Maze generation: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: modified the code to work with Sidef 2.30)
(Kotlin entry)
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<lang scala>import shuffle.shuffle
class Maze_generator(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
fun generate(cx: Int, cy: Int) {
val dirs = arrayOf(*DIR.values()).shuffle()
for (dir in dirs) {
val nx = cx + dir.dx
val ny = cy + dir.dy
if (between(nx, x) && between(ny, y) && maze[nx][ny] == 0) {
maze[cx][cy] = maze[cx][cy] or dir.bit
maze[nx][ny] = maze[nx][ny] or dir.opposite!!.bit
generate(nx, ny)
fun display() {
for (i in 0..y - 1) {
// draw the north edge
for (j in 0..x - 1)
print(if (maze[j][i] and 1 == 0) "+---" else "+ ")
// draw the west edge
for (j in 0..x - 1)
print(if (maze[j][i] and 8 == 0) "| " else " ")
// draw the bottom line
for (j in 0..x - 1) print("+---")
private enum class DIR(val bit: Int, val dx: Int, val dy: Int) {
N(1, 0, -1), S(2, 0, 1), E(4, 1, 0),W(8, -1, 0);
var opposite: DIR? = null
companion object {
init {
N.opposite = S
S.opposite = N
E.opposite = W
W.opposite = E
private fun between(v: Int, upper: Int) = v >= 0 && v < upper
private val maze = Array(x) { IntArray(y) }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = if (args.size >= 1) args[0].toInt() else 8
val y = if (args.size == 2) args[1].toInt() else 8
val maze = Maze_generator(x, y)
maze.generate(0, 0)