
Revision as of 23:41, 7 December 2009 by rosettacode>Idb (Add Lua implementation)

Loop through and print each element in a collection in order. Use your language's "for each" loop if it has one, otherwise iterate through the collection in order with some other loop.

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.



<lang Ada>with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

procedure For_Each is

  A : array (1..5) of Integer := (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3);


  for Num in A'Range loop
     put( A (Num) );
  end loop;

end For_Each;</lang>

doubly linked lists

Works with: Ada 2005

<lang Ada>with Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Containers;

procedure Doubly_Linked_List is

  package DL_List_Pkg is new Doubly_Linked_Lists (Integer);
  use     DL_List_Pkg;
  procedure Print_Node (Position : Cursor) is
     Put (Element (Position));
  end Print_Node;
  DL_List : List;


  DL_List.Append (1);
  DL_List.Append (2);
  DL_List.Append (3);
  -- Iterates through every node of the list.
  DL_List.Iterate (Print_Node'Access);

end Doubly_Linked_List;</lang>


Works with: Ada 2005

<lang Ada>with Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Containers.Vectors; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO, Ada.Containers;

procedure Vector_Example is

  package Vector_Pkg is new Vectors (Natural, Integer);
  use     Vector_Pkg;
  procedure Print_Element (Position : Cursor) is
     Put (Element (Position));
  end Print_Element;
  V : Vector;


  V.Append (1);
  V.Append (2);
  V.Append (3);
  -- Iterates through every element of the vector.
  V.Iterate (Print_Element'Access);

end Vector_Example;</lang>


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang algol68>[]UNION(STRING, INT, PROC(REF FILE)VOID) collection = ("Mary","Had",1,"little","lamb.",new line);

FOR index FROM LWB collection TO UPB collection DO

 print((collection[index]," "))

OD</lang> Output: <lang algol68>Mary Had +1 little lamb.</lang> Note: ALGOL 68S actually has a reserved word FOREACH that is used to break arrays in to portions, and process in parallel.


<lang amigae>PROC main()

 DEF a_list : PTR TO LONG, a
 a_list := [10, 12, 14]
 FOR a := 0 TO ListLen(a_list)-1
   WriteF('\d\n', a_list[a])
 -> if the "action" fits a single statement, we can do instead
 ForAll({a}, a_list, `WriteF('\d\n', a))



<lang AutoHotkey>string = mary,had,a,little,lamb Loop, Parse, string, `,

 MsgBox %A_LoopField%</lang>


The for (element_index in array) can be used, but it does not give elements' indexes in the order inside the array (AWK indexes in array are indeed more like hashes).

<lang awk>BEGIN {

 split("Mary had a little lamb", strs, " ")
 for(el in strs) {
   print strs[el]


If elements must be returned in some order, keys must be generated in that order; in the example above the array is filled through the split function, which uses indexes from 1, so to iterate over the array's elements in the right order, a normal loop can be done:

<lang awk>for(i=1; i <= length(strs); i++) {

 print strs[i]



C++ does not (yet) have a "for each" loop. The following is a generic loop which works with any standard container except for built-in arrays. The code snippet below assumes that the container type in question is typedef'd to container_type and the actual container object is named container. <lang cpp>for (container_type::iterator i = container.begin(); i != container.end(); ++i) {

 std::cout << *i << "\n";

}</lang> However the idiomatic way to output a container would be <lang cpp>std::copy(container.begin(), container.end(),

         std::output_iterator<container_type::value_type>(std::cout, "\n"));</lang>

There's also an algorithm named for_each. However, you need a function or function object to use it, e.g. <lang cpp>void print_element(container_type::value_type const& v) {

 std::cout << v << "\n";



 std::for_each(container.begin(), container.end(), print_element);</lang>

The next version of the standard will allow the following simplified syntax: <lang cpp>#include <iterator_concepts>

for (auto element: container) {

 std::cout << element << "\n";

}</lang> Here container is the container variable, element is the loop variable (initialized with each container element in turn), and auto means that the compiler should determine the correct type of that variable automatically. If the type is expensive to copy, a const reference can be used instead: <lang cpp>#include <iterator_concepts>

for (auto const& element: container) {

 std::cout << element << "\n";

}</lang> Of course the container elements can also be changed by using a non-const reference (provided the container isn't itself constant).


<lang csharp>string[] things = {"Apple", "Banana", "Coconut"};

foreach (string thing in things) {



Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(loop for i in list do (print i))</lang> or <lang lisp>(map nil #'print list)</lang>


This works if collection is an array/associative array type or any type that implements an appropriate opApply function. <lang d>foreach(element ; collection)



<lang e>for e in theCollection {



In E, the for ... in ... loop is also used for iterating over numeric ranges; see Loop/For#E.


Any data structure can be printed as a whole, preformated: <lang erlang>io:format("~p~n",[Collection]).</lang>

However, to iterate over each element of a list, Erlang uses lists:map/2, except in the case of IO where lists:foreach/2 has to be used as the evaluation order is defined to be the same as the order of the elements in the list. <lang erlang>lists:foreach(fun(X) -> io:format("~p~n",[X]) end, Collection).</lang>


<lang forth>create a 3 , 2 , 1 ,

.array ( a len -- )
 cells bounds do  i @ .  cell +loop ;     \ 3 2 1</lang>


We can use for directly or list iteration. <lang fsharp>for i in [1 .. 10] do printfn "%d" i

List.iter (fun i -> printfn "%d" i) [1 .. 10]</lang>


<lang HaXe>for(i in 1...10) Lib.println(i);</lang>


<lang haskell>import Control.Monad (forM_) forM_ collect print</lang> which is the same as <lang haskell>mapM_ print collect</lang>


<lang J>smoutput each i.10</lang>


Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java>Collection<Type> collect; ... for(Type i:collect){


}</lang> This works for any array type as well as any type that implements the Iterable interface (including all Collections).


This works for any object, as well as arrays. It iterates over the keys of an object. <lang JavaScript>for (var a in o) print(o[a]);</lang> However, it has the often unwanted feature that it lists inherited properties and methods of objects as well as the ones directly set on the object -- consider whether to filter out such properties inside the loop.

Works with: JavaScript version 1.6

There is also a for each in construct that iterates over the values of an object: <lang JavaScript>h = {"one":1, "two":2, "three":3} for (x in h) print(x); /* two one three

  • /

for each (y in h) print(y); /* 2 1 3

  • /</lang>


<lang Lisaac>"Lisaac loop foreach".split.foreach { word : STRING;



<lang logo>foreach [red green blue] [print ?]</lang>


<lang maxscript>for i in collect do (

   print i



Lua has 2 built-in iterators over tables.

pairs() iterates over all entries in a table, but in no particular order: <lang lua> t={monday=1, tuesday=2, wednesday=3, thursday=4, friday=5, saturday=6, sunday=0, [7]="fooday"} for key, value in pairs(t) do

 print(value, key)

end </lang>


0	sunday
fooday	7
2	tuesday
3	wednesday
5	friday
4	thursday
6	saturday
1	monday

ipairs() iterates over table entries with positive integer keys, and is used to iterate over lists in order. <lang lua> l={'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday', not_a_number='fooday', [0]='today', [-1]='yesterday' } for key, value in ipairs(l) do

 print(key, value)

end </lang>


1	monday
2	tuesday
3	wednesday
4	thursday
5	friday
6	saturday
7	sunday

Note that ipairs() ignores non-numeric and non-positive integer keys.


If we have a list of arbitrary items, we can simply use for:

<lang metafont>for x = "mary", "had", "a", "little", "lamb": message x; endfor end</lang>

The list can be generated in place by any suitable macro or another loop... e.g. let us suppose we have things like a[n] defined (with maximum n being 10). Then

<lang metafont>for x = for i = 1 upto 9: a[i], endfor, a[10]: show x; endfor end</lang>

works more like a foreach; we could make a macro to hide the strangeness of such a code.


<lang io>collection foreach(println)</lang>


<lang moo>things = {"Apple", "Banana", "Coconut"};

for thing in (things)




Works with: Objective-C version 2.0+
Works with: GNUstep
Works with: Cocoa

<lang objc>NSArray *collect; //... for(Type i in collect){

  NSLog(@"%@", i);

}</lang> collect can be any object that adopts the NSFastEnumeration protocol.

Or (always using OpenStep compatible frameworks):

Works with: Objective-C version <2.0

<lang objc>NSArray *collect; //... NSEnumerator *enm = [collect objectEnumerator]; id i; while( (i = [enm nextObject]) ) {

 // do something with object i



List of integers: <lang ocaml>List.iter

 (fun i -> Printf.printf "%d\n" i)

Array of integers: <lang ocaml>Array.iter

 (fun i -> Printf.printf "%d\n" i)


<lang octave>a = [ 1,4,3,2 ]; b = [ 1,2,3,4; 5,6,7,8 ]; for v = a

 disp(v); % output single values: 1,4,3,2

endfor for v = b

 disp(v); % v is the column vector [1;5], then [2;6] ...


We can also iterate over structures: <lang octave>x.a = [ 10, 11, 12 ]; x.b = { "Cell", "ul", "ar" }; for [ val, key ] = x




<lang perl>foreach my $i (@collect) {

  print "$i\n";


The keyword for can be used instead of foreach. If a loop variable (here $i) is not given, then $_ is used.

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version #21 "Seattle"

<lang perl6>for @collect -> $i {

   say $i;


foreach no longer exists. But as in Perl 5, you can omit the loop variable (and here, the ->) to use $_ implicitly.


<lang php>foreach ($collect as $i) {

  echo "$i\n";


foreach ($collect as $key => $i) {

  echo "\$collect[$key] = $i\n";

}</lang> foreach can also iterate over objects. By default it iterates over all visible fields of an object.


<lang pike>int main(){

  array(string) collect = ({109, "Hi", "asdf", "qwerty"});
  foreach(collect, string elem){
     write(elem + "\n");



Iteration over list: <lang pop11>lvars el, lst = [1 2 3 4 foo bar]; for el in lst do




<lang powershell>foreach ($x in $collection) {

   Write-Host $x



<lang python>for i in collection:

  print i</lang>

Note: The Python for statement is always a "foreach" ... and the range() and xrange() built-in functions are used to generate lists of indexes over which it will iterate as necessary. The majority of Python objects support iteration. Lists and tuples iterate over each item, strings iterate over each character, dictionaries iterate over keys, files iterate over lines, and so on.

For example:

<lang python>lines = words = characters = 0 f = open('somefile','r') for eachline in f:

   lines += 1
   for eachword in eachline.split():
       words += 1
       for eachchar in eachword:
           chracters += 1

print lines, words, characters</lang>


<lang R>a <- list("First", "Second", "Third", 5, 6) for(i in a) print(i)</lang>


<lang ruby>for i in collection do

 puts i


This is syntactic sugar for:

<lang ruby>collection.each do |i|

 puts i


There are various flavours of each that may be class-dependent: String#each_char, Array#each_index, Hash#each_key, etc


List: <lang scheme>(for-each

 (lambda (i) (display i) (newline))


<lang slate>c do: [| :obj | print: obj].</lang>


<lang smalltalk>aCollection do: [ :element | element displayNl ].</lang>

(Provided that the objects in the collection understand the displayNl method).

Standard ML

List of integers: <lang sml>app

 (fn i => print (Int.toString i ^ "\n"))

Array of integers: <lang sml>Array.app

 (fn i => print (Int.toString i ^ "\n"))


<lang tcl>foreach i {foo bar baz} {

   puts "$i"

}</lang> Note that foreach also accepts multiple variables: <lang tcl>foreach {x y} {1 2 3 4} {

   puts "$x,$y"

}</lang> And also multiple lists: <lang tcl>foreach i {1 2 3} j {a b c} {

   puts "$i,$j"

}</lang> Or any combination of variables/list: <lang tcl>foreach i {1 2 3} {x y} {a b c d e f} {

   puts "$i,$x,$y"



<lang ti89b>Local i,strs Define strs = {"Lorem","ipsum","dolor"} For i, 1, dim(strs)

 Disp strs[i]


UNIX Shell

<lang bash>for file in *.sh; do

 echo "filename is $file"



<lang v>[1 2 3] [puts] step</lang>


<lang vbscript>dim items(2) items(0)="Apple" items(1)="Orange" items(2)="Banana"

For Each x in items

 WScript.Echo x


Visual Basic .NET

<lang vbnet>Dim list As New List(Of String) list.Add("Car") list.Add("Boat") list.Add("Train")

For Each item In list




For-each is the only iteration construct that is built into XSLT. All other iteration is either implied by applying a template to all members matching an XPath expression, or built from recursive application of a template. You have access to something like a loop counter with the one-based "position()" function. <lang xml><fo:block font-weight="bold">Adults:</fo:block> <xsl:for-each select="person[@age >= 21]">

 <fo:block><xsl:value-of select="position()"/>. <xsl:value-of select="@name"/></fo:block></lang>