 0 ds

let to_alpha_digit n =

 if n < 10 then
   char_of_int (n + int_of_char '0')
   char_of_int (n + int_of_char 'a' - 10)

let to_alpha_digits ds =

 let buf = Buffer.create (List.length ds) in
   List.iter (fun i -> Buffer.add_char buf (to_alpha_digit i)) ds;
   Buffer.contents buf

let from_alpha_digit c = match c with

   '0'..'9' -> int_of_char c - int_of_char '0'
 | 'A'..'Z' -> int_of_char c - int_of_char 'A' + 10
 | 'a'..'z' -> int_of_char c - int_of_char 'a' + 10

let from_alpha_digits s =

 let result = ref [] in
   String.iter (fun c -> result := from_alpha_digit c :: !result) s;
   List.rev !result</lang>


# to_alpha_digits (to_base 16 42);;
- : string = "2a"
# from_base 16 (from_alpha_digits "2a");;
- : int = 42


To parse from a base: <lang perl>use POSIX;

my ($num, $n_unparsed) = strtol('1a', 16); $n_unparsed == 0 or die "invalid characters found"; print "$num\n"; # prints "26"</lang>

To format into a base: <lang perl>sub digitize

  1. Converts an integer to a single digit.
{my $i = shift;
 $i < 10
   ? $i
   : ('a' .. 'z')[$i - 10];}

sub to_base

{my ($int, $radix) = @_;
 my $numeral = ;
 do {
   $numeral .= digitize($int % $radix);
 } while $int = int($int / $radix);
 scalar reverse $numeral;}</lang>


PHP has a base_convert() function that directly converts between strings of one base and strings of another base: <lang php>base_convert("26", 10, 16); // returns "1a"</lang>

If you want to convert a string to an integer, the intval() function optionally takes a base argument when given a string: <lang php>intval("1a", 16); // returns 26</lang>

To go the other way around, I guess you can use base_convert() again; I am unaware of a better way: <lang php>base_convert(26, 10, 16); // returns "1a"</lang>

In addition, there are specialized functions for converting certain bases: <lang php>// converts int to binary string decbin(26); // returns "11010" // converts int to octal string decoct(26); // returns "32" // converts int to hex string dechex(26); // returns "1a" // converts binary string to int bindec("11010"); // returns 26 // converts octal string to int octdec("32"); // returns 26 // converts hex string to int hexdec("1a"); // returns 26</lang>


<lang PL/I> convert: procedure (N, base) returns (character (64) varying) recursive;

  declare N fixed binary (31), base fixed binary;
  declare table (0:15) character (
     '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
     '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');
  declare s character (64) varying;
  if N = 0 then return ();
  s = convert(N/base, base);
  return (s || table(mod(N, base)) );

end convert; </lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de numToString (N Base)

  (default Base 10)
  (let L NIL
        (let C (% N Base)
           (and (> C 9) (inc 'C 39))
           (push 'L (char (+ C `(char "0")))) )
        (T (=0 (setq N (/ N Base)))) )
     (pack L) ) )

(de stringToNum (S Base)

  (default Base 10)
  (let N 0
     (for C (chop S)
        (when (> (setq C (- (char C) `(char "0"))) 9)
           (dec 'C 39) )
        (setq N (+ C (* N Base))) )
     N ) )

(prinl (numToString 26 16)) (prinl (stringToNum "1a" 16)) (prinl (numToString 123456789012345678901234567890 36))</lang> Output:



Pop11 can input and output routines can use any base up to 36 (depending on value 'pop_pr_radix' variable). 'radix_apply' runs i/o routine temporarly setting 'pop_pr_radix' to given value. 'sprintf' procedure instead of printing returns string. So, to convert number to given value we just compose built-in procedures:

<lang pop11>define number_to_base(n, base);

   radix_apply(n, '%p', sprintf, base);


In input base optionally preceeds the number, for example 8:15 is 13. So, to convert string in given base we need to prepend base prefix and read number from string:

<lang pop11>define string_in_base_to_number(s, base);

   incharitem(stringin(base >< ':' >< s))();



<lang PureBasic>Global alphanum$ = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ;36 digits

  1. maxIntegerBitSize = SizeOf(Integer) * 8

Procedure toDecimal(base, s.s)

 Protected length, i, toDecimal
 length = Len(s)
 If length: toDecimal = FindString(alphanum$, Left(s, 1), 1) - 1: EndIf 
 For i = 2 To length
   toDecimal * base + FindString(alphanum$, Mid(s, i, 1), 1) - 1
 ProcedureReturn toDecimal


Procedure.s toBase(base, number)

 Protected i, rem, toBase.s{#maxIntegerBitSize} = Space(#maxIntegerBitSize) 
 For i = #maxIntegerBitSize To 1 Step -1
   rem = number % base
   PokeC(@toBase + i - 1, PeekC(@alphanum$ + rem))
   If number < base: Break: EndIf 
   number / base
 ProcedureReturn LTrim(toBase)


If OpenConsole()

 PrintN( Str(toDecimal(16, "1a")) )
 PrintN( toBase(16, 26) )
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")

EndIf</lang> Sample output:



<lang python>digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" def baseN(num,b):

  return (((num == 0) and  "0" ) 
          or ( baseN(num // b, b).lstrip("0") 
               + digits[num % b]))
  1. alternatively:

def baseN(num,b):

 if num == 0: return "0"
 result = ""
 while num != 0:
   num, d = divmod(num, b)
   result += digits[d]
 return result[::-1] # reverse

k = 26 s = baseN(k,16) # returns the string 1a i = int('1a',16) # returns the integer 26</lang>


<lang ruby>s = 26.to_s(16) # returns the string 1a i = '1a'.to_i(16) # returns the integer 26</lang> Caution: to_i simply stops when it reaches an invalid character; it does not raise any exceptions. So sometimes it may appear to parse something and get a result, but it is only based on part of the input string: <lang ruby>"59".to_i(7) # returns 5, but this is probably not what you wanted</lang>

For a general base parsing that raises an exception for invalid characters:

Translation of: Tcl

<lang ruby>module BaseConvert

 DIGITS = %w{0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}
 def baseconvert(str, basefrom, baseto)
   dec2base(base2dec(str, basefrom), baseto)
 def base2dec(str, base)
   raise ArgumentError, "base is invalid" unless base.between?(2, DIGITS.length)
   res = 0
   str.to_s.downcase.each_char do |c|
     idx = DIGITS[0,base].find_index(c)
     idx.nil? and raise ArgumentError, "invalid base-#{base} digit: #{c}"
     res = res * base + idx
 def dec2base(n, base)
   return "0" if n == 0
   raise ArgumentError, "base is invalid" unless base.between?(2, DIGITS.length)
   res = []
   while n > 0
     n, r = n.divmod(base)


include BaseConvert p baseconvert("107h", 23, 7) # => "50664"</lang>


<lang slate>26 printString &radix: 16 Integer readFrom: '1A' &radix: 16.</lang>

Standard ML

Translation of: Haskell

<lang sml>fun toBase b v = let

 fun toBase' (a, 0) = a
   | toBase' (a, v) = toBase' (v mod b :: a, v div b)


 toBase' ([], v)


fun fromBase b ds =

 foldl (fn (k, n) => n * b + k) 0 ds

val toAlphaDigits = let

 fun convert n = if n < 10 then chr (n + ord #"0")
                           else chr (n + ord #"a" - 10)


 implode o map convert


val fromAlphaDigits = let

 fun convert c = if      Char.isDigit c then ord c - ord #"0"
                 else if Char.isUpper c then ord c - ord #"A" + 10
                 else if Char.isLower c then ord c - ord #"a" + 10
                 else raise Match


 map convert o explode



val toAlphaDigits = fn : int list -> string
- toAlphaDigits (toBase 16 42);
val it = "2a" : string
- fromBase 16 (fromAlphaDigits "2a");
val it = 42 : int


Tcl scan and format commands can convert between decimal, octal and hexadecimal, but this solution can convert between any arbitrary bases. <lang tcl>namespace eval baseconvert {

   variable chars "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
   namespace export baseconvert

} proc baseconvert::dec2base {n b} {

   variable chars
   expr {$n == 0 ? 0
         : "[string trimleft [dec2base [expr {$n/$b}] $b] 0][string index $chars [expr {$n%$b}]]"

} proc baseconvert::base2dec {n b} {

   variable chars
   set sum 0
   foreach char [split $n ""] {
       set d [string first $char [string range $chars 0 [expr {$b - 1}]]]
       if {$d == -1} {error "invalid base-$b digit '$char' in $n"}
       set sum [expr {$sum * $b + $d}]
   return $sum

} proc baseconvert::baseconvert {n basefrom baseto} {

   dec2base [base2dec $n $basefrom] $baseto


namespace import baseconvert::baseconvert baseconvert 12345 10 23 ;# ==> 107h baseconvert 107h 23 7  ;# ==> 50664 baseconvert 50664 7 10  ;# ==> 12345</lang>


A function parameterized by the base b performs the conversion in each direction. Folding (=>), iteration (->), and reification (-:) operators among others are helpful. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

num_to_string "b" = ||'0'! (-: num digits--letters)*+ @NiX ~&r->l ^|rrPlCrlPX/~& division\"b"

string_to_num "b" = @x =>0 sum^|/(-:@rlXS num digits--letters) product/"b"</lang> This test program performs the conversions in both directions for a selection of numbers in base 8 and base 32. <lang Ursala>test_data = <1,2,15,32,100,65536,323498993>

  1. cast %sLnLUL

tests =


  num_to_string32* test_data,
  string_to_num32* num_to_string32* test_data,
  num_to_string8*  test_data,
  string_to_num8*  num_to_string8* test_data></lang>

