Menu: Difference between revisions

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m (Added Sidef language)
Line 944: Line 944:
var choice = select("Which is from the three pigs?", choices);
var choice = select("Which is from the three pigs?", choices);
WScript.Echo("you selected: " + choice + " -> " + choices[choice]);</lang>
WScript.Echo("you selected: " + choice + " -> " + choices[choice]);</lang>

{{works with|jq|1.5}}
This version uses jq 1.5's 'input' builtin to read programmatically from STDIN.
<lang jq>def choice:
def read(prompt; max):
def __read__:
( input as $input
| if ($input|type) == "number" and 0 < $input and $input <= max then $input
else __read__
if length == 0 then ""
. as $in
| ("Enter your choice:\n" +
(reduce range(0; length) as $i (""; . + "\($i + 1): \($in[$i])\n")) ) as $prompt
| read($prompt; length) as $read
| if ($read|type) == "string" then $read
else "Thank you for selecting \($in[$read-1])" end
end ;</lang>
<lang jq>["fee fie", "huff and puff", "mirror mirror", "tick tock"] | choice</lang>
<lang sh>
$ jq -n -r -f Menu.jq
Enter your choice:
1: fee fie
2: huff and puff
3: mirror mirror
4: tick tock

Enter your choice:
1: fee fie
2: huff and puff
3: mirror mirror
4: tick tock

Thank you for selecting fee fie</lang>
