Metronome: Difference between revisions

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m (added an image to the task's preamble.)
Line 459:
_ <- getChar
putMVar b [Stop]</lang>
<lang j>
NB. Basic tacit version; this is probably considered bad coding style. At least I removed the "magic constants". Sort of.
'BEL BS LF'=: 7 8 10 { a.
'print delay'=: 1!:2&4`(6!:3)
met=: _&$: :((] ({:@] [ LF print@[ (-.@{.@] [ delay@[ print@] (BEL,2#BS) , (2 2$'\ /') {~ {.@])^:({:@])) 1 , <.@%) 60&% [ print@('\ '"_))
NB. (t met f) prints a bell character followed by a little "animation"
NB. at f beats per minute for t seconds. It returns the total number
NB. of beats.
10 met 60
7.5 met 120
NB. Monadic case sets t to infinity, so you can go insane without
NB. worrying about the metronome ever stopping.
met 42
\ . . .
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==