Modular arithmetic: Difference between revisions

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{{works with|GCC|12.2.1}}
===Program 1===
The program requires the C preprocessor (or, if your Fortran compiler has it, the "fortranized" preprocessor '''fpp'''). For gfortran, one gets the C preprocessor simply by capitalizing the source file extension: '''.F90'''
This program requires the C preprocessor (or, if your Fortran compiler has it, the "fortranized" preprocessor '''fpp'''). For gfortran, one gets the C preprocessor simply by capitalizing the source file extension: '''.F90'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">
Line 1,071 ⟶ 1,073:
modulus 13: 1
floating point: .10000000000000000159028911097599180468360808563945+101
===Program 2===
{{works with|GCC|12.2.1}}
This program uses unlimited runtime polymorphism.
<syntaxhighlight lang="fortran">
module modular_arithmetic
implicit none
type :: modular_integer
integer :: val
integer :: modulus
end type modular_integer
interface operator(+)
module procedure add
end interface operator(+)
interface operator(*)
module procedure mul
end interface operator(*)
interface operator(**)
module procedure npow
end interface operator(**)
function modular (val, modulus) result (modint)
integer, intent(in) :: val, modulus
type(modular_integer) :: modint
modint%val = modulo (val, modulus)
modint%modulus = modulus
end function modular
subroutine write_number (x)
class(*), intent(in) :: x
select type (x)
class is (modular_integer)
write (*, '(I0)', advance = 'no') x%val
type is (integer)
write (*, '(I0)', advance = 'no') x
class default
error stop
end select
end subroutine write_number
function add (a, b) result (c)
class(*), intent(in) :: a, b
class(*), allocatable :: c
select type (a)
class is (modular_integer)
select type (b)
class is (modular_integer)
if (a%modulus /= b%modulus) error stop
allocate (c, source = modular (a%val + b%val, a%modulus))
type is (integer)
allocate (c, source = modular (a%val + b, a%modulus))
class default
error stop
end select
type is (integer)
select type (b)
class is (modular_integer)
allocate (c, source = modular (a + b%val, b%modulus))
type is (integer)
allocate (c, source = a + b)
class default
error stop
end select
class default
error stop
end select
end function add
function mul (a, b) result (c)
class(*), intent(in) :: a, b
class(*), allocatable :: c
select type (a)
class is (modular_integer)
select type (b)
class is (modular_integer)
if (a%modulus /= b%modulus) error stop
allocate (c, source = modular (a%val * b%val, a%modulus))
type is (integer)
allocate (c, source = modular (a%val * b, a%modulus))
class default
error stop
end select
type is (integer)
select type (b)
class is (modular_integer)
allocate (c, source = modular (a * b%val, b%modulus))
type is (integer)
allocate (c, source = a * b)
class default
error stop
end select
class default
error stop
end select
end function mul
function npow (a, i) result (c)
class(*), intent(in) :: a
integer, intent(in) :: i
class(*), allocatable :: c
class(*), allocatable :: base
integer :: exponent, exponent_halved
if (i < 0) error stop
select type (a)
class is (modular_integer)
allocate (c, source = modular (1, a%modulus))
class default
c = 1
end select
allocate (base, source = a)
exponent = i
do while (exponent /= 0)
exponent_halved = exponent / 2
if (2 * exponent_halved /= exponent) c = base * c
base = base * base
exponent = exponent_halved
end do
end function npow
end module modular_arithmetic
program modular_arithmetic_task
use, non_intrinsic :: modular_arithmetic
implicit none
write (*, '("f(10) ≅ ")', advance = 'no')
call write_number (f (modular (10, 13)))
write (*, '(" (mod 13)")')
write (*, '()')
write (*, '("f applied to a regular integer would overflow, so, in what")')
write (*, '("follows, instead we use g(x) = x**2 + x + 1")')
write (*, '()')
write (*, '("g(10) = ")', advance = 'no')
call write_number (g (10))
write (*, '()')
write (*, '("g(10) ≅ ")', advance = 'no')
call write_number (g (modular (10, 13)))
write (*, '(" (mod 13)")')
function f(x) result (y)
class(*), intent(in) :: x
class(*), allocatable :: y
y = x**100 + x + 1
end function f
function g(x) result (y)
class(*), intent(in) :: x
class(*), allocatable :: y
y = x**2 + x + 1
end function g
end program modular_arithmetic_task
<pre>$ gfortran -O2 -fbounds-check -Wall -Wextra -g modular_arithmetic_task-2.f90 && ./a.out
f(10) ≅ 1 (mod 13)
f applied to a regular integer would overflow, so, in what
follows, instead we use g(x) = x**2 + x + 1
g(10) = 111
g(10) ≅ 7 (mod 13)
