Multiple regression: Difference between revisions

Added various BASIC dialects (BASIC256, Chipmunk Basic, QBasic, QB64, True BASIC and Yabasic)
(Added various BASIC dialects (BASIC256, Chipmunk Basic, QBasic, QB64, True BASIC and Yabasic))
(8 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 360:
=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
{{Trans|Visual_BasicVisual Basic .NET}}...but using the "to reduced echelon form" routine from [[Reduced row echelon form#ALGOL_68]].
Algol 68 doesn't have classes, though it does have structures.
<br>The main differences are that Algol 68 generally uses a lower bound of 1 rather than 0 for arrays.
<br>Other than that, the main differences between this and the VB.NET sample are that Algol 68 has array slicing built in and generally uses a lower bound of 1 rather than 0 for arrays.
<br>Also, although <code>( ( 1, 2, 3 ), ( 6, 5, 4 ) )</code> is a 2x3 array, <code>( ( 1, 2, 3 ) )</code> is a 3x1 array (because <code>( x )</code> is not an array, so the outer brackets are superfluous, leaving <code>( 1, 2, 3 )</code> - i.e. a 1-dimensoional array - as the context requires a two-dimensional array, each value is coerced to an array resulting in a 3x1 two-dimensional array).
<syntaxhighlight lang="algol68">
Line 573 ⟶ 574:
[128.812803581374, -143.162022866676, 61.9603254433538]
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">arraybase 0
N = 14: M = 2: Q = 3 # number of points and M.R. polynom degree
dim X(N+1) # data points
X[0] = 1.47 : X[1] = 1.50 : X[2] = 1.52
X[3] = 1.55 : X[4] = 1.57 : X[5] = 1.60
X[6] = 1.63 : X[7] = 1.65 : X[8] = 1.68
X[9] = 1.70 : X[10] = 1.73 : X[11] = 1.75
X[12] = 1.78 : X[13] = 1.80 : X[14] = 1.83
dim Y(N+1) # data points
Y[0] = 52.21 : Y[1] = 53.12 : Y[2] = 54.48
Y[3] = 55.84 : Y[4] = 57.20 : Y[5] = 58.57
Y[6] = 59.93 : Y[7] = 61.29 : Y[8] = 63.11
Y[9] = 64.47 : Y[10] = 66.28 : Y[11] = 68.10
Y[12] = 69.92 : Y[13] = 72.19 : Y[14] = 74.46
dim S(N+1): dim T(N+1) # linear system coefficient
dim A(M+1, Q+1) # system to be solved
dim p(M+1, Q+1)
for k = 0 to 2 * M
S[k] = 0: T[k] = 0
for i = 0 to N
S[k] = S[k] + X[i] ^ k
if k <= M then T[k] = T[k] + Y[i] * X[i] ^ k
next i
next k
# build linear system
for fila = 0 to M
for columna = 0 to M
A[fila, columna] = S[fila + columna]
next columna
A[fila, columna] = T[fila]
next fila
print "Linear system coefficents:"
for i = 0 to M
for j = 0 to M + 1
print rjust(A[i, j], 14.1);
next j
next i
for j = 0 to M
for i = j to M
if A[i, j] <> 0 then exit for
next i
if i = M + 1 then print: print "SINGULAR MATRIX '" : end
for k = 0 to M + 1
p[j,k] = A[i,k] : A[i,k] = p[j,k] : A[j,k] = A[i,k]
next k
z = 1 / A[j, j]
for k = 0 to M + 1
A[j, k] = z * A[j, k]
next k
for i = 0 to M
if i <> j then
z = -A[i, j]
for k = 0 to M + 1
A[i, k] = A[i, k] + z * A[j, k]
next k
end if
next i
next j
print: print "Solutions:"
for i = 0 to M
print rjust(A[i, M + 1], 16.7);
next i
<pre>Linear system coefficents:
15.0 24.76 41.0532 931.17
24.76 41.0532 68.367934 1548.2453
41.0532 68.367934 114.34828728 2585.543151
128.81280358 -143.162022867 61.9603254432</pre>
==={{header|Chipmunk Basic}}===
{{works with|Chipmunk Basic|3.6.4}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">100 cls
110 n = 14 : m = 2 : q = 3 ' number of points and M.R. polynom degree
120 dim x(n)' data points
130 data 1.47,1.5,1.52,1.55,1.57,1.6,1.63,1.65,1.68,1.7,1.73,1.75,1.78,1.8,1.83
140 for c = 0 to n
150 read x(c)
160 next c
170 dim y(n)' data points
180 data 52.21,53.12,54.48,55.84,57.2,58.57,59.93,61.29,63.11,64.47,66.28,68.1,69.92,72.19,74.46
190 for c = 0 to n
200 read y(c)
210 next c
220 dim s(n) : dim t(n)' linear system coefficient
230 dim a(m,q)' sistem to be solved
240 dim p(m,q)
250 for k = 0 to 2*m
260 s(k) = 0 : t(k) = 0
270 for i = 0 to n
280 s(k) = s(k)+x(i)^k
290 if k <= m then t(k) = t(k)+y(i)*x(i)^k
300 next i
310 next k
320 ' build linear system
330 for fila = 0 to m
340 for columna = 0 to m
350 a(fila,columna) = s(fila+columna)
360 next columna
370 a(fila,columna) = t(fila)
380 next fila
390 print "Linear system coefficents:"
400 for i = 0 to m
410 for j = 0 to m+1
420 print using "######.#";a(i,j);
430 next j
440 print
450 next i
460 for j = 0 to m
470 for i = j to m
480 if a(i,j) <> 0 then goto 500
490 next i
500 if i = m+1 then
510 print : print "SINGULAR MATRIX '"
520 end
530 endif
540 for k = 0 to m+1
560 p(j,k) = a(i,k)
570 a(i,k) = p(j,k)
580 a(j,k) = a(i,k)
590 next k
600 z = 1/a(j,j)
610 for k = 0 to m+1
620 a(j,k) = z*a(j,k)
630 next k
640 for i = 0 to m
650 if i <> j then
660 z = -a(i,j)
670 for k = 0 to m+1
680 a(i,k) = a(i,k)+z*a(j,k)
690 next k
700 endif
710 next i
720 next j
730 print : print "Solutions:"
740 for i = 0 to m
750 print using " #####.#######";a(i,m+1);
760 next i
770 print
780 end</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Same as FreeBASIC entry.</pre>
{{works with|QBasic|1.1}}
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
The [[#QB64|QB64]] solution works without any changes.
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Const N = 14, M = 2, Q = 3 ' number of points and M.R. polynom degree
Dim X(N) As Double ' data points
Data 1.47,1.50,1.52,1.55,1.57,1.60,1.63,1.65,1.68,1.70,1.73,1.75,1.78,1.80,1.83
For c = LBound(X) To UBound(X)
Read X(c)
Next c
Dim As Double Y(N) ' data points
Data 52.21,53.12,54.48,55.84,57.20,58.57,59.93,61.29,63.11,64.47,66.28,68.10,69.92,72.19,74.46
For c = LBound(Y) To UBound(Y)
Read Y(c)
Next c
Dim As Double S(N), T(N) ' linear system coefficient
Dim As Double A(M, Q) ' system to be solved
Dim As Integer i, k, j, fila, columna
Dim As Double z
For k = 0 To 2 * M
S(k) = 0: T(k) = 0
For i = 0 To N
S(k) = S(k) + X(i) ^ k
If k <= M Then T(k) = T(k) + Y(i) * X(i) ^ k
Next i
Next k
' build linear system
For fila = 0 To M
For columna = 0 To M
A(fila, columna) = S(fila + columna)
Next columna
A(fila, columna) = T(fila)
Next fila
Print "Linear system coefficents:"
For i = 0 To M
For j = 0 To M + 1
Print Using "######.#"; A(i, j);
Next j
Next i
For j = 0 To M
For i = j To M
If A(i, j) <> 0 Then Exit For
Next i
If i = M + 1 Then
Print: Print "SINGULAR MATRIX '"
End If
For k = 0 To M + 1
Swap A(j, k), A(i, k)
Next k
z = 1 / A(j, j)
For k = 0 To M + 1
A(j, k) = z * A(j, k)
Next k
For i = 0 To M
If i <> j Then
z = -A(i, j)
For k = 0 To M + 1
A(i, k) = A(i, k) + z * A(j, k)
Next k
End If
Next i
Next j
Print: Print "Solutions:"
For i = 0 To M
Print Using " #####.#######"; A(i, M + 1);
Next i
<pre>Same as FreeBASIC entry.</pre>
==={{header|True BASIC}}===
<syntaxhighlight lang="qbasic">OPTION BASE 0
LET n = 14 ! number of points and M.R. polynom degree
LET m = 2
LET q = 3
DIM x(0) ! data points
DATA 1.47, 1.50, 1.52, 1.55, 1.57, 1.60, 1.63, 1.65, 1.68, 1.70, 1.73, 1.75, 1.78, 1.80, 1.83
READ x(c)
DIM y(0) ! data points
DATA 52.21, 53.12, 54.48, 55.84, 57.20, 58.57, 59.93, 61.29, 63.11, 64.47, 66.28, 68.10, 69.92, 72.19, 74.46
READ y(c)
DIM s(0) ! linear system coefficient
DIM t(0)
DIM a(0,0) ! system to be solved
MAT REDIM a(m, q)
DIM p(0,0)
MAT REDIM p(m, q)
FOR k = 0 TO 2*m
LET s(k) = 0
LET t(k) = 0
FOR i = 0 TO n
LET s(k) = s(k)+x(i)^k
IF k <= m THEN LET t(k) = t(k)+y(i)*x(i)^k
! build linear system
FOR fila = 0 TO m
FOR columna = 0 TO m
LET a(fila, columna) = s(fila+columna)
NEXT columna
LET a(fila, columna) = t(fila)
NEXT fila
PRINT "Linear system coefficents:"
FOR i = 0 TO m
FOR j = 0 TO m+1
PRINT USING "######.#": a(i, j);
FOR j = 0 TO m
FOR i = j TO m
IF a(i, j) <> 0 THEN EXIT FOR
IF i = m+1 THEN
FOR k = 0 TO m+1
LET p(j, k) = a(i, k)
LET a(i, k) = p(j, k)
LET a(j, k) = a(i, k)
LET z = 1/a(j, j)
FOR k = 0 TO m+1
LET a(j, k) = z*a(j, k)
FOR i = 0 TO m
IF i <> j THEN
LET z = -a(i, j)
FOR k = 0 TO m+1
LET a(i, k) = a(i, k)+z*a(j, k)
PRINT "Solutions:"
FOR i = 0 TO m
PRINT USING " #####.#######": a(i, m+1);
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">// number of points and M.R. polynom degree
N = 14
M = 2
Q = 3
dim X(N) // data points
X(0) = 1.47 : X(1) = 1.50 : X(2) = 1.52
X(3) = 1.55 : X(4) = 1.57 : X(5) = 1.60
X(6) = 1.63 : X(7) = 1.65 : X(8) = 1.68
X(9) = 1.70 : X(10) = 1.73 : X(11) = 1.75
X(12) = 1.78 : X(13) = 1.80 : X(14) = 1.83
dim Y(N) // data points
Y(0) = 52.21 : Y(1) = 53.12 : Y(2) = 54.48
Y(3) = 55.84 : Y(4) = 57.20 : Y(5) = 58.57
Y(6) = 59.93 : Y(7) = 61.29 : Y(8) = 63.11
Y(9) = 64.47 : Y(10) = 66.28 : Y(11) = 68.10
Y(12) = 69.92 : Y(13) = 72.19 : Y(14) = 74.46
dim S(N), T(N) // linear system coefficient
dim A(M, Q) // sistem to be solved
dim p(M, Q)
for k = 0 to 2*M
S(k) = 0 : T(k) = 0
for i = 0 to N
S(k) = S(k) + X(i) ^ k
if k <= M T(k) = T(k) + Y(i) * X(i) ^ k
next i
next k
// build linear system
for fila = 0 to M
for columna = 0 to M
A(fila, columna) = S(fila+columna)
next columna
A(fila, columna) = T(fila)
next fila
print "Linear system coefficents:"
for i = 0 to M
for j = 0 to M+1
print A(i,j) using "#####.#";
next j
next i
for j = 0 to M
for i = j to M
if A(i,j) <> 0 break
next i
if i = M+1 then
end if
for k = 0 to M+1
p(j,k) = A(i,k) : A(i,k) = p(j,k) : A(j,k) = A(i,k)
next k
z = 1 / A(j,j)
for k = 0 to M+1
A(j,k) = z * A(j,k)
next k
for i = 0 to M
if i <> j then
z = -A(i,j)
for k = 0 to M+1
A(i,k) = A(i,k) + z * A(j,k)
next k
end if
next i
next j
print "\nSolutions:"
for i = 0 to M
print A(i,M+1) using "#######.#######";
next i
=={{header|BBC BASIC}}==
Line 1,403 ⟶ 1,804:
STOP program complete
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">Const N = 14, M = 2, Q = 3 ' number of points and M.R. polynom degree
Dim As Double X(0 to N) = {1.47,1.50,1.52,1.55,1.57, _
1.60,1.63,1.65,1.68,1.70,1.73,1.75,1.78,1.80,1.83} ' data points
Dim As Double Y(0 to N) = {52.21,53.12,54.48,55.84,57.20, _
58.57,59.93,61.29,63.11,64.47,66.28,68.10,69.92,72.19,74.46} ' data points
Dim As Double S(N), T(N) ' linear system coefficient
Dim As Double A(M, Q) ' sistem to be solved
Dim As Integer i, k, j, fila, columna
Dim as Double z
For k = 0 To 2*M
S(k) = 0 : T(k) = 0
For i = 0 To N
S(k) += X(i) ^ k
If k <= M Then T(k) += Y(i) * X(i) ^ k
Next i
Next k
' build linear system
For fila = 0 To M
For columna = 0 To M
A(fila, columna) = S(fila+columna)
Next columna
A(fila, columna) = T(fila)
Next fila
Print "Linear system coefficents:"
For i = 0 To M
For j = 0 To M+1
Print Using "######.#"; A(i,j);
Next j
Next i
For j = 0 To M
For i = j To M
If A(i,j) <> 0 Then Exit For
Next i
If i = M+1 Then
Sleep: End
End If
For k = 0 To M+1
Swap A(j,k), A(i,k)
Next k
z = 1 / A(j,j)
For k = 0 To M+1
A(j,k) = z * A(j,k)
Next k
For i = 0 To M
If i <> j Then
z = -A(i,j)
For k = 0 To M+1
A(i,k) += z * A(j,k)
Next k
End If
Next i
Next j
Print !"\nSolutions:"
For i = 0 To M
Print Using " #####.#######"; A(i,M+1);
Next i
<pre>Linear system coefficents:
15.0 24.8 41.1 931.2
24.8 41.1 68.4 1548.2
41.1 68.4 114.3 2585.5
128.8128036 -143.1620229 61.9603254</pre>
Line 3,048 ⟶ 3,526:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "./matrix" for Matrix
var multipleRegression = { |y, x|
