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Let ''A'' ≡ ''A''[0]… ''A''[m - 1] and ''B'' ≡ ''B''[0]… ''B''[n - 1], m < n be strings drawn from an alphabet Σ of size s, containing every distinct symbol in A + B.
An ordered pair (i, j) will be referred to as a match if ''A''[i] = ''B''[j], where 0 &ltle; i &lelt; m and 0 &ltle; j &lelt; n.
The set of matches '''M''' defines a relation over matches: '''M'''[i, j] ⇔ (i, j) ∈ '''M'''.
Define a ''non-strict'' [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_order product-order] (≤) over ordered pairs, such that (i1, j1) ≤ (i2, j2) ⇔ i1 ≤ i2 and j1 ≤ j2. We define (≥) similarly.
We say m1,ordered pairs p1 and m2p2 are ''comparable'' if either m1p1 ≤ m2p2 or m1p1 ≥ m2p2 holds. If i1 < i2 and j2 < j1 (or i2 < i1 and j1 < j2) then neither m1p1 ≤ m2p2 nor m1p1 ≥ m2p2 are possible;, and we say m1,p1 and m2p2 are ''incomparable''.
We also define the ''strict'' product-order (<) over ordered pairs, such that (i1, j1) < (i2, j2) ⇔ i1 < i2 and j1 < j2. We define (>) similarly.
Given a set of matches '''M''', a chain '''C''' is a subset of '''M''' consisting of at least one element m; and where either m1 < m2 or m1 > m2 for every pair of distinct elements m1 and m2. An antichain '''D''' is any subset of '''M''' in which every pair of distinct elements m1 and m2 are incomparable.
The set '''M''' represents a relation over match pairs: '''M'''[i, j] ⇔ (i, j) ∈ '''M'''. A chain '''C''' can be visualized as a curve which strictly increases as it passes through each match pair in the m*n coordinate space.
Finding an LCS can be restated as the problem of finding a chain of maximum cardinality p over the set of matches '''M'''.
According to [Dilworth 1950], this cardinality p equals the minimum number of disjoint antichains into which '''M''' can be decomposed. Note that such a decomposition into the minimal number p of disjoint antichains may not be unique.
Forward Contours FC[''k''] of ''class k'' are defined inductively, as follows:
FC[0] consists of those elements m1 for which there exists no element m2 such that m2 < m1.
Define the ''strict'' product-order (<) over ordered pairs, such that (i1, j1) < (i2, j2) ⇔ i1 < i2 and j1 < j2. We define (>) similarly.
FC[''k''] consists of those elements m1 for which there exists no element m2 such that m2 < m1; and where neither m1 nor m2 are contained in FC[''l''] for any ''class l'' < ''k''.
A chain '''C''' is a subset of '''M''' consisting of at least one element m; and where either m1 < m2 or m1 > m2 for every pair of distinct elements m1 and m2. An antichain '''D''' is any subset of '''M''' in which every pair of distinct elements m1 and m2 are incomparable.
Reverse Contours RC[''k''] of ''class k'' are defined similarly.
A chain can be visualized as a strictly increasing curve that passes through matches (i, j) in the m*n coordinate space of '''M'''[i, j].
Members of the Meet (∧), or ''Infimum'' of a Forward Contour are referred to as its Dominant Matches: those m1 for which there exists no m2 such that m2 < m1.
Every Common Sequence of length ''q'' corresponds to a chain of cardinality ''q'', over the set of matches '''M'''. Thus, finding an LCS can be restated as the problem of finding a chain of maximum cardinality ''p''.
Members of the Join (∨), or ''Supremum'' of a Reverse Contour are referred to as its Dominant Matches: those m1 for which there exists no m2 such that m2 > m1.
According to [Dilworth 1950], this cardinality ''p'' equals the minimum number of disjoint antichains into which '''M''' can be decomposed. Note that such a decomposition into the minimal number p of disjoint antichains may not be unique.
Where multiple Dominant Matches exist within a Meet (or within a Join, respectively) the Dominant Matches will be incomparable to each other.
Where the number of symbols appearing in matches is small relative to the length of the input strings, reuse of the symbols increases; and the number of matches will tend towards quadratic, O(''m*n'') quadratic growth. This occurs, for example, in the Bioinformatics application of nucleotide and protein sequencing.
The divide-and-conquer approach of [Hirschberg 1975] limits the space required to O(''n''). However, this approach requires O(''m*n'') time even in the best case.
Line 60 ⟶ 46:
A, B are input strings of lengths m, n respectively
p is the length of the LCS
M is the set of match pairsmatches (i, j) such that A[i] = B[j]
r is the magnitude of M
s is the magnitude of the alphabet Σ of distinct symbols in A + B
Line 337 ⟶ 323:
{{works with|QuickBasic|4.5}}
Line 354 ⟶ 341:
END FUNCTION</syntaxhighlight>
Line 508 ⟶ 494:
'''Hunt and Szymanski algorithm'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr<>
Line 521 ⟶ 508:
class LCS {
// ThisInstances of the Pair linked list class isare used to tracerecover the LCS candidates:
class Pair {
Line 541 ⟶ 528:
typedef deque<shared_ptr<Pair>> PAIRS;
typedef deque<uint32_t> THRESHOLD;
typedef deque<uint32_t> INDEXES;
typedef unordered_map<char, INDEXES> CHAR_TO_INDEXES_MAP;
typedef deque<INDEXES*> MATCHES;
static uint32_t FindLCS(MATCHES& indexesOf2MatchedByIndex1, shared_ptr<Pair>* pairs) {
MATCHES& indexesOf2MatchedByIndex1, shared_ptr<Pair>* pairs) {
auto traceLCS = pairs != nullptr;
PAIRS chains;
THRESHOLDINDEXES thresholdprefixEnd;
//[Assert]After each index1 iteration thresholdprefixEnd[index3] is the least index2
// such that the LCS of s1[0:index1] and s2[0:index2] has length index3 + 1
uint32_t index1 = 0;
for (const auto& it1 : indexesOf2MatchedByIndex1) {
ifauto (!it1->empty())dq2 {= *it1;
auto dq2limit = *it1prefixEnd.end();
for (auto limitit2 = thresholddq2.endrbegin(); it2 != dq2.rend(); it2++) {
// Each index1, index2 pair corresponds to a match
for (auto it2 = dq2.rbegin(); it2 != dq2.rend(); it2++) {
// Each of the index1,auto index2 pairs considered here correspond to a= match*it2;
auto index2 = *it2;
// Note: The reverse iterator it2 visits index2 values in descending order,
// allowing thresholdsin-place toupdate beof updated in-placeprefixEnd[]. std::lower_bound() is used to
// to perform a binary search.
limit = lower_bound(thresholdprefixEnd.begin(), limit, index2);
auto index3 = distance(threshold.begin(), limit);
// Look ahead to the next index2 value to optimize Pairs used by the Hunt
// and Szymanski algorithm. If the next index2 is also an improvement on
// the value currently held in thresholdprefixEnd[index3], a new Pair will only be
// superseded on the next index2 iteration.
// Verify thethat a next index2 value ofexists; index2and willthat bethis greatervalue thanis the final elementgreater
// ofthan the nextfinal shorterindex2 value of the LCS prefix at prev(limit):
auto preferNextIndex2 = next(it2) != dq2.rend() &&
(limit == thresholdprefixEnd.begin() || *prev(limit) < *next(it2));
// Depending on match redundancy, this optimization may reduce the number
// of Pair allocations by factors ranging from 2 up to 10 or more.
if (preferNextIndex2) continue;
auto index3 if= distance(limit == thresholdprefixEnd.endbegin(), limit) {;
// Insert Case
if (limit == thresholdprefixEnd.push_backend(index2);) {
// Refresh limitInsert iterator:Case
limit = prev(thresholdprefixEnd.endpush_back()index2);
// Refresh iflimit (traceLCS) {iterator:
limit = prev(prefixEnd.end());
auto prefix = index3 > 0 ? chains[index3 - 1] : nullptr;
if (traceLCS) {
auto last = make_shared<Pair>(index1, index2, prefix);
chains.push_back(lastpushPair(chains, index3, index1, index2));
else if (index2 < *limit) {}
else if (index2 < //*limit) Update Case{
// Update limit value:Case
// Update *limit = index2;value:
*limit = if (traceLCS) {index2;
if (traceLCS) {
auto prefix = index3 > 0 ? chains[index3 - 1] : nullptr;
chains[index3] = autopushPair(chains, lastindex3, = make_shared<Pair>(index1, index2, prefix);
chains[index3] = last;
} // next index2
} // next index2
Line 619 ⟶ 601:
if (traceLCS) {
// Return the LCS as a linked list of matched index pairs:
auto last = chains.sizeempty() >? 0nullptr ?: chains.back() : nullptr;
// Reverse longest chain
*pairs = Pair::Reverse(last);
auto length = thresholdprefixEnd.size();
return length;
static shared_ptr<Pair> pushPair(
PAIRS& chains, const ptrdiff_t& index3, uint32_t& index1, uint32_t& index2) {
auto prefix = index3 > 0 ? chains[index3 - 1] : nullptr;
return make_shared<Pair>(index1, index2, prefix);
// Match() avoids m*n comparisons by using CHAR_TO_INDEXES_MAP to
Line 636 ⟶ 626:
// time will be O(log(m+n)), at most.
static void Match(
void Match(CHAR_TO_INDEXES_MAP& indexesOf2MatchedByChar, MATCHES& indexesOf2MatchedByIndex1,
CHAR_TO_INDEXES_MAP& indexesOf2MatchedByChar, MATCHES& indexesOf2MatchedByIndex1,
const string& s1, const string& s2) {
uint32_t index = 0;
Line 648 ⟶ 639:
static string Select(shared_ptr<Pair> pairs, uint32_t length,
bool right, const string& s1, const string& s2) {
string buffer;
Line 660 ⟶ 651:
static string Correspondence(const string& s1, const string& s2) {
CHAR_TO_INDEXES_MAP indexesOf2MatchedByChar;
MATCHES indexesOf2MatchedByIndex1; // holds references into indexesOf2MatchedByChar
Line 670 ⟶ 661:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp"> LCS lcs;
auto s = lcs.LCS::Correspondence(s1, s2);
cout << s << endl;</syntaxhighlight>
More fully featured examples are available at [https://github.com/CNHume/Samples/tree/master/C%2B%2B/LCS Samples/C++/LCS].
Line 987 ⟶ 980:
lcsRecursion('', 'x') =
lcsRecursion('x', 'x') = x</pre>
func$ right a$ n .
return substr a$ (len a$ - n + 1) n
func$ left a$ n .
if n < 0
n = len a$ + n
return substr a$ 1 n
func$ lcs a$ b$ .
if len a$ = 0 or len b$ = 0
return ""
if right a$ 1 = right b$ 1
return lcs left a$ -1 left b$ -1 & right a$ 1
x$ = lcs a$ left b$ -1
y$ = lcs left a$ -1 b$
if len x$ > len y$
return x$
return y$
print lcs "1234" "1224533324"
print lcs "thisisatest" "testing123testing"
Line 2,146 ⟶ 2,176:
<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
function Lengths(x,y: string): array[,] of integer;
var (m,n) := (x.Length,y.Length);
var C := new integer[m+1, n+1]; // filled with zeroes
for var i:=1 to m do
for var j:=1 to n do
if x[i] = y[j] then
C[i,j] := C[i-1,j-1] + 1
else C[i,j] := max(C[i,j-1], C[i-1,j]);
Result := C;
function lcshelper(x,y: string; i,j: integer): string;
var C := Lengths(x,y);
if (i = 0) or (j = 0) then
Result := ''
else if X[i] = Y[j] then
Result := lcshelper(X, Y, i-1, j-1) + X[i]
else if C[i,j-1] > C[i-1,j] then
Result := lcshelper(X, Y, i, j-1)
else Result := lcshelper(X, Y, i-1, j)
function lcs(x,y: string) := lcshelper(x,y,x.Length,y.Length);
Line 2,165 ⟶ 2,234:
===Alternate letting regex do all the work===
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;
use strict; # https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Longest_common_subsequence
use warnings;
use feature 'bitwise';
print "lcs is ", lcs('thisisatest', 'testing123testing'), "\n";
Line 2,175 ⟶ 2,243:
my ($c, $d) = @_;
for my $len ( reverse 1 .. length($c &. $d) )
"$c\n$d" =~ join '.*', ('(.)') x $len, "\n", map "\\$_", 1 .. $len and
Line 2,183 ⟶ 2,251:
<pre>lcs is tsitesttastiest</pre>
Line 3,181 ⟶ 3,249:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func lcs(xstr, ystr) is cached {
xstr.is_empty && return xstr;
ystr.is_empty && return ystr;
var(x, xs, y, ys) = (xstr.ftfirst(0,01), xstr.ftslice(1),
ystr.ftfirst(0,01), ystr.ftslice(1));
if (x == y) {
x + lcs(xs, ys)
} else {
[lcs(xstr, ys), lcs(xs, ystr)].max_by { .len };
say lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing");</syntaxhighlight>
Line 3,372 ⟶ 3,440:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">var lcs // recursive
lcs = Fn.new { |x, y|
if (x.count == 0 || y.count == 0) return ""