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Bartj (talk | contribs)
added Bracmat
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See also:
See also:

Only <code>exponent</code>s that are prime are tried. The primality test of these numbers uses a side effect of Bracmat's attempt at
computing a root of a small enough number. ('small enough' meaning that the number must fit in a computer word, normally 32 or 64 bits.)
To do that, Bracmat first creates a list of factors of the number and then takes the root of each factor. For example, to compute <code>54^2/3</code>,
Bracmat first creates the expression <code>(2*3^3)^2/3</code> and then <code>2^2/3*3^(3*2/3)</code>, which becomes <code>2^2/3*9</code>.
If a number cannot be factorized, (either because it is prime or because it is to great to fit in a computer word) the root expression doesn't change much.
For example, the expression <code>13^(13^-1)</code> becomes <code>13^1/13</code>, and this matches the pattern <code>13^%</code>.
<lang bracmat> ( clk$:?t0:?now
& ( time
= ( print
. put
$ ( str
$ ( div$(!arg,1)
( div$(mod$(!arg*100,100),1):?arg
& !arg:<10
& 0
" "
& -1*!now+(clk$:?now):?SEC
& print$!SEC
& print$(!now+-1*!t0)
& put$"s: "
& 3:?exponent
& whl
' ( !exponent:~>12000
& ( !exponent^(!exponent^-1):!exponent^%
& 4:?s
& 2^!exponent+-1:?n
& 0:?i
& whl
' ( 1+!i:?i
& !exponent+-2:~<!i
& mod$(!s^2+-2.!n):?s
& ( !s:0
& !time
& out$(str$(M !exponent " is PRIME!"))
& 1+!exponent:?exponent
& done
Output (after 4.5 hours):
<pre>0,00 0,00 s: M3 is PRIME!
0,00 0,00 s: M5 is PRIME!
0,00 0,00 s: M7 is PRIME!
0,00 0,00 s: M13 is PRIME!
0,00 0,00 s: M17 is PRIME!
0,00 0,01 s: M19 is PRIME!
0,00 0,01 s: M31 is PRIME!
0,00 0,01 s: M61 is PRIME!
0,01 0,02 s: M89 is PRIME!
0,01 0,03 s: M107 is PRIME!
0,00 0,04 s: M127 is PRIME!
0,50 0,54 s: M521 is PRIME!
0,29 0,84 s: M607 is PRIME!
6,81 7,65 s: M1279 is PRIME!
38,35 46,01 s: M2203 is PRIME!
6,32 52,33 s: M2281 is PRIME!
116,01 168,34 s: M3217 is PRIME!
293,09 461,44 s: M4253 is PRIME!
64,61 526,05 s: M4423 is PRIME!
8863,90 9389,95 s: M9689 is PRIME!
1101,12 10491,08 s: M9941 is PRIME!
5618,45 16109,53 s: M11213 is PRIME!</pre>
{{works with|gcc|4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27)}}
{{works with|gcc|4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-27)}}