Longest common subsequence: Difference between revisions

(Removed unnecessary it1->empty() optimization.)
(4 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
Line 601:
if (traceLCS) {
// Return the LCS as a linked list of matched index pairs:
auto last = chains.sizeempty() >? 0nullptr ?: chains.back() : nullptr;
// Reverse longest chain
*pairs = Pair::Reverse(last);
Line 980:
lcsRecursion('', 'x') =
lcsRecursion('x', 'x') = x</pre>
func$ right a$ n .
return substr a$ (len a$ - n + 1) n
func$ left a$ n .
if n < 0
n = len a$ + n
return substr a$ 1 n
func$ lcs a$ b$ .
if len a$ = 0 or len b$ = 0
return ""
if right a$ 1 = right b$ 1
return lcs left a$ -1 left b$ -1 & right a$ 1
x$ = lcs a$ left b$ -1
y$ = lcs left a$ -1 b$
if len x$ > len y$
return x$
return y$
print lcs "1234" "1224533324"
print lcs "thisisatest" "testing123testing"
Line 3,173 ⟶ 3,210:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">func lcs(xstr, ystr) is cached {
xstr.is_empty && return xstr;
ystr.is_empty && return ystr;
var(x, xs, y, ys) = (xstr.ftfirst(0,01), xstr.ftslice(1),
ystr.ftfirst(0,01), ystr.ftslice(1));
if (x == y) {
x + lcs(xs, ys)
} else {
[lcs(xstr, ys), lcs(xs, ystr)].max_by { .len };
say lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing");</syntaxhighlight>
Line 3,364 ⟶ 3,401:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">var lcs // recursive
lcs = Fn.new { |x, y|
if (x.count == 0 || y.count == 0) return ""
