Module:Unimplemented builds lists of links to programming tasks that have not yet been implemented in a programming language. This module is invoked from Template:Unimpl_Page.
We work around Semantic MediaWiki's limitations by deriving a list of unimplemented tasks from multiple SMW inline queries.
Invoke Module:Unimplemented
with one of the tasks
, drafts
or omitted
functions and the target language.
Here we've used TypeScript
as the example language.
Combined unimplemented task page
combines unimplemented tasks, draft tasks and omitted tasks into one function call. It includes sub headings for each list and formats those lists grouped by the first character in a task's title.
Invoking from a template
When invoking Module:Unimplemented from a template and using template parameters as arguments, it is probably a good idea to wrap each call to #invoke
in <includeonly></includeonly>
. This should prevent unnecessary function calls and improve page load times when viewing the template page directly.
See Control template inclusion for more information.
local p = {}
local SEP = "|"
--- Return the sequence of elements in `a` that are not in `b`.
-- Assumes that `a` and `b` are "arrays" with distinct items
-- that are already sorted. If `a` or `b` are empty, return `a`
-- without copying it.
local function difference(a, b)
local size_a = #a
local size_b = #b
if size_a == 0 or size_b == 0 then return a end
local i = 1
local j = 1
local result = {}
while i <= size_a and j <= size_b do
local a_i = a[i]
local b_j = b[j]
if a_i == b_j then
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
elseif a_i < b_j then
table.insert(result, a_i)
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
-- and the rest of a, if a is longer than b
while i <= size_a do
table.insert(result, a[i])
i = i + 1
return result
--- Split the input string on the configured separator token `SEP`.
-- Don't be tempted to replace this with `mw.text.split`. As of Feb 2023,
-- `mw.text.split` is particularly slow, causing this this module to
-- timeout when invoked.
-- Returns an array of strings split on `SEP`.
local function split(str)
local result = {}
for match in string.gmatch(str, "([^" .. SEP .. "]+)") do
table.insert(result, match)
return result
--- Call `#ask` repeatedly until we've got all results defined by `args`.
-- This works around the SMW result limit of 500 records.
-- Returns the concatenation of `#ask` results separated by `args.sep`.
-- Assumes `args.format` is "plainlist" and `args.sep` is set. It is not
-- safe to reuse `args` after calling this function.
local function ask_all(args)
local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local limit = tonumber(args.limit or 500)
local offset = tonumber(args.offset or 0)
local strings = {}
local response = ""
args.limit = tostring(limit) -- TODO: do we need to cast to string?
args.offset = tostring(offset)
response = frame:callParserFunction { name = "#ask", args = args }
offset = offset + limit
args.offset = tostring(offset)
if #response > 0 then
table.insert(strings, args.sep)
table.insert(strings, response)
until #response == 0
return table.concat(strings)
--- Return an array of task titles implemented in the given language.
-- Includes draft tasks.
local function language_tasks(language)
local args = {
"[[Implemented in language::" .. language .. "]]",
format = "plainlist",
limit = "500",
link = "none",
sep = SEP,
searchlabel = ""
return split(ask_all(args))
--- Return an array of task titles omitted from the given language.
-- Includes draft tasks.
local function omitted_language_tasks(language)
local args = {
"[[Category:" .. language .. "/Omit]]",
format = "plainlist",
limit = "500",
link = "none",
sep = SEP,
searchlabel = ""
return split(ask_all(args))
-- Return an array of task titles in the Programming Tasks category.
local function programming_tasks()
local args = {
"[[Category:Programming Tasks]]",
format = "plainlist",
limit = "500",
link = "none",
sep = SEP,
searchlabel = ""
return split(ask_all(args))
-- Return an array of task titles in the Draft Programming Tasks category.
local function draft_tasks()
local args = {
"[[Category:Draft Programming Tasks]]",
format = "plainlist",
limit = "500",
link = "none",
sep = SEP,
searchlabel = ""
return split(ask_all(args))
--- Format an array of task titles as a continuous unordered list.
local function format(tasks)
local strings = {}
for _, task in ipairs(tasks) do
table.insert(strings, "* [[" .. task .. "]]")
return table.concat(strings, "\n")
--- Format an array of task titles into lists grouped by their first
-- character.
local function format_with_group_headings(tasks)
if #tasks == 0 then
return ""
local wiki_markup = {}
local ch = ""
for _, task in ipairs(tasks) do
local task_ch = string.upper(string.sub(task, 1, 1))
if ch ~= task_ch then
table.insert(wiki_markup, "=== " .. task_ch .. " ===")
ch = task_ch
table.insert(wiki_markup, "* [[" .. task .. "]]")
return table.concat(wiki_markup, "\n")
--- Return the target language given a frame object.
local function language_arg(frame)
local language = frame.args[1]
if language == nil then
error("too few arguments, a programming language is required", 2)
return language
--- Display a list of programming tasks not implemented in a given language.
-- Usage: `{{#invoke:Unimplemented|tasks|<language>}}` where `<language>` is
-- the Rosetta Code language category name.
-- For example `{{#invoke:Unimplemented|tasks|TypeScript}}`
function p.tasks(frame)
local language = language_arg(frame)
local implemented = language_tasks(language)
local omitted = omitted_language_tasks(language)
local tasks = programming_tasks()
local unimplemented = difference(difference(tasks, implemented), omitted)
return format(unimplemented)
--- Display a list of draft programming tasks not implemented in a given
-- language. Usage: `{{#invoke:Unimplemented|drafts|<language>}}` where
-- `<language>` is the Rosetta Code language category name.
-- For example `{{#invoke:Unimplemented|drafts|TypeScript}}`
function p.drafts(frame)
local language = language_arg(frame)
local implemented = language_tasks(language)
local omitted = omitted_language_tasks(language)
local tasks = draft_tasks()
local unimplemented = difference(difference(tasks, implemented), omitted)
return format(unimplemented)
--- Display a list of tasks omitted from a given language, including draft tasks.
-- Usage: `{{#invoke:Unimplemented|omitted|<language>}}` where `<language>`
-- is the Rosetta Code language category name.
-- For example `{{#invoke:Unimplemented|omitted|TypeScript}}`
function p.omitted(frame)
local language = language_arg(frame)
local omitted = omitted_language_tasks(language)
return format(omitted)
--- Display lists of unimplemented tasks, unimplemented drafts and omitted
-- tasks for a given language, including wiki headings.
-- Usage: `{{#invoke:Unimplemented|page|<language>}}` where `<language>`is the
-- Rosetta Code language category name.
-- For example `{{#invoke:Unimplemented|page|TypeScript}}`
local language = language_arg(frame)
local implemented = language_tasks(language)
local omitted = omitted_language_tasks(language)
local unimplemented_tasks = difference(
difference(programming_tasks(), implemented),
local unimplemented_drafts = difference(
difference(draft_tasks(), implemented),
local wiki_markup = {
"==Tasks not implemented in " .. language .. "==",
"==Draft tasks not implemented in " .. language .. "==",
"==Tasks omitted from " .. language .. "==",
return table.concat(wiki_markup, "\n")
return p