Metronome: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|PureBasic}}: Corrected description)
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MAIN: metronome-main</lang>
=={{header|F Sharp|F#}}==
<lang fsharp>open System
open System.Threading
// You can use .wav files for your clicks.
// If used, make sure they are in the same file
// as this program's executable file.
let high_pitch =
new System.Media.SoundPlayer("Ping Hi.wav")
let low_pitch =
new System.Media.SoundPlayer("Ping Low.wav")
let factor x y = x / y
// Notice that exact bpm would not work by using
// Thread.Sleep() as there are additional function calls
// that would consume a miniscule amount of time.
// This number may need to be adjusted based on the cpu.
let cpu_error = -750.0
let print = function
| 1 -> high_pitch.Play(); "\nTICK "
| _ -> low_pitch.Play(); "tick "
let wait (time:int) =
// Composition of functions
let tick = (float>>factor (60000.0+cpu_error)>>int>>wait)
let rec play beats_per_measure current_beat beats_per_minute =
match current_beat, beats_per_measure with
| a, b ->
current_beat |> (print>>printf "%s")
beats_per_minute |> tick
if a <> b then
beats_per_minute |> play beats_per_measure (current_beat + 1)
let main (args : string[]) =
let tempo, beats = int args.[0], int args.[1]
Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i + 1)
|> Seq.iter (fun _ -> tempo |> play beats 1 |> ignore)
Sample run:
<pre>$ metronome 120 6
TICK tick tick tick tick tick
TICK tick tick tick tick tick
TICK tick tick tick tick tick
TICK tick tick tick tick tick
TICK tick tick^C