Non-continuous subsequences: Difference between revisions

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A short version adapted from the Python code:
The list of non-continuous subsequences is constructed in the following way:
# Select some continuous subsequences of length at least 3 from the original sequence;
# From each such continuous subsequences, remove arbitrary elements from the middle, but always keep the first and last element.
That cannot generate duplicate sequences, because first and last elements determine the corresponding continous sequence uniquely. Also, sequences of length less than three cannot contain non-continuous subsequences by definition.
<d>module ncsub ;
import std.stdio ;
struct Combi {
private int n_, m_ ;
alias int delegate(inout int[]) dg_type ;
int opApply(dg_type dg) { return combinate([], 0, m_, dg) ; }
int combinate(int[] fixed, int next, int left, dg_type dg) {
if (left <= 0) dg(fixed) ;
for(int i = next ; i < n_ - left + 1; i++)
combinate(fixed ~ [i+1], i + 1, left - 1, dg) ;
return 0 ;
T[] takesome(T)(T[] seq, int[] rmIndexs) {
T[] res = seq.dup ;
foreach(idx ; rmIndexs.reverse)
res = res[0..idx] ~ res[idx+1..$] ;
return res ;
T[][] ncsub(T)(T[] seq) {
if(seq.length < 3) return [] ;
T[][] ncset ;
for(int head = 0 ; head < seq.length - 2 ; head++)
for(int tail = head + 2 ; tail < seq.length ; tail++) {
T[] contseq = seq[head..tail+1] ;
for(int takeNum = 1 ; takeNum < contseq.length - 1 ; takeNum++)
foreach(removeIndexs ; Combi(contseq.length - 2, takeNum))
ncset ~= takesome(contseq, removeIndexs) ;
return ncset ;
void main() {
writefln(ncsub([1,2,3])) ;
writefln(ncsub([1,2,3,4])) ;
writefln(ncsub([1,2,3,4,5])) ; // results match Haskell examples
writefln(ncsub([1,1,1,1,1])) ;
Shorter and faster alternative version, adapted from the Python version:
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A fast lazy version, it doesn't copy the generated sub-arrays, so if you want to keep them you have to copy (dup) them:
import std.conv: toInt;
import std.stdio: writefln;
struct Ncsub(T) {
T[] seq;
int opApply(int delegate(ref int[]) dg) {
int result, n = seq.length;
auto S = new int[n];
for (int i = 1; i < (1 << seq.length); i++) {
int len_S;
bool nc = false;
for (int j; j < seq.length + 1; j++) {
int k = i >> j;
if (k == 0) {
if (nc) {
T[] auxS = S[0 .. len_S];
result = dg(auxS);
if (result)
break OUTER;
} else if (k % 2)
S[len_S++] = seq[j];
else if (len_S)
nc = true;
return result;
void main(string[] args) {
int n = args.length == 2 ? toInt(args[1]) : 10;
auto range = new int[n - 1];
foreach (i, ref el; range)
el = i + 1;
int count;
foreach (sub; Ncsub!(int)(range))

Revision as of 21:48, 6 August 2008

Non-continuous subsequences
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Consider some sequence of elements. (It differs from a mere set of elements by having an ordering among members.)

A subsequence contains some subset of the elements of this sequence, in the same order.

A continuous subsequence is one in which no elements are missing between the first and last elements of the subsequence.

Note: Subsequences are defined structurally, not by their contents. So a sequence a,b,c,d will always have the same subsequences and continous subsequences, no matter which values are substituted; it may be even the same value.

Task: Find all non-continuous subsequences for a given sequence. Example: For the sequence 1,2,3,4, there are five non-continuous subsequences, namely 1,3; 1,4; 2,4; 1,3,4 and 1,2,4.

Goal: There are different ways to calculate those subsequences. Demonstrate algorithm(s) that are natural for the language.


A short version adapted from the Python code:

<d> import std.stdio: writefln;

T[][] ncsub(T)(T[] seq, int s=0) {

   if (seq.length) {
       T[][] aux;
       foreach (ys; ncsub(seq[1..$], s + !(s % 2)))
           aux ~= seq[0] ~ ys;
       return aux ~ ncsub(seq[1..$], s + s % 2);
   } else
       return s >= 3 ? new T[][](1, 0) : null;


void main() {

   writefln(ncsub([1, 2, 3]));
   writefln(ncsub([1, 2, 3, 4]));
   writefln(ncsub([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));

} </d>



A fast lazy version, it doesn't copy the generated sub-arrays, so if you want to keep them you have to copy (dup) them:

<d> import std.conv: toInt; import std.stdio: writefln;

struct Ncsub(T) {

   T[] seq;
   int opApply(int delegate(ref int[]) dg) {
       int result, n = seq.length;
       auto S = new int[n];
       for (int i = 1; i < (1 << seq.length); i++) {
           int len_S;
           bool nc = false;
           for (int j; j < seq.length + 1; j++) {
               int k = i >> j;
               if (k == 0) {
                   if (nc) {
                       T[] auxS = S[0 .. len_S];
                       result = dg(auxS);
                       if (result)
                           break OUTER;
               } else if (k % 2)
                   S[len_S++] = seq[j];
               else if (len_S)
                   nc = true;
       return result;


void main(string[] args) {

   int n = args.length == 2 ? toInt(args[1]) : 10;
   auto range = new int[n - 1];
   foreach (i, ref el; range)
       el = i + 1;
   int count;
   foreach (sub; Ncsub!(int)(range))

} </d>


Generalized monadic filter

action p x = if p x then succ x else x

fenceM p q s []     = guard (q s) >> return []
fenceM p q s (x:xs) = do
  (f,g) <- p 
  ys <- fenceM p q (g s) xs
  return $ f x ys

ncsubseq = fenceM [((:), action even), (flip const, action odd)] (>= 3) 0 


*Main> ncsubseq [1..3]
*Main> ncsubseq [1..4]
*Main> ncsubseq [1..5]

Filtered templates

This implementation works by computing templates of all possible subsequences of the given length of sequence, discarding the continuous ones, then applying the remaining templates to the input list.

continuous = null . dropWhile not . dropWhile id . dropWhile not
ncs xs = map (map fst . filter snd . zip xs) $
           filter (not . continuous) $
             mapM (const [True,False]) xs


Here, solution sequences are calculated abstractly by ncs, then used by ncs_of to draw items from the input list. The algorithm is filtered templates. As marked by sections, ncs (a) makes all possible sub-sequences of the given length, (b) retains those that contain an internal gap, then (c) returns a list of their index-lists.

   NB.   ======= c =======  ----b----  ========== a ==========
   ncs=: (#&.> <@:i.)~ <"1@: (#~ gap) @:(([ $ 2:) #: i.@(2^]))
   gap=: +./@:((1 i.~ 1 0 E. ])<(1 i:~ 0 1 E. ]))"1 1 @: ((##0:),.])
   ncs_of=: # (ncs@[ {&.> ]) <


   ncs 4
|1 3|0 3|0 2|0 2 3|0 1 3|
   ncs_of 9 8 7 6
|8 6|9 6|9 7|9 7 6|9 8 6|
   ncs_of 'aeiou'


Taken from the Haskell's monadic filter example.

<ocaml> let rec fence s = function

   [] ->
     if s >= 3 then
 | x :: xs ->
     if s mod 2 = 0 then
         (fun ys -> x :: ys)
         (fence (s + 1) xs)
         fence s xs
         (fun ys -> x :: ys)
         (fence s xs)
         fence (s + 1) xs

let ncsubseq = fence 0 </ocaml>


# ncsubseq [1;2;3];;
- : int list list = [[1; 3]]
# ncsubseq [1;2;3;4];;
- : int list list = [[1; 2; 4]; [1; 3; 4]; [1; 3]; [1; 4]; [2; 4]]
# ncsubseq [1;2;3;4;5];;
- : int list list =
[[1; 2; 3; 5]; [1; 2; 4; 5]; [1; 2; 4]; [1; 2; 5]; [1; 3; 4; 5]; [1; 3; 4];
 [1; 3; 5]; [1; 3]; [1; 4; 5]; [1; 4]; [1; 5]; [2; 3; 5]; [2; 4; 5]; 
 [2; 4]; [2; 5]; [3; 5]]


We modify classical recusive generation of subsets, using variables to keep track if subsequence is continuous.

define ncsubseq(l);
    lvars acc = [], gap_started = false, is_continuous = true;
    define do_it(l1, l2);
        dlocal gap_started;
        lvars el, save_is_continuous = is_continuous;
        if l2 = [] then
            if not(is_continuous) then
                cons(l1, acc) -> acc;
            front(l2) -> el;
            back(l2) -> l2;
            not(gap_started) and is_continuous -> is_continuous;
            do_it(cons(el, l1), l2);
            save_is_continuous -> is_continuous;
            not(l1 = []) or gap_started -> gap_started;
            do_it(l1, l2);
    do_it([], rev(l));

ncsubseq([1 2 3 4 5]) =>


 [[1 3] [1 4] [2 4] [1 2 4] [1 3 4] [1 5] [2 5] [1 2 5] [3 5] [1 3 5]
         [2 3 5] [1 2 3 5] [1 4 5] [2 4 5] [1 2 4 5] [1 3 4 5]]


Adapted from the Scheme version.

def ncsub(seq, s=0):
    if seq:
        x = seq[:1]
        xs = seq[1:]
        p2 = s % 2
        p1 = not p2
        return [x + ys for ys in ncsub(xs, s + p1)] + ncsub(xs, s + p2)
        return [[]] if s >= 3 else []


>>> ncsub(range(1, 4))
[[1, 3]]
>>> ncsub(range(1, 5))
[[1, 2, 4], [1, 3, 4], [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4]]
>>> ncsub(range(1, 6))
[[1, 2, 3, 5], [1, 2, 4, 5], [1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 5], [1, 3, 4, 5], [1, 3, 4],
 [1, 3, 5], [1, 3], [1, 4, 5], [1, 4], [1, 5], [2, 3, 5], [2, 4, 5], [2, 4],
 [2, 5], [3, 5]]


Taken from the Haskell's monadic filter example.

<scheme> (define (ncsubseq lst)

 (let recurse ((s 0)
               (lst lst))
   (if (null? lst)
       (if (>= s 3)
       (let ((x (car lst))
             (xs (cdr lst)))
         (if (even? s)
              (map (lambda (ys) (cons x ys))
                   (recurse (+ s 1) xs))
              (recurse s xs))
              (map (lambda (ys) (cons x ys))
                   (recurse s xs))
              (recurse (+ s 1) xs)))))))



> (ncsubseq '(1 2 3))
((1 3))
> (ncsubseq '(1 2 3 4))
((1 2 4) (1 3 4) (1 3) (1 4) (2 4))
> (ncsubseq '(1 2 3 4 5))
((1 2 3 5) (1 2 4 5) (1 2 4) (1 2 5) (1 3 4 5) (1 3 4) (1 3 5) (1 3) (1 4 5) (1 4) (1 5) (2 3 5) (2 4 5) (2 4) (2 5) (3 5))