Lucas-Carmichael numbers
A Lucas-Carmichael number, is a squarefree composite integer n such that p+1 divides n+1 for all the prime factors p of n.
Lucas-Carmichael numbers is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
- Task
Write a function that generates all the Lucas-Carmichael numbers with n prime factors in a given range [A, B].
- Show the smallest Lucas-Carmichael with n prime factors, for n = 3..12.
- Show the count of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n, for n = 1..10.
- Algorithm
- See also
using Primes
const BIG = false # true to use big integers
function big_prod(arr)
BIG || return prod(arr)
r = big(1)
for n in arr
r *= n
return r
function lucas_carmichael(A, B, k)
LC = []
max_p = isqrt(B+1)-1
A = max(A, fld(big_prod(primes(prime(k+1))), 2))
F = function(m, L, lo, k)
hi = round(Int64, fld(B, m)^(1/k))
if (lo > hi)
return nothing
if (k == 1)
hi = min(hi, max_p)
lo = round(Int64, max(lo, cld(A, m)))
lo > hi && return nothing
t = L - invmod(m, L)
t > hi && return nothing
while (t < lo)
t += L
for p in t:L:hi
if (isprime(p))
n = m*p
if ((n+1) % (p+1) == 0)
push!(LC, n)
return nothing
for p in primes(lo, hi)
if (gcd(m, p+1) == 1)
F(m*p, lcm(L, p+1), p+1, k-1)
F((BIG ? big(1) : 1), (BIG ? big(1) : 1), 3, k)
return sort(LC)
function LC_with_n_primes(n)
n < 3 && return nothing
x = big_prod(primes(prime(n + 1))) >> 1
y = 2 * x
while true
LC = lucas_carmichael(x, y, n)
if (length(LC) >= 1)
return LC[1]
x = y + 1
y = 2 * x
println("Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors:")
for n in 3:12
println([n, LC_with_n_primes(n)])
function LC_count(A, B)
count = 0
for k in 3:10^6
if (big_prod(primes(prime(k+1)))/2 > B)
count += length(lucas_carmichael(A, B, k))
return count
println("\nNumber of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n:")
for n in 1:10
println([n, LC_count(1, 10^n)])
- Output:
Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors: [3, 399] [4, 8855] [5, 588455] [6, 139501439] [7, 3512071871] [8, 199195047359] [9, 14563696180319] [10, 989565001538399] [11, 20576473996736735] [12, 4049149795181043839] Number of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n: [1, 0] [2, 0] [3, 2] [4, 8] [5, 26] [6, 60] [7, 135] [8, 323] [9, 791] [10, 1840]
lucas_carmichael(A, B, k) = {
A=max(A, vecprod(primes(k+1))\2);
(f(m, l, lo, k) =
my(hi=sqrtnint(B\m, k));
if(lo > hi, return(list));
hi = min(hi, max_p);
lo=max(lo, ceil(A/m));
while(t < lo, t += l);
forstep(p=t, hi, l,
if((n+1)%(p+1) == 0, listput(list, n));
\\ else
forprime(p=lo, hi,
if(gcd(m, p+1) == 1,
list=concat(list, f(m*p, lcm(l, p+1), p+1, k-1))
vecsort(Vec(f(1, 1, 3, k)));
LC_count(n) = {
for(k=3, oo,
if(vecprod(primes(k+1))\2 > n, break);
count += #lucas_carmichael(1, n, k)
LC_with_n_primes(n) = {
if(n < 3, return());
my(x=vecprod(primes(n+1))\2, y=2*x);
if(#v >= 1, return(v[1]));
x=y+1; y=2*x;
print("Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors:")
for(n=3, 12, print([n, LC_with_n_primes(n)]));
print("\nNumber of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n:")
for(n=1, 10, print([n, LC_count(10^n)]));
- Output:
Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors: [3, 399] [4, 8855] [5, 588455] [6, 139501439] [7, 3512071871] [8, 199195047359] [9, 14563696180319] [10, 989565001538399] [11, 20576473996736735] [12, 4049149795181043839] Number of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n: [1, 0] [2, 0] [3, 2] [4, 8] [5, 26] [6, 60] [7, 135] [8, 323] [9, 791] [10, 1840]
use 5.020;
use ntheory qw(:all);
use experimental qw(signatures);
sub divceil ($x, $y) { # ceil(x/y)
(($x % $y == 0) ? 0 : 1) + int($x / $y);
sub LC_in_range ($A, $B, $k) {
my @LC;
my $max_p = sqrtint($B + 1) - 1;
$A = vecmax(pn_primorial($k + 1) >> 1, $A);
sub ($m, $L, $lo, $k) {
my $hi = rootint(int($B / $m), $k);
return if ($lo > $hi);
if ($k == 1) {
$hi = $max_p if ($hi > $max_p);
$lo = vecmax($lo, divceil($A, $m));
$lo > $hi && return;
my $t = $L - invmod($m, $L);
$t += $L while ($t < $lo);
for (my $p = $t ; $p <= $hi ; $p += $L) {
if (is_prime($p)) {
my $n = $m * $p;
if (($n + 1) % ($p + 1) == 0) {
push @LC, $n;
foreach my $p (@{primes($lo, $hi)}) {
if (gcd($m, $p + 1) == 1) {
__SUB__->($m * $p, lcm($L, $p + 1), $p + 1, $k - 1);
->(1, 1, 3, $k);
return sort { $a <=> $b } @LC;
sub LC_with_n_primes ($n) {
return if ($n < 3);
my $x = pn_primorial($n + 1) >> 1;
my $y = 2 * $x;
for (; ;) {
my @LC = LC_in_range($x, $y, $n);
@LC and return $LC[0];
$x = $y + 1;
$y = 2 * $x;
sub LC_count ($A, $B) {
my $count = 0;
for (my $k = 3 ; ; ++$k) {
if (pn_primorial($k + 1) / 2 > $B) {
my @LC = LC_in_range($A, $B, $k);
$count += @LC;
return $count;
say "Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors:";
foreach my $n (3 .. 12) {
printf("%2d: %s\n", $n, LC_with_n_primes($n));
say "\nNumber of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n:";
my $acc = 0;
foreach my $n (1 .. 10) {
my $c = LC_count(10**($n - 1), 10**$n);
printf("%2d: %s\n", $n, $acc + $c);
$acc += $c;
- Output:
Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors: 3: 399 4: 8855 5: 588455 6: 139501439 7: 3512071871 8: 199195047359 9: 14563696180319 10: 989565001538399 11: 20576473996736735 12: 4049149795181043839 Number of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 2 4: 8 5: 26 6: 60 7: 135 8: 323 9: 791 10: 1840
mul_inv() copied from Modular_inverse#Phix
function mul_inv(integer a, n)
if n<0 then n = -n end if
if a<0 then a = n - mod(-a,n) end if
integer t = 0, nt = 1,
r = n, nr = a;
while nr!=0 do
integer q = floor(r/nr)
{t, nt} = {nt, t-q*nt}
{r, nr} = {nr, r-q*nr}
end while
if r>1 then return "a is not invertible" end if
if t<0 then t += n end if
return t
end function
function F(sequence LC, atom A, B, integer max_p, m, L, lo, k)
integer hi = round(power(floor(B/m),1/k))
if lo<=hi then
if k==1 then
hi = min(hi, max_p)
lo = round(max(lo, ceil(A/m)))
if lo <= hi then
integer imL = mul_inv(m, L),
t = L - imL
if t <= hi then
while t<lo do
t += L
end while
for p=t to hi by L do
if is_prime(p) then
atom n = m*p
if remainder(n+1,p+1)==0 then
LC &= n
end if
end if
end for
end if
end if
sequence plohi = get_primes_le(hi)
lo = abs(binary_search(lo,plohi))
plohi = plohi[lo..$]
for p in plohi do
if gcd(m, p+1) == 1 then
LC = F(LC, A, B, max_p, m*p, lcm(L, p+1), p+1, k-1)
end if
end for
end if
end if
return LC
end function
function lucas_carmichael(atom A, B, integer k)
atom max_p = floor(sqrt(B+1))-1,
fppp = floor(product(get_primes(-k-1))/2)
return sort(F({}, max(A,fppp), B, max_p, 1, 1, 3, k))
end function
function LC_with_n_primes(integer n)
atom x = product(get_primes(-n-1))/2,
y = 2 * x
while true do
sequence LC = lucas_carmichael(x, y, n)
if length(LC)>=1 then
return LC[1]
end if
x = y + 1
y = 2 * x
end while
end function
printf(1,"Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors:\n")
for n=3 to 12 do
printf(1,"%d: %,d\n",{n, LC_with_n_primes(n)})
end for
function LC_count(atom A, B)
integer count = 0
for k=3 to 1e6 do
if product(get_primes(-k-1))/2 > B then
end if
count += length(lucas_carmichael(A, B, k))
end for
return count
end function
printf(1,"\nNumber of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n:\n")
for n=1 to 10 do
printf(1,"%d: %,d\n",{n, LC_count(1, power(10,n))})
end for
- Output:
Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors: 3: 399 4: 8,855 5: 588,455 6: 139,501,439 7: 3,512,071,871 8: 199,195,047,359 9: 14,563,696,180,319 10: 989,565,001,538,399 11: 20,576,473,996,736,735 12: 4,049,149,795,181,043,839 Number of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 2 4: 8 5: 26 6: 60 7: 135 8: 323 9: 791 10: 1,840
Uses the SymPy library.
from sympy.ntheory import sieve, isprime, prime
from sympy.core import integer_nthroot
from math import lcm, gcd, isqrt
def lucas_carmichael(A, B, n):
max_p = isqrt(B)+1
def f(m, l, lo, k):
if k == 1:
lo = max(lo, A // m + (1 if A % m else 0))
hi = min(B // m + 1, max_p)
u = l - pow(m, -1, l)
while u < lo: u += l
if u > hi: return
for p in range(u, hi, l):
if (m*p+1) % (p+1) == 0 and isprime(p):
yield m*p
hi = (integer_nthroot(B // m, k))[0]+1
for p in sieve.primerange(lo, hi):
if gcd(m, p+1) == 1:
yield from f(m*p, lcm(l, p+1), p + 2, k - 1)
return sorted(f(1, 1, 3, n))
def LC_with_n_primes(n):
x = 2
y = 2*x
while True:
LC = lucas_carmichael(x, y, n)
if len(LC) >= 1: return LC[0]
x = y+1
y = 2*x
def LC_count(A, B):
k = 3
l = 3*5*7
count = 0
while l < B:
count += len(lucas_carmichael(A, B, k))
k += 1
l *= prime(k+1)
return count
print("Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors:")
for n in range(3, 12+1):
print("%2d: %d" % (n, LC_with_n_primes(n)))
print("\nNumber of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n:")
for n in range(1, 10+1):
print("%2d: %d" % (n, LC_count(1, 10**n)))
- Output:
Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors: 3: 399 4: 8855 5: 588455 6: 139501439 7: 3512071871 8: 199195047359 9: 14563696180319 10: 989565001538399 11: 20576473996736735 12: 4049149795181043839 Number of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 2 4: 8 5: 26 6: 60 7: 135 8: 323 9: 791 10: 1840
# 20231224 Raku programming solution
sub primorial($n) { [*] ((2..*).grep: *.is-prime)[^$n] }
sub divceil($x, $y) { ($x %% $y ?? 0 !! 1) + $x div $y } # ceil(x/y)
sub LC_in_range ($A is copy, $B, $k) {
my ($max_p, @LC) = Int(sqrt($B + 1) - 1);
$A = max(primorial($k + 1) +> 1, $A);
sub SUB($m, $L, $lo is copy, $k) {
if $k == 1 {
my $hi = min($B div $m, $max_p);
$lo = max($lo, divceil($A, $m));
my $t = $L - expmod($m, -1, $L);
$t += $L while $t < $lo;
return if $t > $hi;
for $t, $t+$L ... $hi -> $p {
if $ {
my $n = $m * $p;
@LC.push($n) if ($n + 1) %% ($p + 1);
for $lo .. Int(($B div $m)**(1/$k)) -> $p {
if $ and ($m gcd ($p + 1)) == 1 {
SUB($m * $p, ($L lcm ($p + 1)), $p + 1, $k - 1)
SUB(1, 1, 3, $k);
return @LC.sort;
sub LC_with_n_primes ($n) {
return if $n < 3;
my $y = 2 * ( my $x = primorial($n + 1) +> 1);
loop {
my @LC = LC_in_range($x, $y, $n);
return @LC[0] if @LC.Bool;
$x = $y + 1;
$y = 2 * $x;
sub LC_count ($A, $B) {
my $count = 0;
for 3 .. Inf -> $k {
last if primorial($k + 1) / 2 > $B;
$count += LC_in_range($A, $B, $k).elems
return $count;
say "Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors:";
for 3 .. 12 -> $n { printf("%2d: %d\n", $n, LC_with_n_primes($n)) }
say "\nNumber of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n:";
my $acc = 0;
for 1 .. 10 -> $n {
my $c = LC_count(10**($n - 1), 10**$n);
printf("%2d: %s\n", $n, $acc + $c);
$acc += $c
Output is the same as Perl.
The function is also built-in as n.lucas_carmichael(A,B).
func LC_in_range(A, B, k) {
var LC = []
func (m, L, lo, k) {
var hi = idiv(B,m).iroot(k)
if (lo > hi) {
return nil
if (k == 1) {
hi = min(B.isqrt, hi)
lo = max(lo, idiv_ceil(A, m))
lo > hi && return nil
var t = mulmod(m.invmod(L), -1, L)
t > hi && return nil
t += L while (t < lo)
for p in (range(t, hi, L).primes) {
with (m*p) {|n|
LC << n if (p+1 `divides` n+1)
return nil
each_prime(lo, hi, {|p|
__FUNC__(m*p, lcm(L, p+1), p+1, k-1) if m.is_coprime(p+1)
}(1, 1, 3, k)
return LC.sort
func LC_with_n_primes(n) {
return nil if (n < 3)
var x = pn_primorial(n+1)/2
var y = 2*x
loop {
var arr = LC_in_range(x,y,n)
arr && return arr[0]
x = y+1
y = 2*x
func LC_count(A, B) {
var count = 0
for k in (3..Inf) {
if (pn_primorial(k+1)/2 > B) {
count += LC_in_range(A,B,k).len
return count
say "Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors:"
for n in (3..12) {
say "#{'%2d'%n}: #{LC_with_n_primes(n)}"
say "\nNumber of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n:"
var acc = 0
for n in (1..10) {
var c = LC_count(10**(n-1), 10**n)
say "#{'%2d'%n}: #{c + acc}"
acc += c
- Output:
Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors: 3: 399 4: 8855 5: 588455 6: 139501439 7: 3512071871 8: 199195047359 9: 14563696180319 10: 989565001538399 11: 20576473996736735 12: 4049149795181043839 Number of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 2 4: 8 5: 26 6: 60 7: 135 8: 323 9: 791 10: 1840
import "./psieve" for Primes
import "./math" for Int, Nums
import "./big" for BigInt
import "./fmt" for Fmt
var lucasCarmichael = { |A, B, k|
var LC = []
var maxP = (B+1).sqrt.floor - 1
var p = Primes.nthAfter(k+1, 1)
var primes = Primes.between(2, p)
var x = (
A = A.max(x)
var M = 1
var P = 1
var F
F = { |m, L, lo, k|
var hi = (B/m).floor.pow(1/k).round
if (lo > hi) return []
if (k == 1) {
hi = hi.min(maxP)
lo = lo.max((A/m).ceil).round
if (lo > hi) return []
var t
if (m <= Num.maxSafeInteger) {
t = L - Int.modInv(m, L)
} else {
var bm = * P
t = L - bm.modInv(L).toNum
if (t > hi) return []
while (t < lo) t = t + L
p = t
while (p <= hi) {
if (Int.isPrime(p)) {
var n = m * p
if (n + 1 <= Num.maxSafeInteger) {
if ((n+1) % (p+1) == 0) LC.add(n)
} else {
var bn = * P * p
if ((bn+1) % (p+1) == 0) LC.add(bn)
p = p + L
return []
for (p in Primes.between(lo, hi)) {
if (Int.gcd(m, p+1) == 1) {
M = m
P = p*p, Int.lcm(L, p+1), p+1, k-1)
}, 1, 3, k)
if (LC.any { |e| e is BigInt }) {
for (i in 0...LC.count) {
if (LC[i] is Num) LC[i] =[i])
return LC.sort()
var lcWithNPrimes = { |n|
if (n < 3) return []
var p = Primes.nthAfter(n+1, 1)
var primes = Primes.between(2, p)
var x = (
var y = 2 * x
while (true) {
var LC =, y, n)
if (LC.count >= 1) return LC[0]
x = y + 1
y = 2 * x
var lcCount = { |A, B|
var count = 0
for (k in 3..1e6) {
var p = Primes.nthAfter(k+1, 1)
var primes = Primes.between(2, p)
var x = (
if (x > B) break
count = count +, B, k).count
return count
System.print("Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors:")
for (n in 3..12) {
Fmt.print("$2d: $i", n,
System.print("\nNumber of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n:")
for (n in 1..10) {
Fmt.print("$2d: $d", n,, 10.pow(n)))
- Output:
Least Lucas-Carmichael number with n prime factors: 3: 399 4: 8855 5: 588455 6: 139501439 7: 3512071871 8: 199195047359 9: 14563696180319 10: 989565001538399 11: 20576473996736735 12: 4049149795181043839 Number of Lucas-Carmichael numbers less than 10^n: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 2 4: 8 5: 26 6: 60 7: 135 8: 323 9: 791 10: 1840